Jennifer Lyon

Friday, September 27th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! I hope everyone in or near the path of Hurricane Helene is well and safe. Now let’s get into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. It seems crazy to me how fast September came and is leaving. Folks on my street have their Halloween stuff out!  Speaking of Halloween, one house keeps adding new stuff to their decorations, and it makes me smile as I go by on my morning walk with Maggie. I need to get my Halloween stuff out.
  2. I have not seen my new granddaughter (yet, anyway) this week. Her mom is working on get a routine and knows I’m here if she needs me. It’s been good for me to focus on a bit of catch-up stuff in my life.
  3. I had lunch with my former looong-time hairdresser and friend. It was so good to see her! I began going to her when I was pregnant with my first or second child and through her two children, and stayed with her until a couple years ago when she severely broke her let. Now we’re both grandmas! It’s a joy to see her, and I’m doing a little better about seeing friends.
  4. Today we’re getting our first estimate on the front yard. Wizard and I drew up about six different plans before his brother (the one who passed nearly a year ago) got so sick and we put everything on hold. Anyhow, we pulled those out, and figured out a good idea of what we want and that we think will fit in our budget. And guess what — it was my design we picked!! :-)  But of course, Wizard adjusted all the technical stuff, then we both fleshed it out so really, it’s a combo of both our ideas. But I’m still surprised the that we chose one of the sketches that Wizard nagged me into doing :-)
  5. Sunday we are going out to see Turbo’s baseball game. It’ll be fun and so nice to spend some time with Turbo and his parents.

That’s my five, now it’s your turn!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! And if you’re dealing with the hurricane and aftermath, you’re in my prayers.

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    September 27th, 2024 at 7:44 am · Link

    That hurricane is a doozy and like you, I hope everyone in the path is okay. I know I’m super glad I don’t live in Tallahassee anymore. September flew by for me, too. I hope you get to see your new granddaughter soon. :hugs: Yay for getting to see old friends! Yay for planning your yard! Have fun at Turbo’s baseball game!

    1) This week I spent $7 on lottery tickets and I won $11, so I’m ahead on that for a change. LOL
    2) Silver has a hilarious video on her blog this morning. I’m still chuckling about that.
    3) I made brownies but we ate the last two last night, so I need to make more. They’re always gone too soon.
    4) You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been doing a lot of marketing on FB (and I apologize if it’s irritating) to try and get some interest in my books after 2 years on hiatus. I think it’s working. Not a lot of sales, but some is better than none.
    5) The far outer bands of Helene are supposed to be here later today. They’re only talking about maybe a quarter of an inch of rain and possibly 25-30 mph wind, though, so no big deal. When I lived in Tallahassee I caught the bands of Ivan (I think it was Ivan). Loads of rain, but I lived on a hill, so no real flooding for me.

  2. Silver James
    September 27th, 2024 at 10:01 am · Link

    Prayers to all those in Helene’s path. Scary stuff. I remember when we really decorated for Halloween. Of course, since Only was/is our Halloween Witch, she thought it was all to celebrate her b-day (which is the day before.) I’ve gotten lazy and don’t do much these days. My bad. Routines are important but man, I get the need for a baby fix! :lol: Yay for old friends! Yay for landscaping! And why not? You’re creative! I MISS baseball! Soccer starts next month so there’s that. Enjoy your Turbo Time™! Okay, my five…but without the exclamation points. Or at least fewer exclamation points. :lol:

    1. THE END! Yes, I finally typed those two MASSIVE words! It came in at around 157K words, which will change with editing. That’s going slow because life. I hope I can get ahead of schedule today.

    2. I think I’ve decided to keep the working title as the title: MOONSTRUCK MAFIA: BOSTON. I have the cover photo/design mocked up and will be shipping it off to Only for finalization and prettifying.

    3. I still love my new coffee maker and did the Hamilton Beach website review for it today. And you were right. You’re supposed to put ice in the cup/glass when doing the cold brew. It only brews about half of what is designated so the coffee isn’t “watered down” when it melts the ice. Or something. Anyway, I’m not really in to cold brew so no probs on my end.

    4. I made chili earlier this week when it was cloudy and cool. It was yummy. And yes, I am “stretching” to get five things because my live is just soooo exciting. :roll:

    5. Critter story of the week. Pete and Loki were playing the zoomie-chase game. Loki took the “high road” by jumping up and over the kitchen penisula. Only he skidded and knocked the plastic bag with Jake’s salmon sticks into Jake’s water bowl. LG heard this big splash but ignored it until Jake came to get him. That’s when he discovered the bag in the bowl (now mostly empty), Loki on the counter looking innocent, and a wet Pete. I missed the spectacle but laughed when LG relayed it. Ah, critters. They keep us entertained for sure.

    Have a great weekend, all! Monday is big trash pick up so we’re trimming out branches, etc in the yard and stacking on the curb and also more edits. Yippee.

