Jennifer Lyon

Archive for August, 2024

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Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
All About Maggie Wednesday

Maggie is clinically fine. The vet took a urine sample so that should come in soon just to be sure. Once that comes back fine, she’ll work on adjusting meds. As long as Maggie’s not sick, we’ll figure out the rest. She’s slightly sluggish today from the Rabies shot, but overall tolerated it very well.

Now for the fun part. They took Maggie back for the testing and shot, I could hear a bunch of women exclaiming and I thought, Oh they must have a puppy back there. But then I heard Maggie’s name. It appears she’s gathered a fan club back there, LOLOL! The vet brought her back to me and said they were all talking to her because every time they do, she wags her tail and wiggles in happiness. The vet said she must be a happy girl at home.

Yep, except when she’s in prey drive chasing lizards and totally ignoring my commands. The night before she’d looked at me from the top of the hill in sheer obstinance. That’s rare but she has her moments for sure. So yeah…she was just showing off at the vet’s office, LOLOL!! (Shh, don’t tell her, but I’ve seen them exclaim over other dogs, so Maggie’s probably not as special as she thinks.)

But at least we’re reasonably sure she’s in good shape physically. I don’t really thing we can cure her show-off-itis :-)

How’s your day going?

Monday, August 5th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

It’s blazing hot here! Which is pretty normal for this time of year, but I’m hoping the heat doesn’t last all the way through September and into October.  Okay here’s the highlight reel of my weekend:

Friday: My birthday was mostly low key and very nice. Wizard got me Hoka shoes for walking, something I could not bring to buy for myself because they aren’t cheap, so I love them. He also got me some serving dishes I really wanted from Pottery Barn which I LOVE, but again…well you know all know, I’m cheap :-) But I’m so happy to have them. I’m not big on stuff overall, but these dishes make me happy to have in my cupboard ready to use. Then Friday night we met Youngest and Daughter in law for dinner and had a lovely time! They are always fun.

Saturday, it was the shower. It turned out well!! I’m so happy. I loved working with my daughter in law’s mom, it was great to get to know her a bit better that way. And I had fun driving with my sister, my youngest daughter in law and her mom. Biker Witch thought I was trying to kill her with my driving, but HA!!! I got her home alive and unscathed. Seriously, the day went well, and the company on the long drive was made it enjoyable. There are things I thought I could  have done better at the shower, but who cares — the shower was great, the guests happy and the guest of honor very pleased and gracious.

Sunday I got caught up on a few things, then we took our big gift out to our son and daughter-in-law for the baby. It’s the bassinet they wanted and I’m so glad I didn’t take it to the shower now as there were a LOT of gifts. We barely got them packed in the big vehicle we used to transport them home! As a side note: There was some incredibly thoughtful and creative gifts there — I’m in awe of people with that talent! Anyhow, seeing all the baby stuff in their house now made it even more real and exciting. The baby’s room is so cute! My son and daughter-in-law are both doing great. My daughter-in-law is in her last month of pregnancy — and the excellent care she’s taken of herself really shows. And I got to spend quality time with Jett and Hazel — two of my favorite grand pups! They are so loving that I came home covered in dog hair. That’s always a sign of a good day in my world, LOL.

Maggie has a vet appointment this afternoon for her rabies shot and checkup. She’s been doing better this last week, but I’ll bring up my areas of concern. The the rest of the week is pretty easy. Friday is my UCI appointment but I’m pretty set for that too. It’s nice to feel a bit more caught up this week which is a good way to start out the week!

How was your weekend?

Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Friday Five!

TGIF! Who let August in??? If feels too soon :-) Okay let’s dive into sharing five random things about our week.

  1. My daughter in law took a picture of Wizard and me last week, and I look like a big puffy older woman. And I thought that shirt I was wearing looked okay, but nope. I’m a little traumatized, LOL. Also I’m not stressing about weight gain or loss until after I get “fixed” then I’ll figure out the path to feeling my best weight wise. But still, pictures of me are now banned to protect my mental health :-)
  2. On the other hand, my grandson, Turbo, has style!
  3. My hand is healing so well now. I was able to do a bit of yoga yesterday with no real pain, and it just ached a bit at the end of the deal. A huge improvement! Plus the swelling is gone (or mostly gone). I’ll admit (now)  that when I slammed my hand into the drawer pull on Sunday, I wasn’t sure if I broke a bone or not. The hand/wrist bones don’t have much padding to protect them. I leaned toward not haven’t broken anything, but still, I’m relieved.
  4. Tonight we’re going to dinner with Youngest and his wife for my birthday. It’s a not a big deal birthday this year. Too many other things going on, and I’m fine with that.
  5. Tomorrow is the baby shower! My daughter in law’s mom has done a huge chunk of the work, but I’ve enjoyed helping where I can. Please cross your fingers that we pull this off — all arranged by phone, text and email since we live about 180 miles apart :-) We both want my daughter in law to have a lovely shower celebrating this much-wanted child, and we sincerely hope the guests have a good time too!

That’s my five, now I’d really love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a delightful weekend!

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