Let’s hope I don’t screw up posting this blog like I did on Friday when I put in the wrong date
So we had a good weekend. Lunch on Friday with my sister was awesome, and I got my chocolate cake! That was exactly what I wanted, it was so good. I brought what I couldn’t eat home for Wizard, so he was happy too. I really enjoyed a day out with Biker Witch.
The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet, we just did normal things. Youngest stopped by on Saturday, and Maggie lost her mind with joy. Then after about 10 minutes, she went to bed in another room. She’s fickle like that, LOL.
I talked to middle son, and they are now playing the waiting game. Their daughter is due in two weeks, and who knows when she’ll arrive. The joy of hearing how excited he is — it’s everything to me. It makes me smile all the time. I also video chatted with Turbo to find out how his first week of 1st grade went, and it’s all good. He’s adjusting to a new school quickly and making friends. I’m proud of him! These are such important steps in a child’s life.
Sunday we’d made plans to meet friends for lunch at a winery, but we cancelled that. I was disappointed, but I wasn’t feeling my best. And…mosquitos! The LUUVVV me. Sigh. Most of the bites have been mildly annoying to me, and amusing to Wizard to watch how my body overreacts. This last one, however, had a mean streak and bit on my ankle over my bad joint. The swelling is not pretty and makes my ankle stiff. It’s not really painful, but the ankle looks terrible and the swelling makes flexing or bending the joint a little harder. I didn’t think being out in the heat would help that. So we asked for a raincheck with our friends and they graciously understood.
And a programming note: Assuming nothing changes the date, I’ll have surgery on Wednesday and I don’t plan to be back on the blog until at least Monday, maybe longer. If I feel up to it in that time, I will try to send a quick update, but I can’t promise. Just trust that all went well and I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Now I’d love to hear how your weekend was!
August 19th, 2024 at 1:15 am · Link
I’m going to try to post. If it works, I’ll write more later. I don’t type well on the iPad😆.
I’m glad you had a nice weekend. Sorry you canceled lunch but you have to listen to your body,
Yum in the cake.
I’ll be praying for you and wishing you a swift recovery. Don’t worry about anything but you until you feel better. Everything is always going to be there when you feel better.
We had my birthday dinner and it was great. I think it’s the best group outing.
Have a great day.
August 19th, 2024 at 11:59 am · Link
Yay for Biker Witch, baby watch, Turbo facetime, and chocolate cake. Boo on mosquito bites and having to cancel but something to look forward to when you’re all better! Sending many good and healing thoughts and prayers your way!
My weekend was hot. Stormy had soccer tournament. They won 1, lost 2, but the game they won (7-1) was against the team just above them in their club. That was a big woo-hoo! Stormy played well, from what we hear. We only made that one game (which they won). Jake got to go and get pets. The Kids had a canopy set up so there was shade at least.
I did a little writing but mostly just vegged out. I really need to stop doing that. This dang book won’t ever get finished unless I start working diligently on it!
Only got the chance to meet some of her students Friday and she’s still super excited about this new adventure. Stormy is glad to be back in school. He’s in a split class_-5th and 6th graders so he’s actually “working” up a year. (ie. he’s mostly doing 6th grade work while the rest of the 5th graders are doing 5th grade stuff.)
It’s hot today but supposed to cool down some tomorrow and through the week until the weekend. That’ll be nice. We’ll miss you while you’re gone but you do what you need to do to heal and feel better! Will definitely hold you, Wiz, and your kids in my thoughts on Wednesday! 🤗💖
August 19th, 2024 at 2:05 pm · Link
That was supposed to say that I think it’s our last group outing. Hubs did not do well towards the end. Got a bit snippy with A over being offered a strawberry. A handled it fine.
I talked to the Dr.’s office this morning and she did some research and found that the request for the MRI never had any movement from Anthem. Of course there is no way for her to contact them other than email. She was ticked. So she just re-submitted the request. Fingers crossed that it works this time.
Today is nice and cool, 64F. Tomorrow should be about the same but with sun. By the weekend we will be back close to 90F.
On the way home from dinner Saturday night it was raining super heavy. When we got home there was an alter that we had had 1 1/2″ of rain in 30 minutes (I believe it) and were under flash flood warning. The weather has really been goofy lately.
I will be sending up extra prayers for you, Wizard, and Maggie. Let recovery come at it’s own pace and heal well ☺️.
August 19th, 2024 at 3:55 pm · Link
Viki, I’m really sorry you had trouble posting on the blog last Friday.
I hope you had a good birthday despite the issue with hubs. It’s sad to think that might be your last group outing, and hope you can find another way of gathering to celebrate. It’s so hard to be in your situation.
I wish it was unbelievable that the mri request stalled somewhere in Anthem, but it’s so typical these days. Wizard’s going through a similar thing with a referral. It’d endlessly frustrating. I hope this time it goes through and makes its way to the right people for approval ASAP!
It’s a nice break to have the cooler temps, but wow on the rainfall! I hope you don’t experience any flooding!
Thank you on everything! I appreciate all the prayers and good wishes. I just want it all over with now
Have a good afternoon!
August 19th, 2024 at 4:00 pm · Link
Silver, thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers!
The heat is a lot, isn’t it? But yay Stormy for playing well and winning the game you were able to attend!!! Of course Jake had to please his fan club
And I’m not surprised Stormy is work at and above his grade level! He’s not only a smart, motivated boy, but he has excellent support with his parents and grandparents, and that is a great setup for success.
So happy for Only!!
I get the need to work more diligently on the book, but weekends off are also good. It’s a balance that we’re always struggling to achieve.
Yay for a cool down. We’re going to get one or two days of cooler temps here too, and I’m so happy about that.
Talk to you soon!