Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 9th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

First up, as I type this late Sunday afternoon, the baby is not quite here yet. But Mom and baby are under excellent care so when the time is right, we’ll celebrate.

The weekend was good, if a little scattered. It’s nothing wrong, just constantly pivoting plans as a reminder that I don’t always get to control life when I plan my days. That’s always a surprise to me :-) Which basically means I didn’t get to do some experimental baking stuff for my imaginary bakery…yeah…don’t ask. It’s a mental thing I do when I’m resting — think about and sometimes research cookies and brownies. I don’t actually ever plan or even want to open a bakery. My mental one never gets dirty, had equipment failures, rude customers, missing ingredients, or any problems at all. Real life…not so much!

Friday, I saw my surgeon. She’s very happy with my progress. The news was 95% good, and we are relieved and happy! The nodule was bigger than expected, and super close to the margins — which was validating in a way. She does not believe I’ll need more treatment, but due to a genetic mutation that was found in the biopsy, she wants me to see another specialist to confirm that. And I’ll do a six month follow up with her.  Overall good news.

Oh and the healing scar looks great! I am collecting them in that spot there with two surgeries there, LOL (My neck surgery years ago is right there).

Saturday and Sunday were days of pivoting plans, and it all worked out. On Saturday, I did get to go spend an hour and a half with my grand dog, Phoebe. That was actually good, because I just sat with her, played some toys, and we both watched some Youtube on my phone. But Sunday, I’m super tired. I have more good days than not, so it’s just my body reminding me it hasn’t been even three weeks since my surgery (and so totally normal), and I’m listening.

Today we are, well, still in pivot mode (first babies!) and also, I get to go hang out with Phoebe again. When I get home after that, I usually get a 3rd degree sniff examination by Maggie :-)

How was your weekend?

6 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    September 9th, 2024 at 9:10 am · Link

    Bummer on the baby but maybe today! Monday’s child is fair of face… Yay for Phoebe time and more of it today. Maggie probably sniffs because she didn’t get to go play with her niece dog. REALLY excellent news from the doc. I hope the new referral works out positively too. Yay on the scars not being yuck. And yeah, it takes a while to get back into “normal” shape. I’m STILL working on it and trust me, it gets OLD! Grrr.

    We’ve had great weather and it makes me happy. Siren test went off without a hitch, lunch with The Kids was fun. Baseball Boy scored suite seats to the OU game from one of his BB player’s dad so they took Stormy. Going to a game was on BB’s bucket list and to get to do it with free food was all kinds of awesome. My OSU Cowboys also won but it came after double overtime. I had to walk away and ignore it.

    Sunday was soccer. Stormy played well and his team won 5-2. Start of the game was delayed because both coaches were finishing up games (against each other– :lol: ) on a different field with a different age group.

    I got a little writing done–adding to one scene that was bugging me and tightening up another that wasn’t bugging me until I reread it. :roll:

    Today, I plan to knuckle down and make some real progress. The End is in sight. I think. We’ll see. But I’d love to be able to report the finish for Friday Five. Have a great week, all!

  2. Jenn
    September 9th, 2024 at 11:01 am · Link

    Silver, she’s here!!! Came very early this morning, she’s beautiful and perfect, and mom is good. I haven’t seen her yet, but we’re waiting to see how the parents are doing a bit later today. They need their time after a very long two days. But I love her so much!!

    thanks on Doc news. I’m so happy, and also, this week, real cranky about being old and human and needing more time to heal, LOL. I know you get it. Yours was much worse. Still, I’m so lucky, and I appreciate that with every part of me.

    Your weekend sounds really good!!! Yay for good weather, glad the siren test went well. And amazing that BB scored the tickets with the bonus of free food! These are things to appreciate, aren’t they! Congrats on OSU.

    Stormy is taking soccer by storm? What? I thought it was funny :-) I’m so happy he’s thriving and loving the game. Total aside here — Turbo just started his second year of Little League. He loved it last year and hope that continues.

    Two scenes fixed! More good news. LOL on the one scene that wasn’t bugging you until you reread it. Totally been there.

    Crossing my fingers you hit the desired Friday deadline! Happy Monday!

  3. Viki S.
    September 9th, 2024 at 2:08 pm · Link

    Great news that mom and baby are doing well.

    Oh you must be so exited to go see her! Totally understand giving them a little time after bringing her into the world. In fact I bet you’re all taking numbers to go see the little one.

    Excellent news from the doc on Friday. I like how you’re okay with the scars. I would be too. You fought for both of them and for them to be together is kind of cool.

    Phoebe is one lucky pup. I can picture the two of you watching videos together. Did you get to go back over today? I know you really love her and you two have a great time together. Sure hope Maggie is okay with you being with Phoebe. I would think she’s fine because they know each other.

    I made apple spice cookies Saturday and hubs loves them. We went to the Thai place for dinner. Hubs didn’t have any reaction but C & C and I really liked it. Since they have only been open a few days they are short staffed. It took a little while to be served. Hubs not happy but the rest of us understanding. The place was completely full and overwhelmed with take out. I think it’s going to be a hit.

    I’m sure you will see the new family very soon – ENJOY!

  4. Silver James
    September 9th, 2024 at 8:09 pm · Link

    Congrats to Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma (or whatever you and Wiz are called–I’ve forgotten-LOL), Uncles, Aunts, and Cousin Turbo! I’m so excited for everyone. And that all are healthy and perfect and there’s so much love!!!!

  5. Jenn
    September 9th, 2024 at 8:59 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks! We are all thrilled. My daughter in law called me this afternoon to say we were welcome to come because she’s so thoughtful. But after talking, we arranged tomorrow. Then we had a fire spring up in the hills, so we wanted to keep an eye on that (it’s better this evening, so hopefully all will be well).

    Scars are so much better than what I had, so yep, I’m good! And yes I went back to hang with Phoebe today. I showed her pics of the new baby, LOL. Yep, I truly did that! And then we played, she had treats and we watched more Youtube.

    Your apple spice cookies must have been delicious!

    Yay on the Thai place! I’m so happy you enjoyed it. And i love that you guys were patient with the staff shortage. It’s an unfortunate fact of life (at least here) these days. I bet they really appreciated that from you!

    I hope your week is off to a great start. Mine certainly is, even if it feels hectic, it’s in a good way (except for the fire).

  6. Jenn
    September 9th, 2024 at 8:59 pm · Link

    Silver, thank you so much!!

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