Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 30th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

I hope everyone is safe after the devastation of Hurricane Helene. Prayers for everyone struggling in the aftermath.

Our weekend was good. I am writing this early afternoon on Sunday before we go to Turbo’s (my grandson) baseball game. We’d all originally thought it was at 1:30 but discovered just before we left it is at 3:30. So by the time we get home, eat and get settled, I know I’ll forget to write the blog. So we’ll assume Turbo’s game went great :-) I know he’s excited to have us come watch him play, and we are looking forward to see him and watching him and his friends play.

Otherwise, work should begin on the front yard today. I say “should” on start dates because, well, contractors, LOL. Stuff can and does happen to push back start dates (and end days!). However we hired the same guy (and his crew) we had do the big job in our backyard and the planter in the front, so it I think it’ll be fine. In comparison, the front is a small job, mostly doing the work we just can’t do anymore (do we get points for admitting that?). Hopefully, once it’s done, the front will only require a reasonable amount of maintenance that we should be able to handle.

Also, I need to buy a gardening hat! I said it all summer but never did. Blame Cheap Jen. I’ve had like three of them in my hand, them don’t buy them.

Now Extravagant Jen went shopping Saturday and spent a chunk on kitchen stuff. The most expensive things? A set of true stainless steel dry measuring cups and spoons. Totally unnecessary, but I’m tired of either breaking them or wearing the measurement marks off. The rests were inexpensive cooking utensils, and other boring things.

I’ve also been a little tired and sore. I’m not surprised, and adjusting as needed. I suspect my body is just expressing it’s feeling about all I’ve put it through  recently :-) My mantra is be kind, eat well, get some exercise in each day even if it’s only a 10 minutes walk, and above all, patience.

On Tuesday, the plan is for me to go help with my 3 week old granddaughter :-) I’m going by myself as we will have the guys at the house and Wizard needs to hang around to answer question. Hopefully he will get to go see her on the weekend. I suspect it’ll be a busy week over all, but that just means we’re living life.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    September 30th, 2024 at 9:02 am · Link

    Yeah, I’m familiar with those last-minute schedule changes. LOL What position does he play? And how’d he and his team do? Good luck on the landscaping and you absolutely get points! Get a hat! And yay for the kitchen gadgets. I know you’ll use them so that’s not extravagance, that’s necessity! Trust me, the body is smarter than the brain sometimes and yeah, it always takes longer than we think it should so patience is a big key. Yay for Baby Girl time! Poor Wiz. He’ll make up for it soon, I”m sure. My weekend? Well…

    Boring. That pretty much sums it up. My Cowboys lost (I’m a bad fan, I turned the TV off after the first series resulted in a TD for the other team.) I kept meaning to go out and help LG trim back The Jungle because Big Trash Pick-up starts today on our end of town. Instead, I kept editing. I’m really pushing to get this puppy out to my beta and proofreader. I’m not quite halfway done. At the moment, in the Word doc (about that in a minute), I’m sitting on page 114 with 61,585 words. It had been so long since I did any work in Word that I’d forgotten how it works, plus there were some updates that changed things. Grrr. I write and do preliminary edits and revisions in Scrivener and then copy/paste to Word for the final draft that gets sent out and fixed and then uploaded to the distribution sites. Anyway, I’m starting Chapter 23 today.

    I won’t get a lot done because I have a follow-up appointment with my eye surgeon. He’s gone into private practice so more changes. LOL Still, he’s like part of the family (having treated Only almost 20 years now!) so of course we all followed him when he left the big clinic. I suspect a LOT of his patients jumped ship because he’s just that good.

    Like i said, boring weekend but productive. I’m hoping now to be finished with this round and the manuscript out to my helpers by week’s end. We’ll see.

    Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    September 30th, 2024 at 2:13 pm · Link

    First, I love cheap Jen. I do the same thing. I’ll carry an item around a store and when it’s time to check out, I take back.

    It’s surprising how fast you were able to get the crew out to do the front yard. That’s super!

    I hope you had a great time at Turbo’s game. Did he score big?

    Have a wonderful time with grandbaby tomorrow :).

    My weekend was not so good. Right after C and hubs got to TN hubs started packing up to go home. Eldest got him to stop. Saturday hubs decided that he was GOING home. He had C on the road after dinner and they were back in our house at 1:57 AM Sunday. I am so ticked off that C did that on no sleep. Dementia equals self centered.

    The letter from the VA said that hubs would be hearing from them shortly. Today a call came in from CA and I told him not to answer it. I just back checked the phone number and it is from the company the VA uses to set up medical testing appointments. So I have to call them.

    As soon as my bestie got done walking the third day of the 3-day yesterday she was informed that her father was in heart failure. Good thing she carries her passport and was on a flight back to England. She has had it so bad this week, her home being destroyed in NC from Helene and now her dad. Prayers for all!

    I hope you are having a good day!

  3. Jenn
    September 30th, 2024 at 9:27 pm · Link

    Silver, this team is younger and more inexperienced, so they rotate the kids in positions. Turbo is good a hitting — he got three for three yesterday :-) His team won — but they are so young, it’s really more teaching than keeping score. I hear you on the body — I keep wearing myself out because I think I should be fine (and younger than I am).

    Sorry your cowboys losing, and there’s nothing wrong with turning off the TV when things are going south. It’s sometimes too painful to watch. Plus Yay for all the editing!! Yeah, I know, there’s a lot of stops, starts and frustrations with the work and the technical annoyances, but you’re really making huge progress!!!

    Also it’s a good excuse to avoid doing the yard work :-) And look how much you got accomplished.

    Smart to follow a good doctor. I’m all for that! And he’s clearly earned your loyalty. Hope all is well (as it can be) with your eyes.

    I’m sending all my positive work energy your way to get the edits done this week!

  4. Jenn
    September 30th, 2024 at 9:34 pm · Link

    Viki, we were lucky to get a hole in the crew’s schedule. Plus they’ve worked for us before and we’ve referred others. But dang these guys (and one girl) work so hard in the heat! They got a ton done today.

    Turbo did great with hits, and lots of RBIs! The kids are so varied in skill level and pretty funny at this age. I loudly encouraged all the kids on both teams and am sore and hoarse to day, but it was fun. I love it when the kids are small and most everyone is cheering all of them.

    Oh no, I’m so sorry hubs got that agitated and determined to go home in the middle of the night. Poor C. I’m very familiar with that part of dementia from a family member. It’s hard enough for us, but much harder for you as the caretaker, and then worrying about C driving when he’s tired.

    Ugh on having to call the VA. Hope you getting lucky and it’s a quick, easy call.

    I’m so sorry your best friend’s dad is in heart failure. That’s so sad and worrisome. It was fortunate she had her passport with her like that. I hope she’s able to get him and find him stabilized, and if that’s not possible then at least getting the care he needs.

    I’m really sorry you had a tough weekend. I hope the week gets better!

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