Archive for January, 2024
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Monday, January 29th, 2024
My weekend was good. Saturday we did really exciting things like more packing up stuff, we worked in the planter outside and I gathered and checked some documents for taxes. My highlight of the day was running over to Youngest’s to drop off some cookies and play with my granddog. Wizard and I didn’t go back later to see Turbo as we had more stuff to take care of at home and we were tired. Youngest got to hog Turbo all to himself We will see Turbo very soon!
Sunday, I had a nice lunch with my sister-in-law. We went to a little sandwich shop that she and my brother-in-law loved. I’ve been there once before, so I knew what I could eat and ordered the Chef’s Salad. The poor waitress was so confused, LOL. I said Chef’s Salad like three times before she realized I meant Cobb Salad. Yep, I’m an idiot. But the waitress was very gracious and made me feel less like an idiot.
It was great to see my sister-in-law and have lunch. She’s interesting and it was so nice to just sit and talk for a while. I’m very proud of her. She’s handling a lot, and I’m always amazed by people’s resilience and strength. I hope I can learn from others how to have grace and courage in hard moments. But she also told me a story that made me laugh way too hard. Hopefully the other customers didn’t mind my outburst of laughter!
After that I came home and did a little more to get ready for our adventure in floors (it really isn’t that much — we’ve just spaced the work out over a week so it sounds like it’s endless), and did some laundry. Monday the guys (or gals, I don’t know yet!) are showing up to start the floors. My plan is to keep Maggie with us on a leash. The only reason for the leash is to prevent her from bugging them and unintentionally getting in their way. She’s pretty nosy, LOL. If we’re lucky this will only take 2 to 3 days.
Just to let everyone know, we have to move everything out of the office, and that requires shutting down the computer. I should be able to answer comments from my phone, but I may not be able to post a blog on Wednesday. Trust me, no one wants to read a post I typed on my phone :-). So if I’m not here on Wednesday, that’s why. I should be able to post by Friday though!
How was your weekend?
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Friday, January 26th, 2024
TGIF! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- It’s been a quiet and uneventful week for me. Wizard had some things to take care of this week, but he also had enough down time to hound me about buying a new Mustang. I just gave him a couple Tylenol and told him the (car) fever would pass soon
Oddly, he doesn’t think I’m as funny as I do. He wasn’t really serious about buying a Mustang, he’s just bugging me. He and Turbo’s mom are always looking at some car or truck, as they both suffer from Chronic Car Fever.
- Monday is the planned date to start the floors. We assume it’s all going to happen as planned and are packing and moving things. But it’s been a calm week, allowing us to do this in small chunks as we fee like it, and it’s really been no stress so far.
- Wizard is making fun of me for vacuuming all the carpets even though they’ll be pulled up Monday (except in the bedrooms where we’re keeping the carpet). I just shrugged off his comments. He’s going to be even more annoyed when I vacuum the hard floors tomorrow and ALL of those are getting pulled up. By the way, I’m doing this because I walk barefoot on them and they bug me. If I was a true clean freak I’d wash the floors (they really need it!) and the baseboards — but nope, I’m not doing that. Nor am I dusting because why when it’ll just be a mess from pulling up the floors? I’ll clean all that afterward.
- I’m reading the autobiography “STILL ME,” by Christopher Reeve — most people remember him as the actor who played Superman, and who was later paralyzed in a horse riding accident. My brother-in-law had the book, and I snagged it while packing up. I never realized that Mike (my brother-in-law) and Christopher Reeve both broke their necks at the same level. It was so scary at the time, but thankfully, Mike was a lucky one whose spinal chord wasn’t injured during the accident that caused the break in his cervical spine. He still went through a lot to recover, but it was nowhere near as bad as it could have been. It’s really frustrating that I can’t talk to him about this book now that I’m reading it and I know he read it. Yes, I recognize this is all part of grief, but overall reading his books makes me happy and brings up so many good memories. Now back to the book — Christopher Reeve goes into a lot of what he went through with the injury, and what his recovery looked like. He shares a lot detailed medical information, both in general about spinal injuries and specifically to his injury, and talks about research (up to the point when this book was written in the late 1990’s). I find it interesting. Also, reading a book like this reminds me to be grateful for all that my body does do, and not dwell on what it no long can.
