Jennifer Lyon

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Friday, February 21st, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Wizard is sick with a cold, again. That’s twice in less than two months. I’m not happy with his immune system. Poor Wizard is a little worried what kind of witchcraft, I mean meals, I might conjure up to assist his immune system :-)
  2. This week, I did a bunch of small, boring chores around the house. Even Maggie is bored, LOL. But it feels good to get them done because they were bugging me. I have about 10 more I could do, but I don’t want to get carried away, LOL.
  3. I’m finally steadily reading Onyx Storm. I’m more than 80% through it and I like it, but for me, some of it is tedious. However, I still love the characters and they pull me back even when I get restless.
  4. I have Jury Duty next week. For us in CA, we call in each day of the week to see if we’re needed. Then once we go in, if we’re excused, then we’re done. It’s an okay system. Doesn’t mean I’m super excited, but I’ll do it.
  5. I so hope I don’t wake up with Wizard’s cold today (remember I’m writing this on Thursday night to post Friday morning) because I have plans to go to see my granddaughter! Wizard will stay home. My daughter in law is fine with it as long as Wizard isn’t running a fever or seem to have the flu or Covid. We tested him for both, and he’s negative so it’s a cold (it’s acting like a cold). I’m still going to err on the side of caution if I feel “off”. But I really want to see Baby Girl, her mom and their two dogs.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend and stays healthy!

Friday, February 14th, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF! Happy Valentine’s Day! Lets get right to sharing five random things about our week. Full disclose — I didn’t do much worth reporting this week, but I’ll give it my best shot :-)

  1. It’s raining! That’s good. Hopefully no mud slides, but at least we’re getting rain.
  2. I made a Cashew Chicken recipe and was pretty happen with how it came out. Shockingly, Wizard and I both agreed it could have been a tad hotter (spicier), and we normally are not into heat in our food.  I made a note on my recipe.
  3. I’m in the process of making sourdough pizza dough. It’s a two day process so we’ll see how it comes out.
  4. Due to the rain, we cancelled our Valentine’s dinner plans because the restaurant is 50 miles away. So today on Valentine’s Day the plan is homemade pizza. We’re both happy with that — no one would be happy in 50 miles of rain soaked traffic :-)
  5. Today I’m supposed to get my hair cut and colored — we’ll see if that works out. And the third version of the coffee table is scheduled for delivery. I may be gone when it’s delivered so Wizard will have to handle it.  And Saturday evening we’re going to dinner with Youngest for his birthday and I’m probably making some S’mores cupcakes so I assume we’ll come back to my house after. I should probably tell him I’m making the cupcakes and make an actual plan, LOL. I’ll get on that soon! Unless maybe he’s suddenly developed the skill to read my mind.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, February 7th, 2025
Weekend Roundup

TGIF!! Let’s jump right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Monday Wizard and I went to a running shoe store to buy shoes. It costs a tad more, but we found it worth it. Ordering stuff online is convenient and all, but sometimes, in-person is the better option. We both bought some shoes.
  2. The coffee table saga goes on. They brought the new one Wednesday and it was warped worse than the one we have. The delivery guys noticed it first and they called to tell the office they’re returning it. Customer Service called me, and they are delivering a new one a week from today. The customer service person swears they will check it at the warehouse first. I just keep telling myself people deal with real problems every day and this is not one of those real problems. This is just an annoyance that will get sorted out. But man I’m tired of endless phone calls, emails, texts and four hour windows for deliveries — I just want this done.
  3. In the Success! column, Wizard and I hung a TV in our what we humorously called our “Media Room.”  It’s a spare bedroom we use for everything — working out, wrapping presents, doing little projects, chilling out by ourselves with YouTube or Movies or read, just all kinds of things. The hardest part of that was finding the right TV bracket for our older TV. The rest went fairly easy and now the TV appears to be securely on the wall and doing what we want it to do. We are super happy about it. There’s more to be done in that room, but the house is a process that we enjoy and do as we can afford it.
  4. We took some Manicotti over to my sister and her husband’s yesterday (we just wanted them to know we are thinking of them as the deal with losing a family member). We visited for a while, then Wizard got antsy and was ready to leave. I wanted to stay longer but traffic sucks so we went home. On the way, Oldest called, and while I was on the phone to him and distracted — Wizard got off the freeway and started winding into the hills where we’ve never been. I told oldest this and said that he might be the last person to talk to me, and that this was my last known location. He’s like, “Cool, Mom, this is how all the best mysteries start.” Frankly, he sounded more amused than worried. It’s like he trusts his dad or something :-)
  5. We saw Baby Girl yesterday. She’s delightful, super chatty and engaged. She turns five months old on the 9th! When I see her now, I barely remember that tiny helpless newborn. It sure is hard to leave when she’s mastered the art of being adorable, full of smiles and babbling.

