Jennifer Lyon

Friday, September 20th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. The weeks are a blur this year. Seriously, both Wizard and I are trying to keep up lately! We’ve been trying to get to landscaping the front year without success. All that said, I have been feeling better this week with a bit more energy — however I tend to overspend that energy because I am not wise, LOL.
  2. We are keeping Amazon busy this week by ordering randomly weird stuff. My two biggest thrill was a counter top organizer for my sponges, soaps etc., and a bread sling (from moving sourdough in and out of the Dutch oven. I didn’t even know I needed a bread sling until I learned I did — on YouTube :-) Where I learn most of the important and live-changing things these days.
  3. We hit Costco yesterday for our every month or two stock up, and we also hit the highest amount spent in one shopping. We were out of a lot of stuff! It was all boring stuff too, except we did pick up some wine.
  4. This morning we’re going to the endocrinologist doctor for my followup. We are very glad to get this appointment, BUT…we have to be there at 8:20 and which means we’ll need to leave by 6:20 am because California traffic is just that miserable. That’s inconvenient but not too big a deal. What stresses me out is making sure Maggie gets a walk first — in the early morning dark and striving to not getting attacked by a coyote or any other creature who has been displaced by the fire. Seriously I have a path planned that should keep us safe, but Maggie really needs a walk because we’ll be gone a good portion of the day…
  5. …Because after the appointment, we plan to go see our Granddaughter and her mom!!  That we’re excited about! There will some jostling and possible elbow jabs as we, um, negotiate who gets to hold her when and for how long :-)   Then in the evening we’re going to dinner with Youngest and his wife to celebrate her birthday. We’re late celebrating because I had surgery and then she was gone on a vacation and then both our houses almost burned down…so yeah, late. Also our houses didn’t actually almost burn down, but the threat was very real (any time one can see the flames from their house, the threat is heart-poundingly real!).

And that’s my week, now I’d love to hear yours!!! I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    September 20th, 2024 at 8:49 am · Link

    ARGH!!! I just somehow managed to erase my comment. *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* 🤦🏼‍♀️ Starting over…

    Yay for feeling better and landscaping can wait. Yay for fun gadgets! Y’all have been a little busy so yeah on the big stock-up run but also, sticker shock! Good luck on the appointment. 🤞🏼 crossed on good news though ugh drive. For future early a.m. walks, maybe take a coach’s whistle and very bright LED flashlight to scare off the critters. Maggie must have her walkies! Hope it was a safe one. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! for family time with The Middles (and precious grandbaby) and the Youngests for b-day celebrating. Good times. And very happy for the not-burning-down thing! When you can see the flames, all bets are off. Hope you had a fun, family-filled day. Okay, my five:

    1. Summer has dug her claws in this week. We’ve broken a couple of high temp records. The weather gurus say that this is the witch’s last hurrah and Fall will sneak in Sunday night with highs in the 70s next week. We’ll see. I am skeptical.

    2. I have new clothes. I got 3 new long-sleeveT-shirts in various colors. Too hot to wear them yet but they were only $5. Also got a pair of boot cut jeans for $11 and a pair of parachute pants (like cargo/BDU pants but made of parachute-like fabric and like BDUs, have strings in the leg hems to draw them closed) for $6 on sale.

    3. Had a weird health deal on Wednesday. Woke up light-headed and feeling like I was leaning forward ready to pitch over on my face. Turned out, I sorta was. I was wobbly all day but pushed through. Don’t know if it was low blood sugar, high blood pressure, or what. I’m fine now but if it happens again, will definitely discuss with my doc.

    4. Speaking of gadgets… Got a new coffee maker for free. Somehow, I got on Hamilton Beach’s product tester list. If I respond quick enough to their email, I get to pick a product. They ship it to me, I try it, and write a review. This time, it’s a fancy multi-function coffee maker. I can do a pot, in various quantities. There’s a single serve function and accessories for either K-cup or loose grounds and you can determine cup size in ounces. There’s also a cold brew function that I haven’t figured out yet because the drink comes out hot. I need to go back and really read those instructions. :lol: Anyway, I love the darn thing. I do wish it came with a thermal carafe because the warming plate only stays on for 2 hours. I can’t drink a full pot in 2 hours but that’s okay because SINGLE SERVE! Anyway, I love it and it will be getting 5 stars. And no, I am NOT tossing my Bunn coffee maker. I love it too. I’ll just store it in the closet just in case.

    5. Pete story of the week: He has me trained. He also knows what “Want to go out?” means. He will come into the office and brush against my legs to let me know that he’s ready to face the outside world. This is the only time he rubs against my legs. The other day, he brushed me and I said, “Wanna go out?” He immediately headed to the hallway and stood at the door to the garage. I opened it, let him out. Now, what makes this a funny story is that Jake was standing at the intersection of hallways and kitchen practically bouncing in place. He heard me say, “Wanna go out?” and thought I was talking to him. Yes, he went out too. Cats and dogs. What can I say?