- On Sunday, Wizard is going racing and I’m going out to have lunch with my sister-in-law, which I’m looking forward too. Oldest let me know that he and Turbo will be over Youngest’s house on Saturday, then told us to come on over. I laughed at Oldest for thinking being the eldest brother gives him to the power to invite us to youngest’s house without informing youngest. Brothers! But I may pop over there for a few minutes, we’ll see. However, I’ll call Youngest first, you know, just to prove to Oldest that it’s the polite thing to do. A mother’s job is never done!
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Wednesday, January 24th, 2024
It was my brother’s birthday yesterday, and I called him around 3:00 pm, I think.
He was on his way to dinner! At around 3pm!!
He’s officially old. I am soooo going to tease him about that. (We only talked for a minute because they were in the car and driving.)
Although we eat early too, like around 5 to 5:30, but that’s totally different 
So now I have a question for you: Do you have a typical dinner time? We always have, although it was a bit later than now due to Wizard and my work schedule.
P.S. I had to text my sister before I called my brother to make sure I had the date right for his birthday…so maybe I’m old too??? LOL.
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Monday, January 22nd, 2024
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was fine. It rained, but I usually manage stay busy so that’s rarely a problem. I returned the knife set. Yeah I know everyone told me to keep it, but Wizard looked at them, and immediately told me to return them. Both of us disliked the grip and thought the handles are flimsy. It’s not a big deal, I have my set while I keep searching. I have a chef knife set in mind that’s a little pricy but not too bad.
While I was out to return the knives, I bought some basic t-shirts too, then came home and cleaned out a bunch of clothes. I have more to do, but isn’t there always more? I’m trying to stop buying clothes unless I really think I’ll wear them. I have zero fashion sense, but I’m super picky about the way things fit.
Otherwise I made enchiladas and baked some cookies that Youngest and I can eat (we can’t eat the ones in my freezer). I planned to see youngest but he finally got the virus going around the rest of our family (so far, Wizard and I have been spared).
I’ve been reading THE PASSING OF THE NIGHT: My Seven years As A Prisoner of the North Vietnamese by General Robinson Risner. I really like the book, although I have some feelings about the editing. It’s a publisher I don’t recognize, and when I looked up, it appeared to be a vanity publisher. I feel this book (and story) deserved better, but that’s just my opinion. In any case, I’m nearly finished with the book, so I kept reading despite the things that bugged me.
I just finished listening to THE LIES I TELL by Julie Clark, which is a suspense about a woman who gets involved with a female con artist with the intension to expose her — but things don’t go the way she expects. I liked the book and enjoyed trying to figure out who was the bad guy. I don’t think it was a thriller as billed, but more of a mystery suspense.
I have no idea what I’m going to read next I’m really skipping around in my choices a lot, LOL
This week, I’m going to start packing up and prepping to have the floors installed next week. Wizard has a bunch of stuff he’s taking care of, so I’m going to get what I can do and take the pressure off him.
How was your weekend?
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Friday, January 19th, 2024
TGIF!! And that means it’s time to share five random things about our week:
- We are getting floors a week from Monday. I’m excited and hope we chose the right flooring. I’m not as excited about packing up some things to get them out of the way, but it will be worth it once it’s done.
