Jennifer Lyon
Friday, May 5th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF! I hope everyone had a great week! Let’s get right to sharing five random things in our week:

  1. Clearly I can read a calendar, because until last night, I thought I was on jury duty starting this Monday. Wizard informed me that the 15th isn’t until the following Monday. It works out well for me as I had a few things I’d like to do next week but thought I couldn’t make plans. So that’s happy news.
  2. My Monday doctor appointment with my GI doctor was great! I have a diagnosis of elimination of IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) which is a vague  condition they don’t fully understand yet so they call it a “syndrome”. This doctor has been tremendously helpful in giving me tools to regain control, and once he pointed me in the right direction, I have done (and continue to do) a huge amount of research. When the doctor found that out how much effort and real change I’ve put into this, down to making my own bread, he was so pretty excited. I’m technically “released” with the caveat that I call him if I experience symptoms that I can’t get control of pretty quickly. I can’t let myself get to a point of losing weight uncontrollably for weeks again, and I’m understand that. I don’t really want to go through it again either :-). But yay for no more doctors, tests and labs for a while!
  3. I got my hair done yesterday and really like it! She redid the color to a cooler tone which I love. Wizard liked the warmer reddish tones but it’s my hair and he’s smart enough to be happy that I’m happy :-) I really love the cut too. I’d take a picture but I don’t want to, LOL!
  4. Maggie wanted to say something here: Guys guess what? I got a bath and a mani-pedi! And my friends at the groomers put this jazzy scarf on me too! My mom said I’m beautiful!
  5. This weekend we are having some of Wizard’s family out. I’m making chicken and beef enchiladas, rice and apple pie. I hopefully will get some sourdough bread made too and plan a bruschetta to go with it but that depends on how all I get done. We are looking forward to seeing them!

So that’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours!

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
Air Show Update

I told you guys how Wizard and I couldn’t get into the air show when we tried to go? We sat in line for 2 and 1/2 hours? Okay now that your memories are refreshed, I want to update that story.

We found out yesterday they are refunding our money. I went through the ticket company (by the way, NO REFUND was clearly marked while purchasing the tickets, and on the tickets themselves), and they indicated they had a lot of complaints and worked with the event planners to refund the tickets. We feel that is good customer service after something went wrong, and that they will work to correct whatever went wrong at future events.

Since I complained here, I felt I also needed to give equal space to people and organizations that try to make things right!

So how is your Wednesday going?

Monday, May 1st, 2023
Weekend Roundup

It’s May already! The weekend was pretty good. Friday I made the cupcakes for Saturday.

Saturday, I got my mammogram done, which made me happy since it took three months to get that appointment. Plus they were on time and the technician was quick. Then we went out to Oldest Son’s for the late April Birthdays Celebration. That was so fun. It was just our three sons kids, their wives and Turbo and us. We BBQed hamburgers, had pasta salad then cupcakes. Easy and fun!

Sunday, Wizard and I went to breakfast. Later I planned to go see youngest, but Wizard invited himself then hogged youngest by taking his drone over there :-(.  I was irritated. If that sounds petty, that’s because it totally is, LOL! But in my defense, Wizard had already been over there earlier in the day helping youngest with his garage door. But I did get to hang out with my daughter-in-law and grand puppy.

Later in the day, the sinus headache I’ve been fighting all week got mean. But I fought back with a combination of sinus meds and yoga. It sounds weird but it helped. I was able to cook and eat a dinner of shrimp and gluten-free fettuccini with some sourdough bread and all was well. Then I scratched my eye washing my face :-) I don’t even know how I do these things. I think after I took out my contacts, an eyelash must have gotten under my eyelid. I imagine it’ll be much better by tomorrow — which is actually today since I wrote this last night.

Today I see my GI doctor in the afternoon. I certainly feel a lot better than I did, so that’s good. It’s a bit of a work in progress but I’m hopeful that he agrees we’re headed in the right direction.

