Friday, December 20th, 2024
Friday Five
TGIF! Are the holidays always such a whirlwind? But you know what? Keeping busy isn’t a bad thing Anyhow, let’s get into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- I went to the dentist on Monday and they did a full set of x-rays and cleaning and all is well. Considering the year I’ve had, it’s nice to get good news anywhere on the health front.
- We bought two pictures over a year ago — and just this last week Wizard had them professionally frame. Because we get right on stuff like that, LOL. Wizard hung them then in the office and they add a lot of color.
- I’ve been baking. Let’s see if I can remember what I’ve made: Cranberry orange bread with an orange glaze, double batch of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, double batch of Mocha Toffee cookies, double batch of Pistachio Cookies with brown butter icing, double batch of lemon cookies, gluten free lemon bars, gluten free oatmeal chocoate chip bars, and double batch of gluten free chocolate crinkle cookies. Have I forgotten anything? I don’t know! Oh wait, I also made peppermint bark.
- Wednesday I ran to the store, and I paid $11.99 for 18 eggs. I was so mad. And then the bag guy wanted to bag my eggs separately and the checker stopped him. I watched in horror as she told him the put the eggs on the bottom of the bag, then added three pounds of butter, two pounds of powdered sugar then picked up a bag of lemons and told him to put those on top. OF MY EGGS THAT COST $11.99. That when I said, “No. Those are eggs on the bottom. I’ll take the bag of lemons.” I’m being serious when I say that was me being restrained. But the bag guy was new, and trying. It was the checker I was annoyed with.
- Tomorrow is the family party at Oldest’s house. He’s every excited for us to see his lights — he totally went Christmas Vacation (the movie) with his outside decor. I’m brining dessert, so I ordered an apple pie, and will make gluten free/dairy free cupcakes. I’ll probably make chocolate cupcakes and sprinkle cupcakes, but I’m also considering a S’mores cupcake with Marshmallow icing. I have concerns about the Marshmallow icing melting so I may hold off on that one. These are not my best desserts, but they should be okay.
That’s my week, now it’s your turn! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
December 20th, 2024 at 9:17 am · Link
Yay for dental goodness. I have paintings and pictures stored in a closet from when LG closed his office. I wish we had a place for them. I won’t talk about the stuff in that closet from when we moved 30 years ago.
Holy cannoli, you should open a bakery! The few times I’ve gone through a check-out lane, *I* bag my groceries. I’m very particular where and how my groceries are bagged so I’m ALL about the self-check. But dang?!? $11.99? That’s insane! 18 count here is $5.87. Yay for family parties and “Christmas Vacation” lights! Okay, my five:
1. We found out Wednesday that Christmas would be at our house. Guess what’s coming out of the garage and going up tomorrow–yup. The tree. It’s a long story. Santa will be at the Kids house–just them. Then they are coming here for presents and cinnamon rolls and then turkey sandwiches (yes, I’m roasting the turkey for the sandwiches) and then dessert. I bought Mrs. Fields Pecan Pie and will make the pumpkin.
2. Along with celebration news, I finally got Christmas lists. Stuff go ordered and now parts of the ‘Zon are on strike. I’ve already gotten notice that one gift will not arrive until New Year’s Eve.
At least it’s for a big kid. Hopefully, the rest will be here by Christmas Eve.
3. Some stocking stuffers, a few LG presents (no list, he gets what he gets), and much food was had after a MASSIVE mission to Walmart yesterday. I’m glad I stalled this week so I didn’t have to go twice. Jake got lots of attention and he brightened many days and there were many “Merry Christmas”(s) exchanged. I’m hoping not to go back until after Christmas. Anything we might need food-wise can come from the nearest regular grocery store.
4. True story. I couldn’t find a favorite Christmas sweatshirt yesterday as I was getting dressed for Wallyworld. I decided it might be in my cedar chest. I had to clear the top of the chest to open it. Then I realized there was a whole bunch of stuff in there I hadn’t worn in years! Literally. Over an hour later, the top of the chest is clear but for two decor pillows, it contains minimal stuff (like an antique Pendleton blanket), and we have a HUGE bag of things for the thrift shop. No sweatshirt. The sweaters that I can NOW wear (too small before but I was too cheap to toss) were put up in the built-in cabinet I use as a dresser and guess what I found…yeah. The sweatshirt. 🤦🏼♀️ I was already dressed but I know where the dang sweatshirt is now!