- And still on the floors — our current linoleum has some staining. The company that put it in tried to blame us for it, claiming it’s from the cleaners I use. We let it go because we always planned to redo the floors. But I quietly seethed about it because I knew they were flat out lying. I don’t like being accused of causing someone else’s mistakes. But all the flooring people we had out said the same thing — the linoleum was installed without a moisture barrier causing the staining. It made me feel better to be validated
I knew what it was because I’ve had it happen in my last house I bought new, and they immediately replaced the flooring. And it’s happened to others I know. Anyway, I’ll stop about that now, LOL
- I drove the Mustang this week for the first time since we got it (inherited it from Wizard’s brother)! It’s a powerful car with a sports clutch and I haven’t driven a stick shift in probably 35 years. But I did fine, and I’m so happy about that. I need to practice just to get used to the car, but I feel confident I can handle the car now.
- I got my new knives, but I put them back in the box. I’m just so undecided, which is stupid. I was very decisive on the floors, and the trip to Hawaii, and those are big purchases. On this, I think I’m agonizing just to give me something to do :-). I mean they’re knives, and they weren’t expensive, so I need to quit dithering. I also need to quit imagining I’m a chef, when I’m just another woman cooking pretty simple dinners most nights, LOL.
- No big plans this weekend. Oldest said he’ll go to sister in laws to help her and that I should take a weekend off. I thought that was sweet. He’s trying to help now because once he’s in tax season, it’s all but impossible for him to carve out a chunk of time. So that frees me up to go bug youngest this weekend! I might even make him cookies, we’ll see. My beloved stand mixer as been on a serious time out since my Christmas Baking Marathon (I still have some of those cookies in the freezer).
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a warm, safe and happy weekend!
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Wednesday, January 17th, 2024
True story of my life lately:
Yesterday I went to the grocery store alone as Wizard had a meeting. Before he left, he said, “Don’t forget my turkey slices and tortillas.”
I said, “No problem. They’re on the list, and I’ll remember anyway. Especially the tortillas since we buy them every week.”
Guess what I came home without??? Yep, I forgot his turkey and tortillas. I was so irritated at myself. But this is what happens when I mentally build the dinner menus while shopping because I like to see what meat is a available and reasonably priced — then I build out my dinners from there.
Wizard just laughed when I told him. Later in the day, I ran to the store and got the items. Wizard was busy doing other things, so I didn’t want him to have to do the errand too.
But really, how hard it is to buy the items that on are on the list? Sigh…I’m getting so easily distracted these days!
Happy Wednesday!
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Sunday, January 14th, 2024
Mostly good weekend.
Friday I met Biker Witch for lunch. It was so nice to see her! I was really happy to hang out with my sister.
Saturday, I met Oldest Son at my sister-in-laws to take some of the books in his truck for donation. As it happened, a friend-couple were there moving some furniture for her. Oldest Son jumped in and helped with that too. I was so impressed that oldest and one other man got a couch down a set of curving stairs that look nice but are a pain when moving furniture. I don’t know how they managed it as I was in the other room packing up something else. But it got done and loaded up in a truck along with other pieces of furniture. Oldest was really happy that he was able to help out. After that, the two of us had lunch together and talked about going to Hawaii just to lighten up for a bit.
Back to my sister-in-law — she’s doing the best she can these days and I’m really proud of her. She doesn’t always see it, but I can see it.
When I got home, Maggie immediately showed me a new toy she’d gotten while I was gone (from youngest daughter-in-law’s mom). I was amazed! Maggie only plays with toys for a minute or two at a time, I’ve never seen Maggie do that with a toy, so she must really like it. Or she smells my daughter-in-law’s mom on it. Maggie loves her. But it was really interesting to see a new behavior. Poor Maggie has been missing me a bit as I’ve been running around doing different things, so I’m glad this present brightened her day.
Sunday was quiet, I had things to do around the house, but got involved in trying to find a knife set I want. All the stores around me seem to no long carry the knife sets so I can see them in person before I buy. I don’t want something oversized on my counter, but I also want all the knives in the bigger sets :-). I’m pretty sure a lot of stores (at least in this area) are limiting knife sales to online only due to safety and theft issues, which I intellectually understand but I’m still annoyed. I can order a set of knives and send them back if the set is too bulky on my counter, but first, I’m going to whine about it, LOLOL.
How was your weekend?
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