Jennifer Lyon

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Friday, December 13th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! Okay let’s dive right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Car Drama stopped by for a visit to our family. One car was damaged getting a tire patched, and other vehicle stolen. Neither things have happened before so it was jarring. It wasn’t Wizard or my cars. And while it’s upsetting, at least it wasn’t an accident and no one was hurt! Things can be fixed or replaced, but people can’t.
  2. We babysat our granddaughter on Tuesday. That was amazing as always. She’s just a delight at three months old. She smiles at everyone. And of course, she’d much rather take naps on us than in her crib.
  3. I made White Chicken Chili for the first time ever. It came out good (I think). A tad spicy for my taste, but some jack cheese, plain Greek yogurt and avocado on top tames that nicely. I’m pretty proud of it. Wizard isn’t interested, which means it’s all mine for quick and easy lunches. I divided it up in single servings and froze some. That was the good part. The bad part, I didn’t use gloves when I diced the jalapeno. Jalapeno Hand is a thing and it’s annoying. For any of you too smart to chop jalapeno without gloves, it essentially burns for a few hours. I did use some olive oil to break down the  oil from the pepper that causes it, and that helped. Fun fact — I had disposable gloves in the drawer directly below where I was chopping the jalapeno, I was just too pressed for time to stop and put them on. That was a very annoying miscalculation.
  4. Wednesday I ran from one room to the other to get the phone when it rang and half way there I felt something funky in my right ankle. I actually said, mid-run, “Crap I felt that.” Wizard saw, and heard, this whole thing and just shook his head in despair. I rarely ever fall, or do normal things. I just sprain my ankle mid-jog and keep going :-)  However I did get the phone in time to answer an important question from one of my sons, and then practiced some dedicated denial to clean the bathrooms after that. When I went to bed, my denial dissolved into an ache, and then when I got up in the middle of the night, I groaned enough to have Maggie run in and check on me. Seriously, it’s mild overall. No significant swelling, it feels better with shoes on, and I spent all Thursday afternoon and evening resting it. Mostly because Wizard made me, but it still counts.
  5. This weekend I’ll plan and organize a little baking for next week. I’m not doing a lot, just a few things. I’ll need to do some wrapping since my ankle prevented that yesterday. I’m 92% done with Christmas shopping so that’s nice. I had one key gift go missing even though it showed delivered a week ago — then it showed up last night. That was a relief. I had just started a refund process and then was able to cancel that so all good. So this weekend is odds and ends. Oh and I’m getting the gray erased from my hair today.

That’s my five, now I’d to hear yours!

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024
Wednesday Fires and Reading

Top of my mind today is Fires are Horrible. I know the news focuses on it being Malibu and most people think Hollywood Affluence, but there are many others living in and around that area and they are losing homes too. It’s devastating and very dangerous. The Santa Ana winds and the terrain make it all the more treacherous. It just makes me sad.

Switching topics to reading. So I was zooming along in the latest book I was reading when I just…lost interest. It was somewhere between 2/3s and the 3/4s mark and there wasn’t anything specific in the book that triggered it. I think that, for me, the book had a structural flaw that resolved the action portion of the plot too quickly. But again, that’s just for me personally as a reader. Other love it all the way through, so this is definitely a personal taste thing. But now I’m wondering: Have you ever lost interest that deep into a book you were enjoying?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 9th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

I wore myself out this weekend, but it’s all good :)

First up, it’s December and we are on high alert for fires. Anyone else think the weather is just wacky? I mean it’s Southern CA so we don’t get real weather, but fire weather in December? I’m just gonna ask — Mother Nature, did you go off your meds? Hit your head? Have a stroke? I mean we want to be understanding and supportive, but things are getting really strange.

Anyhow, Saturday was my niece’s bridal shower and it was amazing! Just lovely and fun! It was held a restaurant but in a separate room which made it feel more intimate and I loved that. It was wonderful to get to chat with family and friends. I just had a great time + two of my three daughters-in-law were there and that’s always a good time for me. They also had a “fashion artist” (I learn new things every day!) who did sketches of each of us. I took a picture of my fashion sketch to show you:


Don’t panic, guys, I still have a face :-) The sketches were about fashion not faces, LOL. My niece (the bride) and her two sisters are into fashion (one is a lawyer, one is a CPA an done is a journalist but they all love fashion!). The hilarious thing for me is fashion and I don’t live in the same zip code, or even on the same continent, you know? But it’s an accurate sketch of my dress. Also…Spell Check was sure I was trying to spell “ointment” not “continent.” Not even close, Spell Check!

