TGIF!! And it’s a long weekend since Labor Day is Monday and many will get the day off work in the states. Let’s get right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine.
- As I’m writing this early afternoon yesterday — no baby yet! I talked to my DIL on the phone, she’s doing fine. They’re just waiting with no idea when baby girl will arrive. Could be anytime or another week or 10 days. Babies arrive when they are ready
- I have a surprise doctor appointment with my primary doctor today. When I tell you all my surgeon and the entire staff are efficient, I’m not kidding. I got an email two days ago informing me of this appointment with my primary doctor. I think it’s so he can refer me to an endocrinologist (they specialize in endocrine system, and will help balance my hormones now that I don’t have a thyroid). Plus I know my regular doc and surgeon talked by phone about me because my surgeon told me that before the surgery. I’m just stunned in a good way at the level of care I’ve been getting after lack of care from a previous provider.
- I’m bored, eating, restless and crabby. So, yep, recovery is going as it should Wednesday was a bright spot as my youngest daughter in law’s mom brought Wizard and I lunch. That was so nice!! We loved and appreciated the food (plus a plant and a bottle of wine for when I’m better!), and for me, it was more just seeing her that helped break up the days for me.
- I took Maggie for a walk yesterday morning — it’s on my approved list of things I can do as long as I don’t pick Maggie up. I’ve been doing well walking a little farther each day. But yesterday there was a dog loose. I was not up to tangling with a big dog, and headed back into my track. Normally I’d have tried to do something, but yesterday was not that day. I don’t even know how many layers of stitches are in my throat, and I didn’t want to find out the hard way
- I imagine we’ll be sticking close to home this weekend. But then again, maybe our new granddaughter will arrive. Who knows what surprises the long weekend will bring!
I don’t have much this week But I’d love to year your five!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
August 30th, 2024 at 6:51 am · Link
Babies do take their own darn time, don’t they? I hope your doctor appointment goes well. And I’m so glad all of the medical people are doing right by you now. I’m sorry you’re bored and crabby, but yay for a nice visit from DIL’s mom. Yay for walking with Maggie. Boo for the stray dog. Fingers crossed this weekend brings you a new grandbaby to love and spoil. :hugs:
1) Life is pretty tame since I quit work. It’s all good. I need some tame after all that.
2) No writing and no editing this week. I’m chomping at the bit to get back to it, though. No rest for the writerly.
3) The fawns are getting so big. This summer has been hard on the deer – what with the heat and lack of rain – but the ones we recognize are still doing well. I just wish they hadn’t started eating my irises (they aren’t supposed to even like irises).
4) Several of my iris beds have been eaten to the ground. I’m not sure what I’ll be able to save come fall.
5) I’ve been making pizza a lot lately. Hubs keeps saying that I make better pizza than professionals, which is nice to hear. Not sure if he’s right, but still nice. =o)
Have a great weekend. :HUGS:
August 30th, 2024 at 10:00 am · Link
I’m still holding out for September 5th. LOL (But babies come when THEY decide!) I am soooo happy for you getting such a good medical team. Wow!! When it works (as it has for you and me), it’s a great feeling. So happy for you! You have such great in-laws in your extended family! Yay for walking and getting back to “normal” and smart not to tangle until at least you get the stitches out! I really dislike people who don’t pay attention to their dogs–no leashes or let them get out. Grrr. Cheers to a quiet weekend unless the stork makes a delivery.
My five:
1. I semi-stalled out this week on the WIP because the timeline got out of whack again. Every time I thought I had it right, I’d go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night going “NOPE!” Then I rearrange chapters, rewrite scenes, and…Well, yesterday, it was yup! you finally fixed it. Except I realized the end of one chapter was a “Nope!” but didn’t know why. Welp, woke up at 4:30 this morning and went “Ohhhhh!” The male half of that scene needs to be a real…Alpha Hotel. He’ll be redeemed later but that scene isn’t the time. S’all good now. Back on track…
2. Cheating for my five but whatever. I’m over 136K words. That does include some notes and lists (characters, places, stuff like that) that will disappear in the final product. Still hoping for The End by Monday. We’ll see…
3. FINALLY saw a hummingbird at the feeder. Now that’s it’s almost time for them to start migrating south again for the winter. Still, I was glad to know that not all of the nectar either went to the ants or simply evaporated.
4. After being under the heat dome all month (or most of it) we finally got an actual cool front (as opposed to a less-hot front). Forecast highs for the next week is in the 80s! Yayay!
5. The critters had a “boop fest” this week. Pete booped noses with Jake AND Loki. Later, Loki took the initive and he started the booping, first with Jake and then Pete. Jake just lay in the floor looking all discombobulated and imploring me with his eyes like ‘Mom, what the heck am I supposed to do!?!?!” He got pets and a salmon jerky stick.
No real plans for the weekend. No soccer. Plans to write and watch college football tonight and tomorrow. Sunday, the James Gang is heading to Uncle Fix-It’s for a do-it-ourselves ice cream sundae social to celebrate our anniversary, LG’s birthday (both in August) and Uncle Fix-It’s (early September.) The “Boys” have pretty much shared the celbration since we lost their folks. It’ll be fun this year because it’s different (usually meet for dinner at a restaurant) and low-key. Have a great holiday, all!