This weekend, we have a family birthday party Saturday afternoon. Sunday Wizard is torn between racing and the Superbowl, and I’ve got a list of things I could do so we’ll see. That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours!

Friday, January 31st, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF!! How did Friday get here so fast? Sheesh! And before we jump into sharing five random things about our week, I just want to say I’m saddened by the crash of the passenger plane and helicopter at Reagan National Airport. My heart goes out to all the victims, their families and friends. It’s all just tragic and there are no words to make it better.

Okay let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. In the coffee table sage — a new table will arrive on Wednesday. The company has been fine about it. The process is a little slow and cumbersome, but any business that is scaled up has these systems and procedures so I have been patient. We’re all proud of me. I did tell off a door banger, so my temper is in working order :-)
  2. Maggie wanted me to tell you that, according to my app, she walked over 17 miles last week (it tracks Sunday to Sunday). She has requested additional food and treats and has assured me you all will agree with her on this.
  3. I made sourdough bread this week. Not sure anyone cares about this, but I now have this down to a pretty easy process. I just need to be home or close to home for a day to feed the starter, wait for it to rise, make the dough then babysit the dough for a few hours. Then I put in the fridge overnight  to bulk ferment before I shape it the next day and then bake it. It feels much simpler for me, and the dough is easier to handle.
  4. It’s quiet lately, and that’s good. I think Wizard and I just tired of running around so much and needed a break. My energy is a little lower than I’d like, but I suspect that’s normal aging, and the fact that I get up early.
  5. Today I’m meeting Biker Witch for lunch. That’ll be fun. This weekend, we might try to see a grandkid, plus Wizard is going racing and I have a few things to shop for (if I talk myself into doing it!).

