Friday, January 17th, 2025
Friday Five
TGIF!!! It’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- The winds have calmed! I’m very happy about that. I don’t see any rain in the forecast, but I’ll take no winds as a win.
- This week, we had pillow drama
So I buy expensive pillows on my doctor’s strong recommendation for my neck. They’ve worked well in the past. Then the new ones arrived, and frankly, they were garbage. I do think I ordered the size wrong, but I did not order crappy pillows. Think sleeping on an letter sized envelope filled with few paper shreds — they were just terrible for us. There was a long 24 hours of me being mad at myself (because I should have known the quality had gone down?) Then it dawned on me — we can still return them. The company has a guarantee. So I contacted the company, they agreed to my returning them, and I shipped them off. I should get the refund soon. This stupid little thing stressed me out more than was reasonable.
- We have run all over the county, and we’ve seen a lot of dining room tables. They all are starting to look the same, and my very old one is starting to look better. At this point, I just need the most amazing and perfect table in the universe to ring my doorbell, or I’m moving on to other, less exhausting projects!
- I made a version of white chili chicken yesterday to freeze for lunches. I changed a few ingredients to use what I had on hand. Fingers crossed I like it because I have six servings batched up in the freezer and fridge
I also made two loaves of sourdough bread and put one of those is in the freezer.
- Today the plan is to go to Baby Girls for a bit. Daughter in law needs to drop her car off for a few days, so Wizard will go with her and bring her home. If anyone’s wondering, Middle Son is working so hard right now and asked us if we could help, and we’re happy to. I’ll watch the baby while they get the car into the shop. It’ll be fun for me! But when Wizard gets back, I promise to share Baby Girl with him. That reminds me, Wizard saw a funny video a grandpa holding the grandbaby and the grandma repeatedly trying to get her from him. Wizard cracked up and made the totally shocking accusation that that grandma is me! Can you believe that? I know, it’s outrageous even if it’s probably true, LOL. This weekend, we’ve talked about trying to see Turbo but we haven’t talked to his parents yet. We both are running a bit tired, so we’ll see.
That’s my five now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
January 17th, 2025 at 11:20 am · Link
Glad the wind is down. 🤞🏼 it stays that way. Ugh on the pillow drama but yay on the refund. Found my perfect table at a second hand store. Hope yours rings the door bell soon.
Mmm. Sour dough and chili. Sounds like a good plan. Yay for Baby Girl™ and here’s hoping for Turbo Time™. As parents and grandparents, we do what we can to help. And
on Wiz for making fun of you. LOL Okay, my five:
1. Monday was eye surgeon day. He’s mostly happy with me. Pressure is down in both eyes and the retina deterioration has stabilized. Bad news is there’s a bit of scaring/hazing on the implant lenses. I go in the next 2 Mondays for laser surgery to scrape the scaring off. Bad news is we have to be there at 6 a.m. On a Monday! *flail*
2. I had a blond senior moment. My fancy coffee maker “overflowed.” I thought my cup had gotten jostled from under the spigot. I refilled the basket, stuck my cup under and turned it own. It overflowed again. Turned out the spigot had clogged with coffee grounds. What is that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (while getting the same)? Oh yeah…insanity.
3. Only still has my Highlander. It may be the alternator in her ‘Stang. Poor LG will have to be my chauffeur today. I’ve put off doing my errands but it may be next week now and I HAVE to make a grocery run. I have trouble driving his truck. It’s huge and has all this fancy electronic stuff that confuses me.
Also, arctic blast coming in tonight so another reason to go today while it’s in the 50-60s.
4. I’m about half-way through edits on Part 2 of the compendium collection. The good thing about doing this is getting to “fix” things if I don’t like the way I originally worded something. In self-publishing, NOTHING is set in stone. Except canon. Don’t go messin’ with that. It upsets the fan base.

5. Pete is made at me. He was inside last night when I went to bed. At some point, he managed to get outside. I didn’t notice he was gone the couple of times I had to get up. When he wasn’t “there” for breakfast this morning so I opened the garage door and there he was all huffy and PO’d. He did NOT get extra gushy food. Not my fault he went out in the cold and got left there.
