Jennifer Lyon

Friday, May 10th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! It’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

1) It’s been a week since my throat surgery that turned out a little bigger than expected. I’m healing normally, although my doctor winced yesterday when he looked in my throat. I wanted to laugh — I suspect he thought I was 10 to 14 days out of surgery, not 6. He’s youngish (compared to me), and one of my favorite things about him is that both his face and communication style is pretty blunt (and very nice!).  So when he assured me I was healing fine, I believe him. And I am feeling better each day, so it’s all good. The best news is he cleared me to fly late next week to go to Hawaii!

2) In frustrating things, they didn’t have my pathology report on the throat biopsy yet, or my referral for another (and the most important) test that I need. That’s not their fault though, the system is dangerously slow here in CA.  I’m not worried about the throat biopsy as the doctor didn’t see any suspicious areas. Since I slept through it all and didn’t see it, I’ll take his word for it. He’ll call me if something unexpected turns up in the pathology report.

3) Being bored, I’ve been online shopping. So far, Amazon has managed to lose the thing I wanted most — a pair of board shorts. It’s not a big deal as I have other swim suits. I just wanted these to replace the ones that came with a tankini set I bought. Because my shape is weird, I usually need a size smaller bottoms than top. And I really like being able to get in and out of water without wardrobe malfunctions, LOL! I also ordered or bought a few tops, and a skirt that I really hope fits. The skirt is very Hawaiian-Bold and I thing I will love it if it fits. Here’s the link if you want to see it for fun.

4) I’m searching for another hairstyle. My hair has grown to my shoulders at is flipping out at the ends. It’s also dragging my face down and constantly bugging me. It’s become clear I have zero skills in putting it up too :-) I’m thinking more of a shoulder length shaggy butterfly cut or something else fun. I think I’ll see what my stylist says. I’m pretty confident every stylist expert in the world would strongly advise AGAINST getting a new style the day before leaving on a vacation, so I’m totally doing it!

5) This weekend we have a Celebration of Life party to attend. He was my brother-in-law once, and I literally grew up with him around. It’ll be nice to share memories and support my niece and nephews.  Otherwise I’ll be resting (so sick of that!) and doing small chores that are safe for me to do. There’s nothing like the Hawaiian trip to keep me from doing anything stupid! It’s an excellent incentive!

That’s my five, now it’s your time! I always enjoy hearing what everyone else has to share! I hope you have the best weekend!

2 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Viki S.
    May 10th, 2024 at 2:42 pm · Link

    1. That’s fantastic news on your follow -up from surgery. I’m really happy you have a great doctor. Being cleared for Hawaii is super!
    2. CA has so many medical systems you would think they would be able to work out testing in a timely manner. In fact they should all be competing with one another to be the fastest and most accurate. You’re smart to go with what you Dr. says.
    3. Sorry about the shorts but you made me laughing thinking about getting out of the water and mishaps. I love the skirt. You can wear it with a t-shirt or dress it up. Great find and the price is SO good. You have to let me know how it is on length. Do you have to wear a heel?
    4. Of course you’re going to change your hair the day before the trip. The butterfly cut is supposed to be really easy to have and it’s really cute.
    5. I love the Celebration of Life. It’s a really great way to honor the person and all that they were to all those in their life.
    6. Yes, take it easy. You have to be all ready for Hawaii💕.

    1a. I spent another day at the bank. My advisor came up with a few good ideas. I’m going to talk to C about them on Sunday and have him help me get hubs on board with what are the best options.
    2a. The 6 of us here in OH are going to the Hibachi for dinner tomorrow to celebrate C’s and hub’s birthdays (they completely forgot about Mother’s Day 🤣).
    3a. C and I are going to the range Sunday for our yearly Mother’s Day shoot out💗.
    4a. I am hoping that Sunday is a nice day in the afternoon because after the ants/stinging insects guy was here the other day all of my windows have spray streaks and I need to clean them.
    5a. I went to the local, 1 week only, collection of non-disgardable items on Wednesday to get rid of my old computer. Well, they were only taking lawn waste. I was ticked off because the flyer the sent said all days all items that they had listed. Then it occurred to me that Good Will has a computer shop near by. I took it there and donated it.

    I hope you have a nice weekend and stay rested.

  2. Jenn
    May 10th, 2024 at 3:59 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on my surgery. As for the skirt — it’s running late too. Seems Amazon is having some problem. Annoying, but we’ll see if the stuff shows up or is lost. I have clothes, so I can’t complain too much. And we’ll see what I do on my hair :-)

    Oh and I’m glad you laughed at my wardrobe malfunction comment!!! Now for you:

    1) At least you’re making progress at the bank. I hope you and C find a way to convince hubs.
    2) Oh no, I’m sorry they forgot about Mother’s Day. But I hope you have a great time at Hibachi. Happy Birthday to C and Hubs.
    3) Yay for C! Have fun at the range!
    4) Ugh I hate cleaning any windows, but I bet it’ll be nice to get them clean!
    5) Wow that was some false advertising to not take the computer. But great thinking on your part to donate it to Goodwill.

    I really hope you have a great weekend and Mother’s Day!

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