Archive for March, 2024
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Friday, March 29th, 2024
TGIF! Time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- It’s going to rain this weekend. It’s been very rainy this year, but we don’t generally get the same deluges in my area that other spots in California do.
- My frustration was pretty high yesterday. I spent hours making phone calls and trying to do other people’s job. I really wish people in one medical group or organization would pick up the phone and call the other. I’m just the patient who doesn’t actually have all the various info (and that’s another rant, but we’ll save that for another day). In one case, it’s taken me two days worth of phone calls, but I finally got it resolved yesterday afternoon. On the other issue, I’m still waiting for a return call. The bright spot in all this is that I have spoken to a few really nice people who have genuinely been trying to help, so that’s a win, right?
- Poor Maggie was so restless while I was trapped on the phone, that I finally ended the call, ate lunch and took Maggie for a long walk. I was proud of myself for just walking away and having fun with Maggie. We found huge fogs and lots of tadpoles in a storm runoff pond. Maggie “pointed” to a few birds. Maggie is not a pointer breed (she’s a mix) but she definitely points. I’ve had a German shorthair pointer and know what that looks like. It’s pretty funny. She actually has a pretty good pointer stance.
- I’ve been sitting on some good (not professional) news in our family. But still waiting to mention it. It makes me smile every single day.
- It’s going to be just me and Wizard for Easter, so I think I’ll make ribs. That’s been my plan, but i don’t buy the ribs until a day or two before. Neither one of us care for ham, so ribs it is! I really hope everyone who celebrates has a lovely Easter!
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! Happy Easter and have a great weekend!
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Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
Tuesday was a long day. Wizard went with me to discuss test results with my ENT, where we learned I need more tests There’s nothing more to report, except right now I’m fine, and my ENT is very engaged and doing what needs to be done. So we can shake off that subject and move on to a subject that recently caught my attention.
In my defense, I was on hold for two hours last Friday (not kidding, it was that long!) to sort out the usual tangled bureaucratic issues so I can get my Humira. I got it resolved! But while stuck on hold, I decided to go on the social media alternate universe formerly known as Twitter, where I fell down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories regarding Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales. I don’t know the correct formal address for her, but most of you know who I mean.
Whoa, there’s serious crazy brewing down that rabbit hole!
For context, I’m a U.S. resident and have no stake in the British Monarchy. I liked to read about Diana in the old days, and these days enjoy occasional pictures and articles about Kate and her kids. I don’t know her, have no idea who she truly is as a person, but like her public persona. That’s it, that’s my interest. Then I heard she had major surgery, disappeared for a few months, and now she revealed she has cancer.
And the world lost it’s mind, as well as it’s manners, and compassion, in response. I think the palace, or whoever is the PR for that group did a poor job, but even so…to make the terrible accusations has me shaking my head. I’ll even say, sure, some of the pictures had me raising my eyebrows, but I don’t leap to crimes having been committed, bodies hidden, and AI used to cover it up. I don’t think even soap opera writers can come up with some of the wild plot lines I read. What makes me the saddest is near as I can tell, Kate is the most relatable of the Monarchy, and yet, the people behind all these conspiracy theories can’t seem to remember she’s a human being with three children. Could we maybe use a little discretion? Especially after she told the world she has cancer? Or do we just automatically accuse her of lying to cover it up and make ourselves feel better for the things we said before that revelation?
I think that’s what bugs me the most. The blind cruelty in the name of getting some kind of attention or clicks.
At this point, I wish her well and hope she recovers as I would for anyone struggling with cancer or any serious health issues. I especially hope for the best for her kids.
What do you think?
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Monday, March 25th, 2024
If a “good weekend” consists of working our butts off, then we nailed it! We have the house about 90% restored. All we have left is to hang pictures, and sort through boxes of old books and pictures. Overall we are super pleased to get the two projects that required so much moving stuff around behind us!
Sunday morning we went out to breakfast which was a nice break. Later in the day, we bought some new luggage. We bought our old luggage a couple decades ago, so it was the roller-type with two wheels. The two new pieces are lightweight, inexpensive spinner bags (the four wheel type that turns 360 degrees). It’ll make travel to Hawaii in May easier for us.
So it was a productive weekend. Now I can focus on Wizard’s birthday in a couple weeks Both Wizard and Oldest have “big” birthdays in April, roughly two weeks apart.
How was your weekend?
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Friday, March 22nd, 2024
TGIF!! And time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine.