No plans other to stay in and warm this weekend and try to get a bunch of editing done. Valentine’s Day is looming.
Keep reminding me that I work better with deadlines. Have a great one, all!
January 17th, 2025 at 2:49 pm · Link
1. I’ve been keeping a watchful eye on the fires and the winds and am very happy to see that the winds are calming and the fires are getting contained. I saw that the conditions will be ripe again next week for the winds to pick up. I pray that there will be no more out of control blazes.
2. That’s awful about the pillows. I’m glad you are able to return them. Have you found a substitution? I honestly love my mypillow King extra firm. I hated them when they first came out but 3 years ago I bought the ones I now have and love them. In fact, this weekend is pillow washing time.
3. I have my fingers crossed that the perfect table presents itself to you very soon.
4. I’m betting the chili is great!
5. Oh wow! Have a great time one on one with baby girl. We know that you will share her when Wizard gets back. I love that Wizard thinks you’re like the grandma in the video 🤣.
1a. Today was hub neuro appointment. I thought I had him all set for it but he was confused about some of the items discussed. She is putting him on the second Alzheimer’s medication once insurance approves it. He seemed to understand while we were there but he has a fixation on thinking he is “perfect.” This will be a struggle.
2a. C repaired my broken VERY expensive TV but when he brought it back down to the family room and set it up the Spectrum remote was no longer compatible. I’m frustrated and so is he. He’s coming over again tomorrow to try again.
3a. When I got up Wednesday and opened the drapes in the spare bedroom I saw this huge dark shape in the snow down below. I thought it must be a couple deer. Nope, it was one HUGE doe. She is magnificent!
4a. Today it warmed up. It’s in the 30’s for the first time this year but tomorrow afternoon the temps will fall rapidly. The beginning of next week the highs will be under 5F. It will be chilly for sure.
5a. I got my new ipad mini the other day. I was shocked at how small it is. It’s about the same size as the Kindle Fire. I wish it were bigger but not the size of the ipad. My old eyes have trouble seeing.
I hope you have a really fun time with baby girl and have a great weekend!
January 17th, 2025 at 6:52 pm · Link
Silver, the winds are supposed to come back next week, so we’ll see. And a second hand store is a good idea!
1) Um, yay for the good news part of that, but more procedures isn’t fun. They should be worth it though! And big sympathies being there so early on any day, let alone a Monday!
I’d have likely made the same assumption that you did. Mine overflowed once because I didn’t set the coffeepot on correctly – -that was a whole pot of coffee mess since I found it after it was done brewing.
2) To be fair, that spigot in the coffeemaker wouldn’t have been my first guess either
3) It’s nice of you to let Only use your Highlander, but it can be a pain for you. Hope they can get their car fixed soon! I don’t blame you for not wanting to drive LGs truck. Hope you and LG were able to get your errands done.
4) That’s definitely one of the perks of self published! Glad you’re smart enough not to upset the fans by messing with their expectations!
5) Uh OH!!! I mean, I’m with you, how could you know he went outside? But I don’t think cat-logic is the same as ours. I suspect you’re in trouble
I think you’re smart to stay inside this weekend! Aside from the book, you also want to be rested up for Monday’s Early Eye Adventure. Have a good weekend!
January 17th, 2025 at 7:00 pm · Link
Viki, that’s where we got these pillows. We were very surprised. But we’ll see. I’m going to look around to see what else might work. I can order again if needed. And we had fun seeing Baby Girl
1) Wow, it sounds like you have your hands full. I’m glad the doctor is trying to help. I wish it was all easier on you as the caregiver.
2) That is frustrating! We have similar issues if we mess with anything. Wizard usually solves it but it can take a couple frustrating hours, often on the phone with Spectrum.
3) It must have been amazing to see such a big doe!
4) Yikes, that’s serious cold coming your way! I did see another cold front was moving in, hope you guys stay warm!
5) That does sound small. I hope you can adjust to it. It’s probably a great device, but you need to be able to see it clearly!
Thanks and I hope you have a good weekend! And that C can easily fix the remote tomorrow — fingers crossed.