Sunday Wizard went racing so I played “How Much Can I Physically Do In One Day?”  The answer is always not as much as I think I can do. But I keep myself busy trying. Most of it was typical stuff like working out (including rigging up a makeshift weight bench which probably isn’t too dangerous…) and washing bed sheets, but I managed to work a double batch of brownies in there which is fun — one for us to keep and one for Youngest. After writing this blog, I’m hoping to maybe get the tree decorated before Wizard gets home but we’ll see if I have the time and/or energy.

So how was your weekend?

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024
Wednesday Reading

The Wolves are in the house! As I’m writing this, I have about 30 pages left of the book “Moonstruck Mafia: Boston” by Silver James. And I will have definitely have finished it by the times this blog pops up in the feeds. I’m just trying to get this blog done before I read, get distracted and forget until late at night when I don’t want to write it. Because I’m lazy like that!  Also, I’m so NOT a night person.

So the book — it’s long, well over 500 pages, but fast-paced with lots of action so it’s a pretty quick read (now that I actually have time to read after Thanksgiving). Honestly it’s several stories in one book so if you like to get more bang for your buck, this is your book! I wasn’t trying to be funny, but there’s also some banging…just saying. But it’s not as R-rated as some books so pretty safe for the typical reader. I think my favorite characters are Ronan and Maura. I especially love Maura, she’s tough, smart and knows her own mind. I’ve enjoyed the book and sort of dreading The End :-) Which is also why I’m writing this blog first. Am I the only one who kind of dreads The End on some books?

In other “reading” I’m listening to “The Wedding People” by Alison Espach and I think I like it…it’s different than what I expected but I’m intersted so far.

That’s my reading so far this week. What are you reading?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 2nd, 2024
Weekend Roundup

A nice calm weekend, but dang, my knee is mad. So I’ve been upping my weight training, including squats with weights on my shoulders. But it doesn’t hurt when I do that. I carefully tested it to make sure and no pain. It’s walking, and even that usually starts off okay then begins to hurt. I’ve been trying to cut down on my walking and that was helping, but then yesterday I went looking for a wedding shower gift for my niece. Ugh…I walked probably two miles searching an indoor/outdoor mall type situation (and that’s after my mile and a half walk — cut down from 2 miles — in the morning). Now my knee is complaining. I don’t think it’s an injury, it feels more like a repetitive use/age/arthritis thing. Especially because I can calm it down, then I tick it off and it flares again.

In the good news, I got a gift I’m happy with for my niece. And the rest of the day, I’m gonna rest the knee. Maybe…cuz I’ve got things I’d like to get done pinging around in my head, but I’m trying to be smart. The weekend itself has been good. Thanksgiving is cleaned up. We haven’t decorated for Christmas yet, but we’re not having any events here, so we’ll do that when and how we wish for ourselves :-)

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!

Its the time of year where I want to take a moment and tell you all how much I appreciate you. I’m thankful for this blog and what I hope is a special camaraderie that we’ve build here. We can come as ourselves, on our good days and our bad, to share and feel accepted. I’m thankful to each of you who’ve helped make that happen.

I also appreciate your friendship through the hard times!

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope each of you are celebrating with people you love!!

Monday, November 25th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

The weekend came and went while I cleaned and baked. I made chocolate cupcakes from scratch using a new recipe and froze them unfrosted. I made gluten free dairy free brownies (for Youngest of course) and froze those. And then I made white chocolate/macadamia nut/cranberry cookies. I ate one and whoa, those are some heavy duty cookies stuff FULL of mix-ins. Not sure how I feel about them, but I froze the rest and hope it all is fine for Thanksgiving day (with pies that I ordered).

I also cleaned which was pretty boring. I listen to podcasts and that helps.

And I had my tele-visit with my doctor and basically he had no concerns right now. My tests are all pretty good and he’s happy with how I’m doing. I’ll be monitored forever, but that’s okay. My next set of tests and visits are in March so I get a break! We’re also going to lower my thyroid replacement hormones as my blood work shows I’m currently overtreated. I’m hoping that will also tame my drive that has me going nonstop all day too. I’ve noticed it’s getting a little out of hand lately :-) So much so that I rarely can make myself just sit and read (and I’m reading Silver’s book!) That could be a lot of things, but lowering my dose might help. It’s also very possible that I’m feeling better and healthier than I have in two years and I’m just in a little overdrive due to that. Or I’m just crazy, which…totally possible!

Otherwise, the week was, as predicted, productively boring. I will say it’s not just me. Wizard has also done a ton of work on the back hill and it looks so amazing. Maybe we’re both relieved and a bit more motivated lately.

How was your weekend?

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