For the record, this isn’t fun. We have been under an evacuation warning from the Airport Fire in the hills (it’s the huge Cleveland National Forest) behind us since Monday night. I desperately wanted to go see our new grandchild, and help the brand new parents. Because of the warning, I was afraid to go so far and not be able to get back in if they issue and evac order. But others are in (at this moment) worse danger than us, so I need to not whine too much. My son, his wife and their two day old daughter are fine. They have people around then who can offer support, and a brother near by. So my griping is really more about me just missing out
I’m writing this Tuesday early afternoon. We are basically in wait and see, and we’ve made some premilitary preparations so we can move somewhat quickly if needed.
The firefighters are awesome! If you have extra prayers, send them for their safety as they fight multiple fires, please.
How’s your day going?
September 11th, 2024 at 10:27 am · Link
Every time I see the fire on the news I worry about you. I am keeping you and all the firefighters in my prayers.
Hopefully you will have the evacuation warning lifted very soon and can feel okay about leaving to go meet your granddaughter.
I agree, firefighters are amazing! They are always in my daily prayers.
My brother had his shoulder replacement Monday and was home Tuesday morning. I talked to him this morning and he’s doing pretty good considering how complex it all was. His dog, Smoke, hasn’t left his side. Animals are great.
I’m praying that you stay safe. Have a good day.
September 11th, 2024 at 11:04 am · Link
The Line fire is getting all the coverage here but when you mentioned a fire nearby Monday, I started to worry and send up prayers for all involved. Good to know the “new family” is safe and being looked after. Y’all need to do what you need to do. The 2 things that scare me the most are wild fires and earthquakes. Tornadoes can be tracked as can hurricanes, and with enough warning. Earthquakes just happen and fires have minds of their own. Wind, terrain, and the fact they can build their own weather systems just boggles. Stay alert. Be ready. Have a secondary play in case your primary evac route gets blocked. Accidents, stupid people, shift in fire direction…they happen.
Holding all of you in my thoughts and have shifted prayers for rain from our drought to your fires! Keep us posted as you can. 💖
September 11th, 2024 at 11:05 am · Link
Oh, and yeah. It’s a given about firefighters. They are heroes!!!!!
September 11th, 2024 at 11:26 am · Link
Viki, thank you! We have an evac order since last night, but the fire has moved so we’re packed and ready to go, but staying here until we get a better feel. Of course, that means more roads are closed but we’re doing the best we can and so is Youngest.
All the firefighters and law enforcement have been working non stop. They are truly heroes.
Baby and new parents are doing fine as of last night. I’m not going to bother them until a bit later today (it’s morning here).
I’m praying your brother has a swift recovery. Smoke is clearly a great dog and will help him heal!
Hope you are having a good week.
September 11th, 2024 at 11:33 am · Link
Silver, the third big fire (Bridge Fire) just broke out yesterday, but that Line Fire is awful. This fire (Airplane Fire) has spread so fast due to terrain and weather.
I can totally understand fear of fire and earthquakes. Most earthquakes are nothing, seriously. Bigger Ones rarely happen, but they are killers when they do so I get it. Hurricanes and Tornados scare me
I think it’s what we’re used to dealing with.
As for here with fires, we are super conscious and careful — unfortunately a few people are card-carrying, dangerous idiots. And that is terrifying.
Our exits are limited now but we have a plan and alternates, thank you! Including, anytime we leave the house for anything, Maggie is with us.
YES on Firefighters and all the law enforcement folks, being heroes. They are working round the clock and are my heroes.
We are also remembering the horoes from 911 today. I meant to add that in my blog but Brain Fog from stress is a thing, LOL.
Hope you’re having a good day!
September 13th, 2024 at 7:25 am · Link
I hope everything is okay with you and the lack of a Friday post doesn’t mean you had to evacuate. :hugs: I’ll be thinking of you and sending loads of positive thoughts your way.