Jennifer Lyon

Friday, April 19th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! How did Friday get here? On the other hand, I thought yesterday was Saturday at one point in the day, so we can’t judge by me! Okay let’s share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I got my bloodwork don’t with no problems. I’m a pro at it :-) I love that we can make appointments and it’s relatively quick and easy. I’ve already seen my results and am happy to see my electrolytes coming up. After that, I went over to the animal shelter and bought my volunteer shirt.
  2. My eye appointment was equally uneventful — all good with no surprises. Just the way I like it.
  3. Thursday, I went to the dog walking class and am very impressed. She trains five students in twice monthly classes, and of those 10, only about one lasts more than a few weeks. I can see why, the dog walkers tend to be a really passionate, committed group and I think that might intimidate some people (that’s fine, there’s other things they can do to help if they want to). I hope I can do it! I have the will, and plan to try at least once a week. I do have to take time off for the throat biopsy and we’ll see if there’s anything more when another test result comes in. But I really want to learn and gain experience to walk more dogs, as long I can handle that and make sure Maggie gets all the walks she need. I can go on and on about this, but will restrain myself for the moment :-) Here’s a pic Wizard took of me before I left for the class.
  4. After I got home from the shelter, Wizard wanted to clean windows. He’d already taken the screens off and washed them, so I had to do my part. Man I was so wiped out. But incredibly happy to get it done. The windows were embarrassingly bad!
  5. This weekend we’re celebrating Oldest (CPA Boy’s) birthday! It’s a milestone, and the family is meeting at a restaurant because my daughter-in-law is smart :-) I have his gift and just have to remember to get a card and wrapping paper today — wish me luck in remembering, LOLOL!

That’s my five, now I really hope you’ll share yours! Have a great weekend!

2 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Viki S.
    April 19th, 2024 at 3:03 pm · Link

    1. Great news on your blood work. You must be a pro at it :). Good news on the electrolytes too. I love your shirt. The cat patting the dogs nose is cute.
    2. Good on your eyes too.
    3. Your class sounds very intense with so few actually finishing. You are smart to plan the time of surgery and recovery into your training. You will do great!
    4. Wizard got the window bug 😉. It’s so nice when they are clean. It’s great that he helps.
    5. Happy Birthday CPA boy! You’ll have the paper and card before you see him. You’re a mom.

    1a. IRS finally picked up the checks from the post office but Ohio has NOT. IRS has not cashed the checks. Ohio sent me a letter saying the taxes are wrong and want even more money even though they haven’t bothered to get what I sent them. I need a new CPA. I can’t see how our taxes are so hard they they are ALWAYS screwed up.
    A is going to set me up with the one he uses next year.

    2a. A came over and took Queso and hubs to a park for a long walk and then out for lunch.

    3a. We’ve had a ton of rain lately and now it’s getting cool again (40’s) but the lawn needs to be mowed. C will probably come over and work on it Sunday.

    4a. Went to Walmart to return these lawn deer hubs wanted that were nothing like they were shown to be. They were 2D not 3D and didn’t have the lights they were supposed to have. As I was walking out I saw XS shorts for $6 and bought them.

    5a. A couple weeks ago while at Aldi I saw this ginger Thai coconut soup and bought it. Because it’s chilly that will be dinner tonight. I just hope it’s not spicy because hubs can’t handle that anymore.

    Sure hope you have a great time celebrating with CPA boy and family. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Jenn
    April 19th, 2024 at 5:56 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on the shirt. It has a huge animal shelter logo on the back. But these shirts are just practical rather than stylish, LOL. Wizard just told me to pose and took a snapshot. And thank you on CPA Boy’s birthday. He’s definitely not a kid anymore!

    1) I think I agree with you about the CPA. And maybe find someone who can outline more clearly what they need from you? This is a hassle that just won’t end for you :-(
    2) What a nice outing for hubs! Queso sounds like such a great dog.
    3) Lawns do love rain, especially if they getting some sunshine mixed in there. C is awesome as always!
    4) Bummer on the lawn deer, but you made up for it with the savings on shorts!
    5) Hope the soup lives up to your expectations. And that the Thai seasoning is mild enough for hubs, but has enough kick for you to enjoy it.

    Have a great weekend!

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