Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024
Wednesday Catch-up

I’m back!! I didn’t intend to totally disappear, but I guess I went into vacation mode and didn’t surface until now :-) I also no longer have a laptop and hate trying to do it on my phone…so my laziness played into that, too.

The trip was good! We had fun, and I love being at the beach. We got to spend some time with Turbo, but also, Turbo and his dad are best buddies. Here’s a pic of Turbo and his dad:

My daughter in law isn’t in this pic because she took it.

We had some good meals, but the best was at Robin’s in Cambria. I ordered the New York steak and devoured it. I asked for my steak medium well (yeah, yeah, all the foodies are aghast), and it came out perfectly cooked while still tender and flavorfull. I loved it.  The whole meal was lovely. My family was all, “I’ve never seen you eat so much.”  That’s ridiculous, of course. I eat a ton (I’m serious, I eat a lot of food). But I often adjust my eating according to what we’re doing, so to others it can look like I don’t eat much. Follow me around my house in my daily life, and people would be amazed. I wasn’t worried that night, so I ate it all and had dessert! Honestly, I’m surprised my stomach didn’t act up.

Wizard and I took a side trip to one winery we both liked, and bought some. We really enjoyed that. While we went there, Turbo and his family went to a farm to pet goats. He had a great time! I love goats, but the farm would have been difficult for Wizard and I wanted to go to the winery too.

Otherwise we did some shopping, (of course I took Turbo to a candy store because I’m a card carrying grandma),  walked on the beach and some trails, ate lots of food, and did all the normal vacation things. Oldest brought their bikes, and they road them all over the town. I wanted to rent one, but Wizard was concerned I’d fall. I doubt it, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep up with The Biking Family, so I didn’t.  Plus if I did fall, I’d never hear the end of it!

The drive — I drove roughly half way both ways. The first time we changed places, we’d pulled over at a gas station. Wizard started in on me, “Make a U Turn. Why aren’t you going? Just make a U-turn and go back out to the street.”  Um I didn’t make the U Turn the second you said it because I didn’t want to whip around  in front of the semi truck that pulled in!  This back and forth went on for a minute while I waiting for the truck until I turned to him, and said, “Wizard, We haven’t even left the gas station and you’re starting.” He stopped. And surprise, I got us all the way to Cambria and found out hotel with no trouble.

We also had a power outage on Sunday night. Trust me, it’s pitch black at the beach. And now I have a massive bruise on my leg where I hit the wood bed frame while trying to change clothes in the dark. But I’ll take the bruise because when I hit my leg, it felt like it had split open. I had visions of trying to find a place to stitch it up during this big power outage on a Sunday evening. When we got some light on it and saw it was just a bruise, I considered that a win. It barely aches so it’s fine. I even took Maggie for a walk and did a mile. All good there.

That’s a bit of our trip. As always, I’m happy to spend time with our kids when they ask us.

How was your weekend and how’s your week going?

6 comments to “Wednesday Catch-up”

  1. Viki S.
    November 13th, 2024 at 3:25 pm · Link

    Nice photo of Turbo and his dad 🥰. It really looks like a wonderful weekend. Petting the goats and buying wine would be highlights for me 😉.

    Ouch! Sorry you hurt yourself smacking into the bed post but am glad you’re doing okay. Maggie must be happy too since she got her walk. I bet she missed you guys.

    So what happened to your laptop? Did you just decide not to use one anymore? Doing stuff on the phone is a royal pain in the butt. I don’t know how the youngins’ do everything on their phones. I can’t see half the stuff 😄.

    We had our anniversary dinner Saturday at the place we’d never been before. It was very good but expensive. We ordered a bowl of warm olives that was $8 and I’d swear there was over $10 of olives in the bowl. No one had dessert because we were full.

    The week is going along as to be expected.

    Have a great afternoon!

  2. Jenn
    November 13th, 2024 at 4:46 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks it was fun. I love trips, but hate the prep and the catching up afterward :-)

    Maggie seemed to do okay at boarding but she was very happy to get home and see us!

    My old laptop just slowed to impossible to use. I finally give up trying to fix it. And yeah, I can’t do anything significant on the phone. Since I’m home most of the time, I don’t worry about it. But travel makes it hard!

    Wow, it sounds like you got your money’s worth with those olives! Hope you had a great anniversary! And a wonderful dinner! I get it with dessert — that happens to be all the time.

    Hope your week is going well!

  3. Silver James
    November 13th, 2024 at 5:08 pm · Link

    I am soooo late in getting to blogs today! Busy stuff. Ouch on the leg but happy it’s almost all better. And yay for Wiz figuring out that you can actually drive without instruction. Don’t tell LG, but I’m a better driver (except at night!) and I’m usually white-knuckled whenever he drives. When I drive, he just sulks. 🤣 Yay for a wonderful trip and family time. Now I want a steak. Yummers. Turbo is getting SOOOO TALL! They grow up so fast. I bet Maggie was happy to have y’all home. We missed you so very glad you’re back.

    My weekend was boring and the week so far is good is busy. I’ve got a couple of projects on my desk at the moment. I did laundry. Today was Walmart and then I fell down a rabbit hole researching something and just now surfaced. :roll:

    S’all good here, so far. *knocks wood* Happy Hump Day!

  4. B.E. Sanderson
    November 13th, 2024 at 7:15 pm · Link

    Yay, you’re back! I totally forgot you were going somewhere and I wondered where you were on Monday. (Then I went back and read your last post and was all like DUH.) I’m late today because I assumed you were still done. Also duh. Anyway, I’m so glad you had an awesome anniversary trip. :hugs:

    The week’s going fine here. I made Outrageous Chocolate Chip Cookies today, so I’ve got that going for me. ;o) See ya Friday.

  5. Jenn
    November 14th, 2024 at 6:00 pm · Link

    Silver, Turbo is shooting up in height this year! It’s amazing how those growth spurts hit like that. My leg really is fine, it’s just a bruise. And I missed you guys too!

    Yay for a good week so far, and boring weekends aren’t a bad thing. But those rabbit holes are a time suck! Happens to me a lot!

    I’m late on comments again. I didn’t see this until this morning.

  6. Jenn
    November 14th, 2024 at 6:03 pm · Link

    B.E., thanks so much! The trip was nice, and being home is also nice.

    Outrageous Chocolate Chip Cookies sound like a good, or a solution to a bad day! Hope you and hubby are enjoying them!

    I’m late on your comment too. I must do better!

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