Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
A Bit of Sadness

Yesterday, I received news that my agent, Karen Solem, has passed away. She was (I can’t even believe I’m saying “was”) my one and only agent for a reason. She was a damn good agent, but even more importantly to me, she was honest and straight forward. By the time I’d published after 8 years of rejections, I had a pretty solid feel for agents, and I chose carefully.

So right after my first book, DATING CAN BE MURDERED, was published with Kensington books, I flew to NY for a conference. While there, I had a meeting with Karen. One of the first things she said to me was, “You can write.” I was caught by surprise, because I’d assumed she was interested in me because I’d already published one book in a two book contract and was ready to negotiate the next two book contract. It was then that I understood she’d have passed on me if she didn’t think I had the chops, despite the upcoming contract that would earn her money. Karen had been NY Publisher editor for years before becoming an agent and had been in this business for a long time. She’d seen it all by then. And once I grasped that she really believed in me, I have always valued those words to this day, and I tried to remember them when I doubted myself. It was the start of a good professional relationship with a side of personal friendship.

Years later, when I needed a new publisher, I sent Karen the outline for my paranormal BLOOD MAGIC. She loved it. But it took time to sell, and she never gave up. She found the right editor and a series was born. That said, it was a troublesome birth, with a few more snags along the way as there often is on the path of NY publishing. Karen stood by me the entire time, and her steadiness helped me navigate the rough ride.

And then I decided to try category, she sold THE BABY BARGAIN to Entangled and we hit the bestseller list. That was a surprise!

Over a couple decades, I’ve had endless emails with her, tons of phone calls, and a smattering of lunches, cocktail parties and coffees with her. Once I was self-publishing, we were still connected by the residual business of my NY published books, and we’d chat now and again. I always knew if anything that needed an agent came up, I’d call her. It feels odd that she’s no longer “there”.  That we won’t talk about books, or our love of animals, or the state of publishing. Nor will I hear her stories (and she had some!).

Honestly, this feels like an era has passed. But I am grateful that I had a strong, kind and professional agent who doubled as a friend guiding me as I waded the minefield of being an author with NY publishers.

By the time this blog goes up on Wednesday, I’ll feel grounded again and I’ll be smiling at the memories. Today I’m just a bit sad.

Happy Wednesday :-)

6 comments to “A Bit of Sadness”

  1. Marianne
    January 22nd, 2025 at 8:15 am · Link

    I know how you valued Karen’s guidance. I am sorry for your loss. I hope her family and friends know how much she will be missed

  2. Silver James
    January 22nd, 2025 at 10:06 am · Link

    She was real. I’m not quite sure how to explain what I mean but you’ll know. People on both sides–publishers and writers–respected her. I know y’all were close, in the way folks are in the business. I hope her passing was peaceful and condolences to you, her family (which includes her authors) and friends. Hang in there and remember the good times. 😟 :hugs:

  3. Viki S.
    January 22nd, 2025 at 10:48 am · Link

    I’m sorry you lost someone that really helped and was also a friend to you. She sounds like a great agent as well as a great person.

    I hope you are now reflecting on happy times in your relationship with her.

    Take care 💗.

  4. Jenn
    January 22nd, 2025 at 5:45 pm · Link

    Marianne, thanks, I appreciate it.

  5. Jenn
    January 22nd, 2025 at 5:47 pm · Link

    Silver, Thanks. I agree, she was real and didn’t have time for games or unnecessary drama.

  6. Jenn
    January 22nd, 2025 at 5:50 pm · Link

    Viki, thank you. I’m definitely remembering the good times. And I am glad she is now free of any suffering she may have endured while ill.

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