That was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, April 28th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF! It’s once again time to write the Friday Five post. So we’ll start with mine :-)

  1. So far, I only have five herb plants, but they are doing great. This morning I was watering them while Wizard was cleaning the BBQ. I wasn’t bothering Wizard, I was happily chattering to my plants. I was complimenting Cilantro because he is growing better than I expected. Now Rosemary and Thyme are independent and don’t care. But Basil got a little upset because Basil wants to be the best like he always has been in the past. So I was reassuring him that he’s still an Herbal Rock Star in my eyes and I’m going to use him for some bruschetta soon. Wizard suggested I consider therapy. Rude.
  2. We finally got out to see my mother-in-law this week. She liked her belated birthday gift (that I’ve had for weeks, and I’m still mad we had to give it to her late!). It was nice that when we got there, my 91 year old mother-in-law was working in her garden. Pretty cool, huh?
  3. In my mother-in-law’s back yard, the back planter has huge trees and guess what (or who?) lives in those trees? Squirrels! Maggie saw her first squirrel and she was captivated! She once again jumped a wall that is counter high, showing off her athleticism. The squirrel ran up the tree of course. I went over there to make sure Maggie didn’t attempt anything insane — and that’s when I got yelled at. By a squirrel! It was hilarious. He was high up and scolding me something fierce. I told him to come down and say it to my face, but he declined :-) Maggie was utterly fascinated. She did finally leave her squirrel post to get treats from Wizard’s mom. We let his mom spoil her with the treats I bring because Maggie helps her with some normal aging issues in a way makes Wizard and I appreciate Maggie so much.
  4. We made the tri tip and loved it! Here’s the base recipe   And my adjustments to the dry rub: I reduced the cayenne to a strong sprinkle and added 2 tablespoons brown sugar. To the mop sauce: I used red wine (I had cabernet on hand) in place of red wine vinegar and reduced the garlic because of my stomach issues. Wizard and I enjoy trying these things so we were willing to put in the extra work. Part of why I’m doing it is to get as much pre-processed food out of my diet as I reasonably can.
  5. This weekend the plan is to go to CPA Boy’s to have a little post tax season/late birthday celebration for the immediate family. But Turbo had a fever this week so we’ll see how he’s doing. If we go, I’m going to use those cupcakes in the freezer and make all the normal people chocolate cupcakes with Baileys-chocolate frosting. Turbo will get a special one with plain chocolate frosting and sprinkles (I don’t care of it’s only a small amount of Bailey’s in the frosting, I see no reason for a five-year-old to eat that. And Turbo will be happy because he’s will look better to him with sprinkles). Then yesterday I made some gluten and diary free ones for the two of us in the family who like to be difficult :-) Okay neither of us is really difficult, both of us easily eat around whatever is being served. I just wanted to make something for that son too because he just made it through another tax season. It’s fun. And I can eat them too :-)

So that’s my five, now I’d really love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
Brain Hopscotch

I don’t play this game on purpose, this is just how my brain works sometimes.

So today while grocery shopping, bought a tri tip roast. Which made me think of dry rubs for seasoning. That made me think of herbs. And because my brain loves a good game of hop scotch this is where I landed:

I mean there’s beef and herbs in this shot right :-)

Do you ever play Brain Hopscotch? Happy Wednesday!

P.S. If you have a good dry rub or tri tip recipe, please share!

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

I really hate seeing Wizard disappointed. We went to the airshow on Saturday, but after sitting in the car in line to get in the gate for  2 1/2 hours, we finally gave up.  We’ve been to airshows before, and I’ve never seen no effort at reasonable traffic control as happened here. Cars were lined up on the street for miles and they knew this would happen. We got there early as instructed, followed the rules and got nowhere. I really don’t understand it. We’d paid for VIP seats too. But what upset me more was this was important to Wizard. He’s an adult and handled it fine, but I still hate it.

As far as the rest of the weekend, the most exciting part was I took Maggie to PetSmart to see if they had a good bed for her for the living room. I didn’t find one, but Maggie had a blast and I bought her a couple treats. She loves going anywhere. Once in the store, when she though I was distracted, she did her best to get people to pet her. At one point making a serious -looking guy crack up at her antics. Once she saw she’d succeeded in getting his attention, she decided to bark and wiggle to get him to come to her. I rolled my eyes so hard, and spent the next few minutes walking her through the aisles and practicing commands to get her calm and refocused.