  3. Viki S.
    September 27th, 2024 at 3:08 pm · Link

    1. The month has flown by. There are many putting up Halloween decorations around here. It figures since they have them in the stores on July.
    2. Maybe you can get out to see her over the weekend. It’s great that DIL is setting up a schedule.
    3. I remember when you had to find a new hairdresser. I’m so glad you’ve stayed friends and were able to get together for lunch. Sharing grand baby photos too, right?
    4. You and Wizard are so cute. I’m guessing you both came up with wonderful plans but I’m glad yours won out. I hope you share when you can.
    5. Have a great time at Turbo’s game.

    1a. Finally got the MRI done. The hospital had machine issues and the scan was over 3 hours past the appointment time. Thank heaven the pill to clam him worked.
    2a. The results are up on mychart but I don’t know what it all means except one portion and it’s not good. The dr may post a letter after she reviews everything.
    3a. My bestie is out in CO for the 3-day cancer walk and her house in NC is in the flooding from Helene ☹️.
    4a. Back May 2021 we requested the VA handle hubs hearing issues since they war mostly likely caused much of his hearing loss. In 2022 they denied the claim because he didn’t go to there hearing test, which they never told him about. I challenged the ruling and yesterday I finally heard back. They said they needed to do more work but it should be covered and to follow the enclosed form. Guess what? No form. Two copies of the cover letter and no number to call them. I will have to try and figure something out.
    5a. C has ordered the bread sling for his C. It should arrive tomorrow.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Jennifer Apodaca
    September 27th, 2024 at 4:31 pm · Link

    B.E, agreed on the hurricane. I havening looked at the news in a few hours, but hopefully everyone is safe. Thanks on the rest!

    1) You’re a winner! Next time win the big ticket, LOL! JK, any win is a good win :-)
    2) I need to check out Silver’s blog! I haven’t really been online today.
    3) Make a double batch of brownies and freeze half so you don’t have a brownie emergency! I do that with cookies when I have enough ingredients on hand.
    4) It will help you build momentum and that’s always key! Marketing is hard but important.
    5) Wow I didn’t know you lived in an area with a hurricane. I bet that’s memorable!! Hopefully Helene doesn’t spread any trouble your way.

    Enjoy your weekend, and don’t let marketing guilt get in the way of doing your job! It’s your time to shine now that you’re not dealing with the day job.

  5. Jennifer Apodaca
    September 27th, 2024 at 4:46 pm · Link

    Silver, I think decorating happens more with kids home or at least coming home from college. I wanted to do something cute this year, but life got in the way and that’s ok. I want the baby fix but really needed some time at home too so it’s okay. They’d let me come by if I asked :-) And this weekend I get to see my other grandchild which is just as important!

    1) YOU DID IT!! CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ll get it edited. And you probably need a break anyway. But Silver, this is big!! After fighting your way back to health (and you’re probably still getting back to 100%), this is a massive accomplishment and I’m proud of you, and thrilled you did it!
    2) Wow and a cover!!! With a title. You’re on the job here! I know the cover needs to be finalized, but it’s exciting and more fun. Except the blurb part, LOL. Few of us like that part!
    3) That’s so cool when I remember something right. I read it but never had the follow through to actually do it. But now you know how to do it if you choose. That’s always nice. Glad you still like the coffee maker.
    4) Chili is exciting! Even more if you have left overs that make an easy meal because I’m lazy like that. Also, stretching is fine, it’s about what we did, not about Amazing and Newsworthy Events.
    5) Hmmm…so if Pete ended up wet, did Loki engineer this feat on purpose to splash Pete? I mean…cats! It could happen! And poor Jake, was he upset about his treats, or eating them? And why do I always have questions????

    Your weekend doesn’t sound fun with tree trimming, but I bet you’ll find some fun moments in there somewhere! Fingers crossed you can get through edits without getting creative interference from Izzy suggesting rewrites!

  6. Jennifer Apodaca
    September 27th, 2024 at 5:00 pm · Link

    Viki, it was lovely to see my former hairdresser and talk — but we talked so much I don’t think we shared photos. Next time! Now that Wizard and I have a little time and mental energy to concentrate on the front yard, it’s been fun to get cheaply creative :-) The year delay has actually been helpful. Even more helpful is we aren’t super-worried about anyone we love (or me) at this moment.

    1) Man, I’m sorry for that delay! At least you were able to get it done. That happened on my last MRI and I had to go back the next day. However, the staff was nice and helpful and I hope you had the same. And now it’s done!
    2) I’m sorry at least one portion of the results doesn’t look good. I really hope the doctor calls you and explains, but I realize many don’t call, or at least don’t call in a timely manner.
    3) Oh no, I’m so sorry your friends house is flooding. I heard the flooding was going to be terrible in NC. I can’t imagine her frustration of not being there (although what could she really do?). I hope everyone, and any animals, are safe at least.
    4) I hear dealing with the VA is a special kind of hell and you have my sympathies. Any chance you could access the form online? What an absolute pain for you to deal with all this. And it takes forever.
    5) That’s so cool! Hope C likes it! It’s a pretty inexpensive tool.

    I hope a miracle happened and you heard from hub’s doctor on the MRI results. Have a good weekend, and hugs to your friend on the flooding in her home!

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