Friday, January 24th, 2025
Friday Five
TGIF! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- Winds and fires have been dominating CA, but there’s hope for some rain in the forecast around Sunday. Fingers crossed! Yesterday was warmer than any day in January has a right to be. We really need some rain, but not too much as the burn areas will have mudslide. It’s a delicate balance right now. But hey, New Orleans is dealing with snow so we all have out problems.
- We’ve looked at more dining tables. We were ready to buy one when we asked to test putting the leaf in and out — and that was a deal breaker. Our extreme pickiness is a LOT of the problem, here. And so, the seriously unimportant table hunting saga goes on
- But we did buy living room tables! We began with buying the side tables on Wednesday to be delivered on Saturday. We’d decided we didn’t need a coffee table. Then Wizard suddenly realized Thursday morning that he puts his coffee on the coffee table in the morning. Evidently this was a big deal
So I’ve either ordered (by the time this post goes up), or will order soon, that the matching coffee table. The tables we have currently have are showing wear and tear from lots of use. And yet — I’m still repurposing those side tables into guess room nightstands.
- I’ve been tracking calories and macros right now for fitness goals. My top goal is to get a 100 grams of protein a day without overeating calories. It’s work to do it, and it’s about as boring as it sounds, but I don’t mind right now. It’s all part of what I consider a hobby I care about right now. Building strength is important to me for my future self and making sure I don’t gain weight while doing it will keep extra pressure of my joints since I have RA. What’s weird is how defensive I feel about it, and I shouldn’t! But the anti diet culture makes me think I ‘ve suddenly developed an eating disorder for tracking. We live in a weird world when I feel defensive about improving my fitness!
- We may go see Wizards mom today and take them some enchiladas that I made for Thursday night’s dinner. As for the weekend, we have the side tables coming Saturday and I’m not sure about the rest. We’ll see if any new and fun adventures come our way!
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend.
January 24th, 2025 at 9:03 am · Link
My fingers are crossed for you, too. I hear ya on the dining table woes. You need to find one that works for you. :hugs: Yay for the side tables and lol about the coffee table. You do you on the whole diet thing. Why anyone feels the need to critique your choices is beyond me. Have fun with Wizard’s mom and I hope all your adventures are fun!
1) Finn’s feeling better. (Not sure if I mentioned he had a bladder infection.) But neither cat really likes the purified water I switched them to because our water is too hard. This too shall pass.
2) I’ve been a total slug this week. Okay, not total… I just feel like it’s a total thing.
3) I did get one of those pop-up urges to bake and made a chocolate cake while Hubs was napping. I think the smell of it baking woke him up, but it was a happy wake-up.
4) We have a little bird trapped in the garage. He flew in there weeks ago, and we assumed he was either dead or had found a way out on his own. Nope. We saw him yesterday – a Carolina wren. He looks fine, but we put out water and suet nuggets to help him until we can get him outside again. On the upside, he spent the coldest days in relative comfort. (40F instead of 3F.)
5) The static electricity here is out of control. Getting undressed at night is like a lightshow. The poor cats are getting zapped every time we try to pet them. I can’t wait for winter to be over.
January 24th, 2025 at 10:44 am · Link
Ugh on the fire/rain ratio. Snow in New Orleans? I saw pics of Jackson Square and St. Louis Cathedral and I wanted to be there! NOLA IN THE SNOW FTW!!!! Tables are important–no matter what kind! LOL about the monring coffee table. Diet is personal. Period. Hope you get to see Wiz’s mom and have a peaceful, enjoyable weekend! My five…
1. Monday was off to a butt-crack of dark (dawn didn’t hit until after we were on the way home) start. It took longer to get to the surgical center, sign in, wait, and get home than for the 3 minute procedure. My good eye was dilated most of the day so I napped in between watching inauguration coverage. I guess my vision is better. It was a laser procedure to clear some scar tissue and hazing on the lens.
2. As of typing this, I have 11 chapters left to edit on the WIP. I hope to have a cover this coming week and I should have it published on or before Valentine’s Day! Yay.
3. Speaking of, it’s been fun to reread these books. I’d forgotten some of the fun and some of the secondary characters. There’s a family that are technically more tertiary but they’ve nudged me toward a new project–a historical set in my West Virginia pack town with a moonshiner Wolf and the school marm. Think Brantley Gilbert’s “Bottoms Up” music video for inspiration.
4. I’m on a nostalgic “retro” reading/listening kick. I finished off the first 3 books in Andre Norto’s Witch World series and now I’m listening to the first book in Anne McCaffery’s Dragon Riders of Pern series.
5. Pete story of the week. Pete and Loki have devised a “hockey” game. Long story set-up. I crave miniature Reece’s PB cups. I’ll grab 3 at bedtime. I started rolling up the metallic wrappers to “basketball shoot” into the trashcan–after I’ve devoured all 3. I missed the trashcan one night and Pete discovered the “ball.” He chased that puppy all over the bedroom and into the kitchen. Now he sits and waits for me to make his ball. I often wake up to him and Loki playing “air” hockey with whatever ball they’ve found. It’s funny to watch and makes for cheap cat toys.
