It was a good weekend, but not much to tell in a roundup. I did a little cleaning, ran a few errands and a worked out on Saturday. Sunday was a designated chill day to rest. But because I’m so good at chilling, Maggie and I went on two walks and clocked over three miles, LOL. But it actually was a nice day with no demands and the walks were fun. I even managed to easily finish the Dell book because I saw down in the day when I’m not as prone to falling asleep. I felt very accomplished! I only had something like 10 pages left but by the time I sat down to read, my eyes were tired and burning (contacts!) and I’d fall asleep.
Oh and another highlight for me that most will find silly or dumb. I got two sets of tiered drawer-baskets for under my bathroom sink and I love them! It was a mess under there, and most of the stuff was a pain to get to. Now everything feels organized and accessible. I’ve been “thinking” about these tiered baskets for a year when Wizard finally had enough and told me to just order them. Now I have no idea why I was dithering! But honestly, sometimes it’s the small things that make us happy.
Last night we went to dinner with friends we haven’t seen in years. However I’m writing this before we go because I’ll forget after — until I go to bed in which I’ll remember and either 1) get up and write the blog then not sleep or 2) dwell on the fact that I didn’t write the blog and not sleep. Yeah, I know, my brain is a puzzle. Anyway, I’m sure the dinner will be fun! We are looking forward to it.
How was your weekend? Hope everyone stayed warm and safe in the cold!
January 20th, 2025 at 3:40 pm · Link
☺️We are all with you on the forget/worry. It’s always best to plan ahead. On that note, I hope you had a lovely dinner. Because I’m nosy, did you get dessert?
Organizing with baskets is what Cassie has always done and it is a very neat way to keep things handy. I’m very glad that you are happy with your baskets.
Enjoying walks with Maggie is a good thing even on rest days.
My weekend was dealing with hubs. We’re slowly adding the other Alzheimer’s med. It will take 4 full weeks to get it ramped up and see if he’s okay with it. He’s not happy and arguing about it. This pill may also help with the threats. Fingers crossed.
C&C had dinner with us Saturday. It was nice.
It’s super cold here and we got a ton of snow too. It’s supposed to get even colder the next few days. Have to keep hubs inside.
I hope your day is going well. Take care.
January 20th, 2025 at 4:05 pm · Link
Viki, yes, Wizard and I split a mud pie. I wasn’t too impressed with that. However I really enjoyed my Korean Rice bowl! It was made with quinoa instead of rice, which I love anyway.
I love when stuff is organized in a way that makes sense to me. I do have a problem getting myself to buy the organizing products though
Glad Cassie has found a method that works for her!
I’m definitely crossing my fingers that you can get him to take the meds, he tolerates them well and they help him significantly AND make your life easier.
Dinner with the kids and significant others is always a win!
I’ve been hearing is super cold! Hope you guys stay warm and hubs agrees to stay inside!
January 20th, 2025 at 5:57 pm · Link
Yay for organization, walks, reading, dinner with friends, and sleeping! Oh, also for cleaning and errands.
Sounds like a good weekend.
Mine was mostly spent wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket and working. I finished Par6 2 and will start the transition and Part 3 tomorrow. My eye is still dilated from the laser procedure this morning. I clain being unable to see for any and all typos and weridnes. LOL
I really didn’t do much of anything else. But hey, good progress on the WIP. Oh, and my KC Chiefs won.
Have a great week, all!