Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 2nd, 2024
Weekend Round

Happy Labor Day to all the U.S. witches! And Happy September to everyone! I love fall and look forward to cooler weather…eventually as it’s going to be 100+ all week here. However the rabid pumpkin spice love in fall is something I don’t really get. I mean, pumpkin is okay but it’s not chocolate people, okay? Let’s not get confused, Chocolate Rules All The Seasons! 

No grandbaby yet as I’m writing this on Sunday afternoon :-) She’s taking her time, planning for just the right moment to make her debut. I’m happy to wait, but I’m not sure her parents are as patient as her Grandma, LOL.

Otherwise, it’s been a decent weekend. Friday, we saw my primary doctor. He was very pleased with my progress and gave Wizard and me an extra level of confidence. I am getting rest, but also moving as much as I can and he was fine with that. That helped Wizard to relax a bit more and let me do things if I feel up to it. While Wizard has been great, I recognize that in a lot of ways, this has been harder on him.

Saturday we did stuff around the house, then went over Youngest’s house because Turbo and his family were going over there to swim. It gave us a chance to see him as it’s been a long time. We enjoyed that then came home. I can’t swim until I’m cleared by my surgeon and Wizard is tired, so it worked out well. OH!! guys, I forgot to say, my oldest son and daughter-in-law had gifts for us from Italy. Long story but the gifts ended up at Youngest’s house, so we were able to retrieve them. One item is some olive oil that smells amazing — better than any olive oil I’ve ever had in the states! I can’t wait to try it! And some balsamic too, which is also cool!

Sunday, we went to breakfast. The restaurant was having a bad day, but it was nice to get out. Then after lunch, I decided to do some errands as I’m just starting to drive comfortably now. I picked up some fresh made sourdough since I’m not up to making it myself yet (but soon!). The sourdough is to dip in the olive oil and balsamic :-) Then I ran by Trader Joes. ‘There I got some regular and dairy free parmesan cheese to make a gluten free pasta dish with the olive oil, my fresh basil leaves and the parm because it sounds yummy. And I bought a bunch of random stuff because that place has a spell over me. I asked the very nice girl at the checkout if she could pack the bags super light and she was happy to do it. I normally hate asking stuff like that, but she made it easy and I so appreciated it. She offered to me help out to the car, but she did such a great job of packing the bags light, I didn’t need it.

This week is another week of light duty for me, but hopefully on Friday, I’ll get clearance to do more.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Round”

  1. Silver James
    September 2nd, 2024 at 9:36 am · Link

    Pumpkin is for pies and bread, not coffee. Just sayin’… And yes, chocolate rules! Septbember 5–because Thursday’s Child has far to go…And she is going to be all kinds of awesome! It’s always harder on the spouse and especially men–they are “Fixers” by nature and they can’t fix us when we’re sick. So happy for the good report and the chill-axin’ in your activities. Yay for family time and pressies! There’s a store here called The Olive Tree. They do mail order and their selection of olive oils is AMAZING! Yay for chores, cool clerks, and more clearance coming soon! Trust me, I know all about that. LOLOL

    Our weekend was quiet too. I worked–a little–Saturday and Sunday and hope to do more today. Saturday afternoon, we watched our Cowboys play football. OSU played well and broke South Dakota State’s win streak. (It was like 29 games…the longest in college football or something.) OU played Friday night and they beat Rice which is…well…Rice. They aren’t exactly a football powerhouse. Still, college football means Fall!

    Sunday was the ice cream social. Uncle Fix-It provided Cherry Cream (vanilla with chunks of cherry) and Cappucino Chocolate Chunk (chocolate with cappucino flavor and chunks of chocolate), along with brownies, turtle brownies, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and marachino cherries for the top. Oh, and slice bananas. It was yummy but the best part was sitting around and just visiting. It’s been a while. Jake got to go because it was just the James Gang there so there was room for a big dog. :wink:

    Today will also be low-key. I’m piddling this morning, watching some local news, drinking coffee and playing on the internet. Once the news program is over at 10 a.m., I’ll get off the intrawebz and get to work.

    Enjoy your day and have a great week! 🥰

  2. Viki S.
    September 2nd, 2024 at 2:28 pm · Link

    I love the spices and I love pumpkin but NEVER in coffee. Give me pie and bagels and I’m good. By the way, I’ll make pumpkin pie any time. As for the 100+F, tell it to go away!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend even if the little one hasn’t decided to show up yet ☺️.

    You must be thrilled that your primary doc is so happy with your recovery. That means you have been doing things right.

    Caregivers really do have to handle a lot. Been keeping Wizard in my prayers to help him and you.

    Love that you got to see Turbo! Nice and thoughtful gifts they brought you too. Everything sounds so good!

    The weekend has been nothing special for us. C is going to come over and we’re going to fry fish tonight. I have corn and sweet potato fries to go along with the fish. The other C is a veggie so she isn’t coming over.

    I hope you have a fantastic afternoon!

  3. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    September 3rd, 2024 at 1:01 pm · Link

    Silver, well it’s looking like you could be right on Sept 5th for the baby :-) My son said yesterday they were out trying to encourage her to arrive, LOL. I remember that so well! Oh and we have a pretty good olive oil place here in CA too. Still — it’s fun to get it from another country and enjoy it. The dipped bread was awesome and I made a lovely vinaigrette from it so far.

    Yay for some work, and hope you got more done yesterday and today. But I can see with all the college football why your writing was limited. Also it’s good to give your brain down time to plot.

    What a fun idea to have the ice cream social!! It’d be a blast and the whole concept leads to more visiting. I love it and am glad you all had a great time. And that Jake got to go as he should :-)

    Hope your week is going well so far.

  4. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    September 3rd, 2024 at 1:10 pm · Link

    Viki, I bet you make a great pumpkin pie! I can make good pumpkin cookies — with chocolate chips of course. The heat is going to be here all week. But it’s August – September are usually like this, so I can’t really complain.

    We are thrilled with my primary docs assessment, thanks! We’ll see what the surgeon says Friday and hope she has the results from the lab.

    Thank you so much for thinking about Wizard. Truly it means a lot. I know you guys understand how hard it is to be the spouse of someone in that situation.

    I hope you had a good time with C and all enjoyed the fish, sweet potatoes and corn! Sorry the other C didn’t come, but it’s sometimes nice to spend a little time with one of our kids too.

    Hope your week is starting off right.

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