- The painting is done! It took four days, and dang, they worked hard. They also cleaned up and put furniture back which was awesome. Wizard and I are very happy with the whole experience. Wizard and I have painted houses, but these guys did a much better job then we ever did. We went from white walls to a color called Agreeable Gray. The paint the builder sprayed the house with is awful — it’s chalky and wipes off when I clean spots. This paint should hold up much better. And of course, the baseboards and took a beating from the floor installation (a normal amount). Now it looks fresh and clean! We still have to wash all the floors, then unpack. I really don’t mind though. It’s so nice to get the big projects that require so much physical work done!
- Maggie has been so good through all this. I thought she’d be more stressed, but she’s pretty much just rolled with it. I think Wizard and I just fear another round of the stress colitis she had after boarding when Wizard had surgery, but I think that was a one off kind of thing. She’s been fine the last two times we took her there.
- While all this was going on, Wizard talked me into going with him to our sister in law’s house where I learned how to caulk in three bathroom. Um…he lured me into coming with him by telling me I could play with the dog, Bailey, while he did some repairs. He lied
When we got there, he handed me tape, glove and caulking and told me to get to work. Well played, Wizard, well played. But we got it all done to the best of our ability. I didn’t mind, I’d rather work than sit around and wait.
- I’m impressed with my new ENT doctor. His staff called me this week to let me know they had my MRI results and offered me a phone or in person appointment. I chose in person, and they got me in next week. I so appreciate them being on this. And now it’s not bugging me since I know they have the results and we’ll go over them next week. As frustrated as I sometimes get with people who don’t do their jobs, it’s even more important to appreciate all those who do!
- This weekend, we plan to stay home and work on the house.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Posted in Jenn's Posts 2 People Said | Link |
Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
Is today Wednesday? I’m not even sure, LOL! So here’s what living in chaos looks like in my world today:

It’s going to be two or three more days before the painting is finished, and then we get to move all the boxes back into the correct room and unpack them. Despite my griping, we’re really happy with it all so far. And we knew it’d be like this, and we signed up for it anyway.
I’m picking Maggie up from boarding at noon today. I considered having her stay another night, but we miss her 
What’s chaotic in your world today?
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Monday, March 18th, 2024
Non-stop weekend. We did it all, LOL.
Friday, I finally got the MRI done! Yay! The staff there was great. The only way I got through it was to keep my eyes closed in that machine. It worked! No telling how long before I hear results. I came home and packed for painting then Friday night we went to dinner with Middle and his wife to celebrate her birthday. We had such a nice time. Oh and somewhere in there I baked cupcakes to split between middle Daughter In Law and Turbo as they have birthdays one day apart in March.
Saturday Wizard got a little packing done, then we went to see Turbo for his birthday. More fun! I had a great time playing with Turbo. And he gave him a clinging hug when I went. That’s truly the best gift from a grandson!
Sunday was all day packing and prepping for painting. Wizard took a break to spend a little time with Youngest (with my encouragement!). But he worked like a dog when he got home. We are close to ready. We are dead tired too, but since we’re not going to jobs, we can’t really complain.
Today the painters come, and I’m planning to take Maggie to boarding for a couple nights. It’ll be less stress on all of us. This has been a lot of work, but when it’s done, I think we’ll be glad we did it all now.
How was your weekend?
Posted in Jenn's Posts 2 People Said | Link |
Friday, March 15th, 2024
TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things. Here’s mine!
- My happy news for the week is hearing from Silver. She’s recovering now and improving. I think it’ll be a while yet before she shows up online regularly. If anyone hasn’t seen her story, you can check her blog here.
- We hired the painters for the inside of the house. They begin Monday. The house will be all one color (Agreeable Gray) with white trim and doors. Are we ready? Heck no. We’ve had multiple complications making getting ready a Herculean task. On the other hand, this will do it for the big tasks inside the house that require so much work, and be worth it (I hope!) when it’s done. Yesterday afternoon and last night I did get a chunk of packing done so at least we have a good start.
- One of the complications is that we went for my MRI on Wednesday. The machine was broken, and they had to order parts. To their credit, they were nice and really got me in again this morning. Hopefully I will get this MRI done this time. It took me 8 long and frustrating months to get this far.
- Wizard is partially sidelined due to no fault of his own (nor does he have a virus — it’s a long story I don’t want to get into). He’s so frustrated that he can’t do a lot right when we need to get so much done. But today may be better for him.
- We plan to go to dinner tonight with Middle son to celebrate his wife’s birthday. They live an hour or more away, but it’s worth it to celebrate our daughter in law’s birthday as long as Wizard is up to it. Saturday we are going to see Turbo for his birthday (also an hour or more away from us). Sunday we’ll be packing and we’ll get all we can done.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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