Going to be a slow weekend. Stormy has a soccer match Saturday evening. Hopefully, Only will find a “new” vehicle this weekend and I’ll get my Highlander back. (Repairs to her Mustang came out to be more than the car is worth…ugh!) Supposed to be warmer so that’s a yay. And I get the left eye “fixed” this Monday. Have a good one, all! 🥰
January 24th, 2025 at 2:10 pm · Link
B.E., thanks. To be fair, it’s on me if I care what others say about my food choices
That is one lesson I’ve learned with age, and it’s rather liberating!
1) No I didn’t know (or remember!) that Finn had a bladder infection. Glad he’s better. Hopefully they adjust to the new water soon.
But I’m sure you’ll get him to find better accommodations soon.
2) You’re not a slug!
3) The smell of chocolate cake would wake me up! And motivate me to find and devour that cake! Hope you both enjoyed it!
4) We’ve had a bird trapped in the garage before so I know what a challenge it can be to get them to fly out. I think it took us a couple days as we didn’t want him to panic and get hurt. But this wren sounds smart given the weather you’ve been having, and now he has food and water
5) Poor kitties!! Hope they know you don’t mean to shock them when petting them. I’ve had that happen with Maggie (we get it pretty bad with Santa Ana winds). But I’ve never had the light show while undressing, LOL! That’ would be an experience!
Enjoy your weekend!
January 24th, 2025 at 2:18 pm · Link
Silver, the coffee table thing cracks me up. he was so into having no coffee table, and did a 180
Also, this is why I leave him to think things out in his own time instead of insisting we do it my way. He likes to take a longer route to get to the same opinion I have…usually.
1) Yay for one eye done and seemingly to be better!! Only one more butt-crack of dawn morning and lost day to dilated eyes! I’m thinking you may notice the improvement more when both eyes are done and fully recovered. But it’s still stressful to try to get there so early and go through procedures.
2) You’re doing great, especially while dealing with your eyes!
3) Many times, secondary characters are why I love a book so much!! They are more fun to write sometimes too!
4) OMG I loved the Dragons Riders of Pern back in the day. I should get retro with those too! In those days, I couldn’t afford to buy books and read them second half either from my sister or a second hand store. I may have missed some!
5) When reading that story, I was thinking why do we even buy toys? Cats, and Maggie, love the wrappings and boxes more. Maggie loves “unpacking” Amazon boxes with me, and proudly drags the paper to her bed but won’t play with a toy. The cats playing air hockey would crack me up!
Enjoy the hopefully warmer weekend, and I’m crossing my fingers that Only finds and purchases a great car! Good luck to Stormy on his game!
January 24th, 2025 at 2:53 pm · Link
1. The prayers are certainly going up that CA gets the right amount of rain this weekend and that the fires get contained. Cynthia Eden lives on the Gulf coast of Alabama and had over 9 inches of snow. For the first time she got to make a good snow angel.
2/3. Good job in finding the tables for the living room. Wizard is too cute with his morning coffee cup. Still hope you find the perfect dinning room table soon.
4. I’m a huge protein eater but I love meat. I For breakfast every day I eat a couple slices of turkey off the bone rolled around a small pc of habanero cheese.
5. I hope you got to see Wizard’s mom. The enchiladas are a wonderful idea.
1a. I have to comment on the “cat toys.” The cat I had for over 21 yrs (before Spunk) loved when I ate peppermint patties. Back years ago they were wrapped in aluminum foil and I would make balls out of them for Puff to play with. I would throw them and she would chase after them pick them up bring them back to me dropping them in my lap. She would look at me and say “ppplurp’ to get me to throw throw again. We would play for long periods of time.
2a. It’s still chilly here but should be in the low 30’s tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the utility bills.
3a. My reverse osmosis water filters had to be changed. When they go beyond so many gallons of water the system stops. I had the filters and C said he’d change them for me. He came over last night and thought he had all the lines shut off but guess what? One wasn’t and the entire kitchen flooded and leaked int to the basement. My exercise area was soaked. Big mess but cleaned up and all appears to be well.
4a. I ordered some blow out spray from Sephora at Kohl’s to be delivered. It came today in a padded envelope with the bottle open. All the smelly liquid inside. What a mess. I still stink. They are sending a replacement.
5a. Oh boy, tax info is starting to come in. I sure hope this year goes better than the others.
Have a great weekend!
January 24th, 2025 at 5:57 pm · Link
Viki, wow I hadn’t heard that about Alabama! That’s crazy by the gulf! I’m learning to eat more meat and choosing to like things that will make me feel my best
And we did see Wizard’s mom — they were happy to get the enchiladas too which was nice.
1) Cats are so fun! My brother has had a couple really cool cats like that. I do think people underestimate cats in general. But I had a rabbit who played trucks with my boys — like he really played with them. I was shocked.
2) Sheesh, that’s cold! Your heater must be working hard.
3) Oh no! That had to be a huge mess. Hopefully there’s no lasting damage. But I can see how that could happen.
4) I hate when that happens. Glad they are replacing it.
5) I’m crossing my fingers you have an easier time this year than last too!
Hope you have a good weekend and no damage to your exercise equipment from the flood!