I hope everyone had a nice Easter and a great weekend! We had rain. All weekend It’s supposed to be dry today, then more rain at the end of the week. Weird, but the weather does what it wishes without consulting me
And I’m glad we’ve gotten a lot of rain this year as we need it.
So the weekend was quiet. I cleaned, watched a movie with Wizard and we had a nice Easter dinner of ribs. I also planned a simple cake for Wizard’s birthday and something to make youngest (he never asks me to make him a separate thing, I just do it if I have the time). Oh and I finally picked up some gifts I had sent to Youngest’s because we were in the middle of painting. It’s pretty hard to hide gifts when every single place with a wall (closets included) had to be packed and moved. Which reminds me, I better get some wrapping paper.
I also finished Larissa Ione’s latest book ” Legacy of Temptation” She’s definitely one of my favorite writers, and that hasn’t changed. For me, though, this one was a bit of a struggled. She is introducing a new generation of characters and I was good with that. But also merging in the older characters and after a while, I grew a tad frustration with not moving on with the main story. I think I’m alone in that, and would bet that most of her fans loved seeing their favorite characters. I have truly developed a form of Reading ADD that causes me to get distracted very easily when there’s a lot of backstory or extras. I will still happily snatch up her next book!
I have no idea what I’m going to read next.
How was your Easter and weekend?
April 1st, 2024 at 2:43 pm · Link
I’m glad your ribs were delicious 😊.
You’re smart planning the birthday cakes now. Also very smart sending the gifts to BLB’s while all the painting was going on. I can’t imagine trying to anything with all that work going on.
Like you said, rain is a good thing as long as it doesn’t come down too fast and can’t seep into the ground. We only had about .5-.75 of an inch this weekend but then last night it rained hard for a few hours. Still it doesn’t seem too mucky.
Our Easter dinner was good. Other than that nothing major happened here.
I also finished the book this weekend. My issue was the relationships with the kids. The last we had read them, they all loved one another and all was good. I still don’t really know why Stewie aka Talon and Wraith are at odds. Oh well, I still liked it.
Have a great afternoon!
April 1st, 2024 at 3:27 pm · Link
Viki, I sort of had to plan the cakes since I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow
And I’m lucky BLB lives close and can do that for me. Also, the pain of moving so much stuff around is behind us now so all that endless work was worth it.
It is good you didn’t get too much rain either. Are you in the path of the next storm? I’m not sure. I read headlines of the storms, but not the details. It’s a gorgeous day here, cool with blue skis and fluffy clouds.
I’m glad your Easter dinner was good! And I hope the Easter dessert you’d stashed away made it to the day intact
I didn’t make dessert, but we opened some wine which was nice.
I may have missed a book or novella in that serious. It’s possible since life keeps distracting me, LOL. But hopefully we’ll find out all the relationship dynamics in time. I do love her world and characters.
Hope the rest of your day is great!