August 30th, 2024 at 2:51 pm · Link
B.E., thanks! Bored and Crabby just means I’m healing. My primary doctor today is very happy — both with the surgeon and my progress. That cheers me considerably.
So true about babies! She’ll arrive when the time is right
1) I bet!!! You deserve some easier paced days to do your own projects.
2) The work will be waiting for you when you’re ready to tackle it. Plus more time helps with editing (that’s the theory, but does it really?).
3) Oh no on your Iris’s! I guess if they’re hungry enough, taste becomes secondary. I’m glad the deer you recognize are coping with the reduced food supply this year due to weather. Yay on the fawns!
4) I’m so sorry I hope they can come back in the spring.
5) I think hubs is probably right about your pizza! It must be amazing!
Hope you have a great weekend!
August 30th, 2024 at 2:52 pm · Link
1. Yup, babies come when they want to and 1st babies are often late.
2. That’s kind of nice the Dr.’s working together. It’s so nice to know you are getting great care and attention.
3. All of your boys have married into fine families. BLB’s MIL is case in point💕.
4. Getting back on your track was the smart thing to do.
5. Rest up and get prepared for that new baby girl 😊.
1a. Monday was the neurologist appointment and all appeared to go well. Hubs had even agreed to speech therapy and another go at the MRI but with a pill rather than anesthesia.
2a. Our generator didn’t run it’s weekly test run Tuesday and I called the generator company. They still have not returned my calls. I did a manual re-set.
3a. Wednesday after dinner the power went out and the generator ran. So my re-set worked but I still have to have them come out for it’s yearly check in Oct. I have my fingers crossed that the thing keeps working when needed.
4a. Yesterday C & C took their pit in for surgery. She had a bad tooth (ended up being 4) and cysts under her tail. Wednesday night they felt a mass on her neck,. so that was addressed too. It looks like lymphoma. They’ll know late next week. Precious (the dog) is 13 or so but I am just so sad about all she had to have done yesterday. Poor baby must be in pain.
5a. The speech therapist came this morning and hubs was okay with her. All went well except he failed the tests. He got about 25% right. She was impressed with how physically healthy he is and is going to set up 5 weekly visits to work with hubs communication.
I hope you enjoy the weekend and that the grandbaby arrives 💗.
August 30th, 2024 at 3:06 pm · Link
Silver, September 5th is a possibility! Far as I know, no sign of labor yet (I haven’t bugged them today). And thanks on my treatment. Yours was so much more urgent and scary! While the wait and games for two months was frustrating, I thankfully ended up in the right place so all is well now.
I am so with you on people and unleashed dogs. I do know dogs can get out accidentally, but many times it’s stupidity, arrogance or sheer carelessness.
1) This book’s timeline is definitely taking you for a long loopy ride!!! I swear those books tend to be a bear to write but come out even better. Keep going, you’ve got this!! All it takes is 9,001 revisions
2) No wonder the timelines is driving you crazy — 136K is a lot to keep track of! You’re doing amazing wrangling all the characters, plotlines and emotional arcs!
3) Well better late than never on seeing the hummingbird. Wonder if any of the feral cats around are scaring them off?
4) Awesome news to get out from under the heat dome!
5) Jake is such a sweetie!! He probably thinks the cats are mental cases, LOL. I think Loki and Pete are very entertaining Glad Jake got salmon jerky stick out of the deal! I’m assuming he always gets pets.
I love the Sundae Ice Cream Social to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays! Happy Anniversary! And Happy Birthday to LG!
August 30th, 2024 at 3:18 pm · Link
Viki, thanks! I can’t even imagine what I’m doing to do with a baby girl grandchild It’s going to be fun in a different way! Yes, I lucked out with this surgeon and my primary doctor — whom I just saw today. He told me the day thing — they discussed my case and came up with a plan. Then she sent him all her notes updating him. I wish everyone always got this level of care.
1) I am so glad to hear that neuro appointment went well. I like that the doctor came up with an alternative plan for the MRI too. I hope hubs keeps cooperating if it helps him, and helps you as the caretaker.
2) Well that’s worrisome on your generator. I hope it’s just a minor glitch that will resolve. Why don’t these companies call back in a reasonable time??? It’s so maddening.
3) That’s a good sign that it kicked in when the power went out. But yeah, you need it checked. I really hope they get back with you ASAP.
4) Oh no. I’m going to say a quick prayer that it’s not lymphoma for the dog, but they can usually tell if they removed it. If it is, I hope they have a good outcome. I’m so sorry they’re are dealing with this. Hugs to all on this.
5) At least hubs cooperated so she could get a good assessment. But still — it can’t be easy for you to have it confirmed that he’s struggling to communicate. Being physically healthy is a definite plus! It shows how much he took care of himself, and how much you’ve done to keep his health up. My regular doctor and I were just talking about how much two boring things, diet and exercise, can increase positive outcomes.
Thanks on my weekend, and I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend too!