Jennifer Lyon

Monday, May 13th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

I hope all the Moms out there had a great Mother’s Day!

Saturday, we went to the Celebration of Life for my former brother-in-law. It was lovely to see everyone and remember our loved one. He passed away about two or three months ago, I think, then his wife suddenly passed away two weeks ago. It’s been a lot of their families. I was most concerned about my niece and two nephews, but they are coping as well as possible. They did a great job of setting up a BBQ exactly as he would have done it himself — he would be so pleased. I’m very proud of them for honoring their dad’s memory in a very authentic and loving way. I saw people I haven’t seen in decades and talked way too much! I felt it Sunday, but it was worth it :-)

Sunday, we went to breakfast with youngest and his wife. I can eat pretty well now and enjoyed every bite of my Belgium waffle and scrambled eggs! The four of us began planning an idea for our next trip together. It’ll be a while before we do it, but half the fun is planning together. After that we took the Mustang out to Middle Son’s house — and getting there was a traffic battle. My pregnant daughter-in-law looks amazing! She’s tall and slim, so she’s rocking her baby bump. I’m so happy that she’s taking excellent care of herself so she’ll feel as good as possible when the baby comes. I was lucky to recover pretty quickly from having my kids, and want that for my daughters-in-law as well, I also got to pet and love my two granddogs (under close supervision because I honestly forget my surgery limitations with dogs, LOL) We had a nice time just hanging out.

As a Mother’s Day comment: I love that both my grandkids, Turbo and this new baby, have such wonderful Moms.

Oldest wished me a Happy Mother’s Day and we’ll see each other at the airport this week. They had a super busy weekend, and we’re all getting ready for the trip. I will get to hang with Turbo all I want in Hawaii.

Once we finally got home, I took Maggie for a quick second walk then did nothing but write this blog and cook dinner with Wizard. This weekend wiped me out, but overall, I think I’m recovering fine.

Today I may run some errands, but if I need a day of rest, I’ll do it. Maybe…

How was your weekend and Mother’s Day?

2 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Viki S.
    May 13th, 2024 at 2:29 pm · Link

    You had a very busy weekend.

    It’s so nice that your niece and nephews did such a nice job with the BBQ honoring their dad. Showing that he influenced them is even greater than words.

    Being able to eat the food you enjoy must be so nice. It’s great that you are healing well. Knowing this will make your trip more fun.

    I’m glad you had a nice Mother’s Day!

    We had the birthday dinner Saturday and all went pretty good. Sunday C took me to the range and we had a good time.

    Couldn’t wash the windows yesterday. Had too much going on today. My next opportunity will be Thursday. Wish me luck.

    Today A drove the hour+ over here VERY early to take hubs to a cognitive screening that I set up 6+ months ago. That’s the lag time. After struggling to get hubs to agree to go they get there and A is told that hubs cancelled the appointment. Seems they sent a text confirmation to him last week and he just said NO. A re-scheduled. The next available is Dec 11 😠.

    It looks like another long week.

    I hope you’re having a great day.

  2. Jenn
    May 13th, 2024 at 3:25 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on all!

    That’s good the birthday dinner went well. I know it’s getting harder for you to manage all the logistics of these things.

    Yay for a good day with C at the gun range too!

    Oh my gosh, that’s awful on hubs testing. We went through something similar with our person last year where they cancelled an important procedure. I don’t understand why these medical facilities that deal with cognitive function don’t have better procedures in place. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with the added frustration!

    Good luck on getting the windows washed. I need to clear bathrooms and won’t get to it until after the trip. I’m trying to shrug it off. We can only do what we can do!

    Have a great evening!

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