That’s my five, not it’s your turn to share yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Friday, January 24th, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Winds and fires have been dominating CA, but there’s hope for some rain in the forecast around Sunday. Fingers crossed! Yesterday was warmer than any day in January has a right to be. We really need some rain, but not too much as the burn areas will have mudslide. It’s a delicate balance right now. But hey, New Orleans is dealing with snow so we all have out problems.
  2. We’ve looked at more dining tables. We were ready to buy one when we asked to test putting the leaf in and out — and that was a deal breaker. Our extreme pickiness is a LOT of the problem, here. And so, the seriously unimportant table hunting saga goes on :-)
  3. But we did buy living room tables! We began with buying the side tables on Wednesday to be delivered on Saturday. We’d decided we didn’t need a coffee table. Then Wizard suddenly realized Thursday morning that he puts his coffee on the coffee table in the morning. Evidently this was a big deal :-) So I’ve either ordered (by the time this post goes up), or will order soon, that the matching coffee table. The tables we have currently have are showing wear and tear from lots of use. And yet — I’m still repurposing those side tables into guess room nightstands.
  4. I’ve been tracking calories and macros right now for fitness goals. My top goal is to get a 100 grams of protein a day without overeating calories. It’s work to do it, and it’s about as boring as it sounds, but I don’t mind right now. It’s all part of what I consider a hobby I care about right now. Building strength is important to me for my future self and making sure I don’t gain weight while doing it will keep extra pressure of my joints since I have RA. What’s weird is how defensive I feel about it, and I shouldn’t! But the anti diet culture makes me think I ‘ve suddenly developed an eating disorder for tracking. We live in a weird world when I feel defensive about improving my fitness!
  5. We may go see Wizards mom today and take them some enchiladas that I made for Thursday night’s dinner. As for the weekend, we have the side tables coming Saturday and I’m not sure about the rest. We’ll see if any new and fun adventures come our way!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Friday, January 17th, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF!!! It’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. The winds have calmed! I’m very happy about that. I don’t see any rain in the forecast, but I’ll take no winds as a win.
  2. This week, we had pillow drama :-) So I buy expensive pillows on my doctor’s strong recommendation for my neck. They’ve worked well in the past. Then the new ones arrived, and frankly, they were garbage. I do think I ordered the size wrong, but I did not order crappy pillows. Think sleeping on an letter sized envelope filled with few paper shreds —  they were just terrible for us. There was a long 24 hours of me being mad at myself (because I should have known the quality had gone down?) Then it dawned on me — we can still return them. The company has a guarantee. So I contacted the company, they agreed to my returning them, and I shipped them off. I should get the refund soon. This stupid little thing stressed me out more than was reasonable.
  3. We have run all over the county, and we’ve seen a lot of dining room tables. They all are starting to look the same, and my very old one is starting to look better. At this point, I just need the most amazing and perfect table in the universe to ring my doorbell, or I’m moving on to other, less exhausting projects!
  4. I made a version of white chili chicken yesterday to freeze for lunches. I changed a few ingredients to use what I had on hand. Fingers crossed I like it because I have six servings batched up in the freezer and fridge :-) I also made two loaves of sourdough bread and put one of those is in the freezer.
  5. Today the plan is to go to Baby Girls for a bit. Daughter in law needs to drop her car off for a few days, so Wizard will go with her and bring her home.  If anyone’s wondering, Middle Son is working so hard right now and asked us if we could help, and we’re happy to. I’ll watch the baby while they get the car into the shop. It’ll be fun for me! But when Wizard gets back, I promise to share Baby Girl with him. That reminds me, Wizard saw a funny video a grandpa holding the grandbaby and the grandma repeatedly trying to get her from him. Wizard cracked up and made the totally shocking accusation that that grandma is me! Can you believe that? I know, it’s outrageous even if it’s probably true, LOL. This weekend, we’ve talked about trying to see Turbo but we haven’t talked to his parents yet. We both are running a bit tired, so we’ll see.

That’s my five now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 10th, 2025
Friday Five

TGIF! I guess it’s good it’s Friday? But with storms ravaging other states, wind and fires here, it’s feeling a bit forced right now.  Quick note: Wizard and I are still far enough away from any fires to be safe. I hope all of you in the path of the cold and storms are safe as well! But let’s try to do our best with Friday Five. Here’s my five random things about my week:

  1. Maggie went to the Vet Tech yesterday for some standard care and was such a good girl :-) That’s what they tell me. Obviously, we can’t trust my opinion because I’m completely biased, LOL.
  2. After the vet, I had to run to Macy’s to exchange a watch I got for Christmas that just stopped working. They are sending me a new watch and I appreciate that customer service! I’d already had the watch sized and they could have refused, so that’s a positive on the week!
  3. I made pepper steak from my new cookbook this week and really loved it. I think Wizard liked it fine but wasn’t nearly as ecstatic as me. I’m pretty sure that had something to do with my enthusiastic inclusion of extra veggies :-) But he had homemade sourdough bread with it so he was happy enough. I love cooking these days, but dang it’s tiring.
  4. We have begun shopping for a dining room table. I don’t mind looking in person, but it’s hard to know if stuff we see at online stores is a true reflection of the pictures on the websites. It’s a big purchase and hard to return so we’ll probably ponder this for a long time, if we do it at all. On the upside, while out shopping in real stores, we accidently found some side tables for our living room in our price range that we’ll probably get. That’s a bonus!
  5. Wednesday the plan was to go see Baby Girl while her mom did some errands. We cancelled that since the winds were too wild. Instead we are going out there tomorrow (hopefully) and will watch her while Middle Son and Daughter In Law take care of a few tasks. We are so looking forward to seeing her after our self imposed ban while Wizard was sick!

Okay that’s my effort at a fairly upbeat FF. Feel free to be as happy or not as you wish to be! I look forward to hearing whatever you wish to share! Have a great weekend!

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