And this guy? He kept laughing as he walked by. He wanted to stop and pet her, but he realized I was refocusing her and resisted. I admire that. I usually let people who ask pet her, but in this case, I needed her to calm down. She can’t bark her demands. (Also her trainer should have headed that off, but failed to stop it before before her excitement built to that level. Bad trainer! Also, her trainer is me, and Maggie is not well-trained, LOL.)

But I wanted to laugh. She used to be so scared and now she thinks everyone in the world is her friend. There’s worse things that a friendly, confident dog.

So how was your weekend?

Friday, April 21st, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF! You know what that means! Time to share five random things about our week. Let’s do this!

  1. The week is ending better than it started. You know those cupcakes in the fridge? They have to be dizzy by now! I’ve had them in and out of the freezer quite a few times (but never long enough to defrost) in an attempt to go to Wizard’s mom’s. But it just didn’t happen this week. He called her on her birthday, we have a gift and cupcakes, but life is just a little twisty. Every plan we make gets changed multiple times. We thought we’d go today but…
  2. Wizard got called in for Jury Duty. Here in CA, you’re on standby for a week, and you’re call each night to find out if you go in the next day. Each day has been a mystery, and then last night, he was told to come in. So far, he’s called me twice and texted twice, and he’s not impressed. He got a judge who has decided to treat possible jurors like prisoners or kindergarteners. I’d gloat but…guess what came in the mail for me yesterday?? My jury duty summons. This is a plot to annoy us. Yes, yes, I get the whole civic duty thing. Whatever.
  3. So yesterday we had to stay home for an appointment. So we’ve lived in this house more than six months now, and the day we picked up the keys, we were told that the garage side door had been keyed incorrectly. This is an easy fix — all they had to do was replace the doorknob and key it to our housekeys. We were promised this constantly, but for reasons that confound logic — no one could ever manage to find a doorknob and do it. Even though houses are being built in this same track all day every day. And they all have doorknobs keyed to the owners keys! It’s like magic! Finally we got annoyed and submitted a claim higher up. What we thought would happen is the higher up would tell the foreman to grab a doorknob, and spend four minutes replacing and rekeying it. Nope, they put in a call to Door Specialists. I can’t make this stuff up, the sent out an employee of Hakes Sash & Door to resolve this complex problem. The expert confirmed the obvious problem — we needed a new doorknob. But of course he didn’t have one because this is not a call they get. Like ever. So they had to order a doorknob. It took 8 weeks to arrive. Why? No freaking idea! Then they scheduled an appointment with the same door expert to install it.  And finally the new doorknob was installed. And that is why we stayed home yesterday. Is this not a dumb boring story?? I’d like to point out that we wanted to go to my mother-in-laws, but we were trapped at home waiting for a doorknob. That’s like a worse excuse than my dog ate my homework. It’s been a truly weird week, trust me.
  4. I put Willa my previously freeze-dried sourdough starter to work! I used a new recipe for sourdough yesterday and Willa did her job so well! I fermented it overnight and baked it today. The bread looks good. I don’t know how it tastes yet as I’m writing this yesterday before we ate any. I’m looking forward to it! I eat very little gluten but a slice of sourdough if it’s long-fermented is usually okay. (If you’re are interested, the long fermentation helps breakdown some of the troublesome fructans and gluten). Here’s a picture of one of the two loaves (the second one goes in the freezer to keep the cupcakes company):
  5. Tomorrow we are going to the airshow. At least that’s the plan, although with this week anything could happen :-) We haven’t been in a very long time, and decided to pay for actual seats (on folding chairs, LOL). Naturally, the heat chose this week to show up, but we should be fine for a couple hours or so. We both are looking forward to it if nothing else decides to go wonky this week.

And that’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I’m sure yours will be vastly more interesting and not involved a long winded story about a doorknob.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!