Jennifer Lyon

Friday, May 24th, 2024
Friday Five

I’m home from Hawaii!

TGIF everyone! At least I *think* it’s Friday :-) It’s time to share five random things about out week. Here’s mine:

  1. Overall the trip went well. Our flight out was delayed a bit, so we got in very late but no real problems. Got in our room, hit the bed, and the next three days were a blur of activity that wore Wizard and I out. Whoa, we are not young anymore! But we had fun. The next two days we stayed at Hawaiian Village and took advantage of things there — food, shopping, pools and the beach.  The final day, we had our last nice breakfast on the deck overlooking the beach, then caught a shuttle to the airport and flew home. Here’s a pic of Wizard and I on the flight to Honolulu
  2. My daughter-in-law and I went to Diamond Head to hike, but that one was closed. It had poured rain for a couple days, and there were rock slides. But my daughter-in-law asked the ranger there for another suggestion, and he directed us to the lighthouse. It was about a 2 and a 1/2 mile hike, and I had no trouble with that. Here’s a picture of us about half way up — she’s on the right and six months pregnant!! We also saw also stopped and saw The Blowhole. Sadly, I’ve forgotten how to insert a video. But I’ll put a picture of the lighthouse we hiked to here. Note that we are on a viewing platform above it. The the narrow trail that runs along the cliffs is closed due to part of it being collapsed. Somebody wanted to try it anyway. Somebody carrying my grandchild may over climbed out to see if the trail was passable. And I was like “Don’t make me call your husband! (my son!).” She laughed. Seriously, I’d have tried it myself under normal circumstances, but it just wasn’t safe and I was definitely a bit overprotective of my daughter-in-law because she’s pregnant. I was the same with Turbo’s mom. They are very gracious and amused in front of me about it, but probably secretly want to smack me :-) Here’s the lighthouse pic:
  3. Our flight home was on time and good, despite me getting yelled out a few times by very cranky airport personal. The last time it happened, a pilot who was behind me in line for baggage drop off commiserated with me. He said he’s been yelled at too, which is crazy — he’s a pilot for the same airline as they airport personal worked for. Honolulu is a very serious airport! I had a smoother experience at LAX (Los Angeles Airport) which seems crazy. But we got on the plain, had an uneventful take off and breathed a sigh of relief. However, very quickly there was a medical event on board and the flight attendants began asking for a doctor, physician’s assistant, a nurse and there was no one.  Wizard and I immediately agreed if we have to turn back, we’ll both be patient and gracious as clearly someone was very ill and may need medical care beyond what the airline attendants can give them. However, the person stabilized and we continued our flight — but man, I felt for those flight attendants doing their best to handle it.
  4. Here’s Wizard and Turbo on the submarine at Pearl Harbor.
  5. Maggie must have had a great spa vacation! They said she was good, but did cry sadly when they put her “away” (in nice little stalls rather than kennels). That sounds like Maggie, LOL. She doesn’t do that at home, but she’s been known to do it at both the vets and boarding. Otherwise she seemed to eat fine, took her meds, and have a good time when they let her roam in the safe areas. She came home on Thursday looking great, and seemed happy. We’ll see how she feels after a night home, but right now, I’m so pleased she has a safe place where she feels secure to go when we need to board her.

That’s barely skims our trip, but I’m sure I’ve bored you enough at this point :-) We are happy to be home (kind of!) and now I need to clean this weekend since it’s been three weeks today since my surgery and I’m officially released from limitations. Now if anyone is around, I’d love to hear your five things to share!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Viki S.
    May 24th, 2024 at 2:41 pm · Link

    I am so glad you had a wonderful trip. Sorry it was a slow start but it looks like all turned out well.

    1. You and Wizard look very happy and it appears you didn’t fly coach – GOOD! I wouldn’t have either. That’s a long flight to be couped up.
    ☺️ – A grandson on vacation can wear you out.
    2. Nice that you were still able to go on a hike. Looks beautiful. It’s easy to be protective DILs.
    3. That had to have been scary. I’m glad that the person stabilized and all was well.
    4. Turbo looks like a natural.
    5. Maggie is all happy and pretty after her SPA vacation. I’m sure she is so happy to be home and with you and Wizard. No more restrictions :-P ! Now you can get back in to dog walking.

    1a. I had the driveway seal coated.
    2a. I washed some of the windows. They look so much better without the pest spray on them😉.
    3a. A & A are working trying to get appointments for hubs to be seen and tested. The last time we had it set up, hubs canceled it. So they are setting it up this time and trying to work around him. I feel awful going behind his back but what can you do?
    4a. I spent over an hour on hold with Ohio Taxation to see if they worked out the issue they caused with our payment. I was on the phone for 1 hr and 17 mins and less than 15 mins talking to a person. OH is charging me another $15 interest even though they’ve had the money all along. The man I spoke to was sending a challenge directly to billing. He told me if I don’t get another letter all will be fine. I hate working with government.
    5a. No plans for Monday. Will just keep those that fought and died for my freedom in my prayers.

    Have a great weekend and a nice Memorial Day.

  2. Jenn
    May 24th, 2024 at 3:40 pm · Link

    Viki, we flew first class :-) We both have a some challenges, and this made it easier. We sure didn’t do that in our earlier years of travel!

    I think I’m going to take one more week before dog walking. I’m healing well but a tad slow due to meds, so I’m still feeling it when I move anything heavy. I started back to very light yoga and weight lifting this week — if I tolerate that okay, I should be fine walking the dogs.

    Now for you:
    1) Good to get that done!
    2) Washing windows is always a huge achievement in my world!
    3) I remember hubs did that. It seems that you don’t have much of a choice but work around him these days. I’m just sorry you have to do it. Hopefully it works out this time.
    4) Unreal! The state tax agency is really putting you through the ringer! I really feel for you. I mean how can they assess a late fee when you weren’t late? Just shaking my head in sympathy-frustration for you. Hope it’s finally resolved!
    5) We don’t have any Monday plans either. Oh, and I forget to mention has somber and moving the Arizona Memorial was in Honolulu. Very fitting to see (and feel) right before Memorial Day.

    I hope you have a great weekend and a nice Memorial Day.

  3. Viki S.
    May 26th, 2024 at 2:09 pm · Link

    I just saw this and thought I’d share here. It looks like Rebecca Yarros has decided to write the third book in the Iron Flame series after all.

    Onyx Storm (Deluxe Limited Edition) (The Empyrean, 3) Hardcover – January 21, 2025

    I hope that you are having a nice rest filled weekend.

  4. Jenn
    May 26th, 2024 at 8:47 pm · Link

    Thanks Viki!!! I’m happy to hear she has a release date!

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