I’m definitely feeling better! Yay. But it’s a busy week…more on that Friday.
So while I was in prison, um, I mean willingly resting as Wizard suggested after he decided that cleaning the floors somehow made me sicker…because that’s a thing, right? Anyhow, I needed a book. And I found one, LOVE MOM by Ilana Xander. It’s a psychological thriller and very easy reading (perfect for being on cold meds!) and I’m enjoying it. But I realized something — the heroine’s mom she was a bestselling author who either died in an accident or was murdered.
I’ll confess, the author part got my attention and helped me hit that buy now button. I guess we like what we know. Or probably more accurately, I wanted to see how something I know pretty well is portrayed and how accurate I think it is? I’m not sure, but I am liking the book so far.
So what are you reading?
I hope everyone else is staying healthy!
March 5th, 2025 at 3:00 pm · Link
Yay for finding a book to keep you occupied and bonus that you’er enjoying it. Also yay for feeling better. Look forwad to finding out how busy you’ve are/have been.
I’m still listening to the JD Robb book, PASSIONS IN DEATH. I have about an hour to go. I’ll start on the new release in the series once I’m done. Hopefully today. Or not.
I’m doing everything slower these days but at least I’m still doing them!
March 5th, 2025 at 3:19 pm · Link
That book sounds like a win. I’m glad you found it while you were laid up with the cold. It’s understandable that the author would be drawn to the author connection .
Now that you are well, thank goodness, are you planning a excursion to see baby girl?
I still have that post nasal garbage. It is SO annoying.
Hubs is being very difficult about going to see his therapist. The therapist was out of town all of Feb which made hubs very happy. He has made it clear that tomorrow’s appointment will be the last one he goes to. I can’t make him go.
Friday he has the neurologist. He loves her and thinks of her as his girlfriend. He’ll still give me trouble about going on Friday but he will go to that appointment.
I’m only 1/2 through When He Protects because I can’t stay awake once I get into bed.
I hope you are having a great day!
March 6th, 2025 at 12:35 pm · Link
Silver, sorry for the late response, we we’re gone yesterday. My week isn’t really exciting, just busy
I hear you on doing things slower! Hopefully you’re deep into listening to J.D. Robb’s new book now!
Hope your week is going well.
March 6th, 2025 at 12:41 pm · Link
Viki, I don’t think I’m recovered enough to see the baby just yet. The tail end of symptons are hanging on, but I’m just happy to be better and functioning
That nasal drip in your throat sounds so annoying. You’ve probably tried this, but I did find drinking hot tea and saline nasal spray in the evening sometimes helped some of that drain in the evening before bed. But otherwise, maybe allergy meds? Mine only happened sporadically, not non-stop like what you’re going through. I hope you can find a way to stop it!
I’m glad your husband likes the neurologist, but it sure is a challenge for you to manage all this. You seem to be doing a great job, and I admire you for it.
Hope you’re able to stay awake long enough to finish the book soon! I’m a very slow reader now when I used to be a speed reader, things just change with time (and technology!) I guess.
Happy Thursday!