5. Pete story of the week. He has now decided to live up to his formal name: Petronius the Arbitor. If I’m not up and moving in the morning at the precise time he thinks I should be up and moving, he camps out on top of me and stares. That usually works. If it doesn’t, he pokes my nose or cheek with a paw and stares some more. That works. Beware. It’s not a conspiracy theory. Cats do, indeed, plan to take over the world.
5.5 Bonus event–appointment with my Primary Care doc went great. She’s happy with my labs, my lungs, my posture, and my cognition. Unless I get sick, she’ll see me a year from now and oh, yeah, would I please get a mammogram and bone density test sometime between now and then. I’ll get right on that. Next year.
Have a great weekend, all! Mine will be busier than usual. Since no one has come to our house the past few years, we’ve kept decor to a minimum. Yikes! Also, there will be baking.
December 20th, 2024 at 3:16 pm · Link
1. Great news with the dentist ☺️.
2. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we can’t wait to get an item and after we do, it sits 😉? Wonderful to hear that the pictures really add to the office.
3. My you have been baking up a storm. Everyone will be so happy with all the goodies. Making the special ones shows how much you love your family.
4. Oh you are SO much better than I am. As soon as the clerk stepped in and had the poor bagger put the eggs at the bottom of the bag I would have told her NO and that the bagger was doing the correct thing with eggs. ALWAYS keep them safe and in their own bag. The woman was an idiot. I thought $6/doz was bad here. I feel your pain.
5. Please give us the rundown on the Griswold house lights Monday. Your desserts sound wonderful.
1a. I got my hair done. It doesn’t look all that good but I think it may just be me. My nails are all splitting too so something is up with me. Probably stress.
2a. DIL’s pan should arrive by 9 PM tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
3a. I bought Spunk some cat grass. I haven’t done it in a few years because he’ll just eat until he’s sick. So I’ve been giving it to him in small doses. So fa so good. He’s funny because he knows where I am growing it and keeps trying to get to it. The stretching he can do🤣.
4a. We were supposed to have pizza for diner tonight but when I got hubs up this morning he immediately informed me that he hates pizza. It’s crazy. He’s driving me nuts.
5a. I figure I’ll go out Sunday and buy the last minute stuff for Christmas brunch. I don’t want to be in the stores with and the hustle and bustle Monday or Tuesday.
Have a wonderful time at the party and have a great weekend!
December 20th, 2024 at 5:53 pm · Link
Silver, the egg thing was all around weird. The price had jumped significantly from the day before and it felt like price gouging. But I haven’t seen this store do that, so…who knows. Could be a number of things, but I honestly was mad at myself for not putting them back and going somewhere else.
1) Whoa, short notice on Christmas being at your house! But we adjust and adapt and it sounds like you have it figured out. Real roasted turkey sandwiches are so much better! I’d do the same thing
No need for an alarm clock now!
2) The strike thing makes my eye twitch for you. I’m sorry you’re caught in it. I know you waited a while for the lists so you’ve done all you can there.
3) Sounds like a mega trip to Walmart! But at least it’s done and Jake had a great time make everyone smile during the stressful season. Jake is awesome! And I’m sure LG will be happy with whatever you got him.
4) A lot of wins with opening that chest of clothes! But I laughed at how sidetracked you got — I’ve been there a few times, LOL!! And you found more sweaters plus the missing sweatshirt!
5) First, I agree, cats will take over the world. And I think Huskies) are mostly big, hairy cats, so they are part of the plot. Also, Pete’s pretty funny and he likes things to run in a timely manner
Bonus: Yay for your checked and get the mammogram. I put mine off too so I understand, but please get it. Hope your weekend isn’t too busy with prep and you have some fun too! But I get the frantic need to do it all because we’re SuperMoms.
December 20th, 2024 at 6:01 pm · Link
Viki, thanks — I’m hoping people like the baked goods. I know Wizard does
1) It could be stress, but keep an eye on it if you keep feeling off. it’s not always stress. I bet you look better than you think!!!
2) Wow you’ve had a time getting the gifts you ordered. Hope the pan shows up on time!
3) Cats are ingenious and Spunk will find a way! But I get why you’re trying to keep him from overeating it. Hopefully you’ll be able to stay one step ahead of him.
4) Oh boy, that’s so hard. Especially when you know he does like it. I’m sorry things are getting more frustrating that way.
5) Hope you have find the right time to beat the crowds in the stores. I suspect I’ll be in the thick of it Tuesday morning when I do my normal shopping. But I go first thing in the morning when it’s usually more tolerable.
Have a good weekend!!