Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
Aloha Wednesday!

If all goes well, we’ll be in Hawaii Thursday evening. If not — we bought travel insurance, LOL! This is the first time we’ve bought it, but this has been a very weird year, on top of an extremely hard year last year. So we take nothing for granted right now.

I won’t be posting for at least a week and maybe a tad longer. And then I need to evaluate if I should keep this blog. I enjoy just chatting, but it’s understandably not really interesting now that I’m not writing (although I still miss it and sometimes thing about writing again.).

But for now, I’ll tell you about my good news for the week:

I finally saw the biopsy report on my throat — benign! I have a phone consult with the doc after we return, but I’m extremely happy to see the report. And trust me, I know I’m lucky so far. I also don’t take that for granted either. It’s been a long road, but now at least have some answers on two masses that were removed in my throat. I’ll take this moment to remind anyone who needs to hear this: You care the most about your health, so if you think something isn’t right, keep pursing answers until you get them. Don’t worry about upsetting medical professionals, just keep pushing. And if it turns out to be nothing, that’s cause for celebration!

This one will sound silly — but I have two books on my Kindle I actually want to read. Since I have a harder time staying focused on reading these days, it’s awesome to find books I look forward to reading.

Maggie gets a spa vacation! I’m choosing to believe this is good news for her :-) Of course we worry, but she knows the boarding routine, she’ll get to see people and dogs all day, and has a nice comfy stall to sleep in at night (rather than a kennel). The boarding staff will call youngest or his wife if anything happens, they know what to do and we trust any decisions they make for Maggie when we aren’t around. The best things we can do for Maggie now is to be calm and positive about her spa vacation, and she will do fine.

What’s going on in your life? And are you reading any good books?

2 comments to “Aloha Wednesday!”

  1. Viki S.
    May 15th, 2024 at 10:39 am · Link

    Have a fantastic vacation!

    I totally get your needing to re-evaluate the blog. It seems I’m the only one posting back. That has me very worried about Silver. B. E. and I read each other’s Facebook posts so she’s good. If you stop, I will miss it but I understand.

    The doc was right and you were right to trust his opinion rather than worry until you got the results of the biopsy. You can really enjoy your vacation now with nothing bugging you from your subconscious.

    Maggie should enjoy her spa vacation too. It’s good that BLB and DIL are there if needed. Maggie loves and trusts them.

    I just read The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading by James Patterson. It’s really a nice collection of entries by those most directly involved in getting people into books. A bought me Meditations by Marcus Aurelius for Mother’s Day and I will start that soon.

    Enjoy Hawaii ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿน๐ŸŒด!

  2. Jenn
    May 15th, 2024 at 2:33 pm · Link

    Viki, thank you! We sure hope to! And much as I’ll miss youngest and his wife, it’s nice having them here in case Maggie needs them, and to watch over things.

    Thanks for understanding on the blog. I certainly appreciate how much you comment. And I’m worried about Silver too. I haven’t heard anything. B.E., I know has her hands full with the day job. But the blog I have to think about. I keep hoping I’ll get the energy and focus back to do something with it. We’ll see :-)

    “The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians” sounds interesting. “The Meditations” I’m torn about, let me know what you think.

    Have a great week!

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