    Looking forward to the weekend. ESPN College Game Day is at OU this week. They take on Tennessee. My OSU Cowboys play Utah earlier in the afternoon. After finally getting over the hump of chapter 50, I’m headed to the finish line and while I still won’t answer definitively, I have hopes that by the time Fall arrives on Sunday, I’ll be done. We’ll see. Have a great–and safe–weekend, all! 🥰

  2. Viki S.
    September 20th, 2024 at 2:07 pm · Link

    1. You’re right, time is flying. The landscaping can wait a little while longer. It’s great that you are getting your energy back, but take it slow.
    2. We go through Amazon spending periods too. It is funny how you find things you really need when you are least expecting to ie the bread sling. That will be so handy.
    3. Sounds like a good Costco run. I haven’t been there in over a year. C just gets me TP and laundry supplies when he goes for dog food.
    4. I hope your planned route worked out well for you and Maggie. With the fires , you are smart to be extra careful of unexpected wildlife near humans. I hope all went well at the doctors.
    5. Yes to baby and DIL time. It’s easy to picture you two grandparents working to outsmart the other to get baby time 😂. Have yummy dinner with BLB and DIL.

    1a. I had a massage yesterday to work my shoulder.
    2a. Today I got my roots covered up.
    3a. Hopefully C is taking hubs to TN next Friday. I sure hope it happens.
    4a. I stopped at the local apple farm and bought my first fresh gallon of cider of the year. It is SO good. It’s not that stuff they sell in the grocery store which is basically apple juice.
    5a. I think I’m going tot go to Trader Joe’s early tomorrow morning. If not, I’ll go Monday AM. It’s the time of year when they get pumpkin ravioli which I love. They have the best. I like to saute’ it in a pan with butter, sage, and chopped pecans – yum.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    September 20th, 2024 at 3:36 pm · Link

    :hugs: I’m sorry the fires got that close to you and yours. I hear ya on the blur thing. Yay for Amazon. I hope your early walk went well and also your drive and your appointment. Yay for seeing the new grandbaby!

    1) The electric company came and butchered our trees today. They took out three and did horrible things to two others, but it was necessary to protect the power lines. Knowing that doesn’t make me any happier with what they did, though. =o\
    2) I did a run to Wallyworld this morning and picked up mums for the front garden bed. It was too hot to actually put them in when I got home, but they’ll wait until tomorrow.
    3) I also picked up dirt so I can repot my cedar tree. I’m still not ready to put it in the ground. I’ll put it in a bigger pot this weekend.
    4) I have all these plans for all these projects, but I don’t have the gumption to do most of them. I need to rectify that.
    5) I also need to get the gumption to actually write and edit on a regular basis. Like every day. Maybe not both every day but one or the other every day.

  4. Jenn
    September 20th, 2024 at 5:26 pm · Link

    Silver, Grrr! I hate when that happens!! Sorry you lost your comment :-( Drs visit was good (more on Monday, if I remember, LOL). Also Maggie did get a safe, and short walk. She was fine with it and we were very careful.

    1) Ugh on the heat, and hope Fall shows up as scheduled!
    2) You win the award for budget shopping!!! I’m impressed!
    3) I hope that weirdness does NOT show up again. But it wouldn’t hurt to mention it at your next doctor visit.
    4) One should always have a back up coffee maker! I don’t and I worry… But yay on the Hamilton Beach one! It sounds amazing. I think you’re supposed to put ice in the carafe for the iced coffee — I read that in my instructions but am scared to try it and crack the carafe. I’ll be happy for you to try it since you have a backup coffemaker! On the other hand, I really wouldn’t listen to me since I’m going by memory of something I read almost a year ago :-)
    5) Clearly they both understand the human language very well. But I can just image Jake’s look of … wait you are talking to me right? And yeah, they do train us!

    You have a big weekend coming up with sports, Fall and hopefully The End (or closer at least!). I hope it’s a great weekend!!

  5. Jenn
    September 20th, 2024 at 5:34 pm · Link

    Viki, the Amazon thing is weird, we run hot and cold. And yay for C saving you from having to go to Costco! I like the store itself but not the crowds there. Maggie and I got in the quick walk and home safely this morning. And the DR visit was good, a bit overwhelming but still good.

    1) I hope the massage helped and the results last.
    2) That always feels refreshing to hide the color of wisdom in our hair :-) I’m doing mine tomorrow.
    3) Crossing my fingers that hubs will be up to going to TN. It’s good for you to have a break, as well as being good for him. C
    4) I so believe you on the cider. I bought it once in the grocery store and regretted it. Enjoy!
    5) I saw the pumpkin ravioli last Sunday when I was at TJs! It sounds good the way you prep it. I’m going to keep that in mind! Hope you can get there tomorrow morning!

    I really hope you have a good weekend!

  6. Jenn
    September 20th, 2024 at 5:38 pm · Link

    B.E., our grandbaby is so precious! And son and DIL are very generous with letting us hold and enjoy her. And thanks on all!

    1) I’m sorry for the necessary evil performed on the trees :-( It makes me sad, but fires will do worse harm, so I guess it had to be done.
    2) The mums will be pretty once it’s cool enough to put them in.
    3) Sounds like your cedar tree is doing well! One day, he’ll be all grown and ready for living in the ground :-)
    4) That’s me too! A thousand projects and the will/energy to do maybe one of them, LOL. But you’re trying and you’ll get there in time!
    5) You’ll do it!! Look how committed to writing/editing you were for your month challenge with Silver. But there are a lot of other projects and tasks taking up time too. You just need to feel settled into retirement and that takes a while. But I know you’ll do it!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

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