Jennifer Lyon

Friday, October 4th, 2024
Friday Five!

TGIF!! Let’s get right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. It’s HOT! This is the time of year where I’m seriously side-eying Mother Nature when she drops 100+ Heat Bombs on us in October! That’s just rude.
  2. I did my bloodwork on Wednesday to start the follow-up process after the Thyroidectomy. Part of the blood test results has come back and I can see a medication adjustment in my future. I already knew that, though as I haven’t felt right for the last two weeks (can’t tolerate hot or cold, a bit anxious. maybe some weight loss, and lots of muscle aches — typical stuff for thyroid hormone issues). It’s all going to get worked out and I’m just living life the best I can in the meantime. I also need to schedule the nuclear med scan to make she no rogue cells escaped and are trying to set up camp elsewhere in my body. I’ll get that done…soon–ish :-) I have to do a serious diet prep I’m not looking forward to. But these are all just clean up details in the Health World and I remain grateful and happy for the health I do have these days.
  3. I’m worked on making Sourdough bread because Wizard got all worried we might run out. He cracks me up.
  4. The big news: Our front yard is done! It took four days with the hardest working crew I’ve ever seen! Even neighbors say that, so it’s not just us. In fact, the crew has already gotten more jobs from neighbors. Overall though, we are so happy! Here’s a pic of the yard:
  5. This is a busy weekend. Today Biker Witch and I are going out to celebrate her birthday. Saturday we’re going to see Middle son and Baby Girl and Sunday I’m meeting a friend for lunch. But I’m looking forward to it all, so I’m not complaining!

That’s my five now I’d love to hear yours! Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

7 comments to “Friday Five!”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    October 4th, 2024 at 7:38 am · Link

    Mother Nature is having hot flashes here, too. I would’ve thought she was too old to get those anymore. Fingers crossed the docs get your meds all worked out and the issues go away. Good on you for living your best life. :hugs: Yay for sourdough bread and LOL about Wizard. OMG, your house and yard are so pretty! I hope the landscapers get loads of work from people seeing the great job they did. I hope your busy weekend is fun and not too taxing.

    1) The tree butchers are just about done in our neighborhood. They never did swing back and grind the tree stumps in our yard – which they painted bright red. It’s not a pleasing look, lemme tell ya. Bloody stumps sticking out of the ground. I guess it’s Halloweenie looking.
    2) I did a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls this week. Super yummy.
    3) The fawns are all spotless now. This time of year makes me a little sad because the babies aren’t babies anymore. They just all look like mini-deer.
    4) We were supposed to have visitors this weekend, but they rescheduled to next weekend. I need to clean the house before they get here, so it’s just as well they postponed.
    5) I walked into the office a little while ago to find Sawyer up on my desk drinking my coffee. That boy. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. He dips his paw into my cup and then licks the coffee off, so I end up with coffee all over everywhere. Thankfully, this time he didn’t get my keyboard all wet. Silly cat.

  2. Silver James
    October 4th, 2024 at 11:42 am · Link

    ARGGGHHHH! I did it again. I’m soooo tired of my fat fingers. Which really aren’t fat because…weight loss. Grrr. Yup, I was on my 4th thing and managed to hit 2 keys that erased my comment and nothing I did got it back. So…starting over–short version. Mother Nature is drunk again. You’ll feel much better when meds are fixed and sounds like you and doc are all over it. Don’t ever get between a man and his sour dough. Just sayin’… Yay for pretty yard and the crew should give y’all referral fees. :wink: Happy Birthday, Biker Witch and yay for family and friend times! Enjoy! Okay, my five….again! :roll:

    1. Progress on the book got slowed this week by Real Life. I’m not feeling “behind” so it’s all good, though it’ll probably be Monday before I really get fully back in BICHOK mode.

    2. Saw my eye surgeon on Monday in his new “digs.” Going to be really nice when they get fully moved in. Pressure was up a bit in both eyes but not scary levels. I am back on once-a-day drops. Good news is the optic nerve in the eye that is almost blind appears to be healing–though very slowly. I had a little (and I do mean LITTLE) better vision, which in actuality is a BIG step!

    3. Drover got new books. (My Highlander got new tires.) Long story short, Only needed to borrow it for a weekend roadtrip with some students from Stormy’s school (not Stormy but other the chaperone got sick so Only volunteered) and the tires, while fine for the 10-15 miles per week I’ve been doing (if that), weren’t cool for turnpike driving. LG found a bargain Yay.

    4. It’s post-season baseball. It’s been fun watching the wild card games because we don’t have a horse in the race so we just get to see some good baseball and not really care who wins. (Yes, I’m totally reaching for a 4th thing! :lol: )

    5. No Pete story this week. Jake gets the spotlight. As custom, he went to the doctor’s appointment with us. The girls at the front desk (being new) had never seen him before. There was much oohing and aahing and sneaking out from behind reception desk for pets. When I was making my 6-month follow-up appointment, they set me for next week. Just so they could see Jake. :lol: Then they made the real appointment in January. They did say we were welcome to drop by for “therapy” whenever we happened to be in the area. LG gave him a big-bone treat when we got home.

    Busy weekend here, too. Tomorrow is First Saturday so siren test. Though Only will be “up the turnpike,” Baseball Boy and Stormy are covering her siren and then the four of us (and Jake) are going to try a new Mexican restaurant they found. We REALLY miss our old favorite that closed. Sunday is two soccer games and much shuffling as BB has a school thing during the first game and Only will be on her way back. We’ll take her ‘Stang home, grab Stormy and get him to warm-ups and then Only will join us and eventually BB. Going to be a long afternoon but yay for Stormy time! Have a great one, witches! 🥰

  3. Silver James
    October 4th, 2024 at 11:47 am · Link

    BooTs–not books. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Why would a car need books? :roll: That’s what I get for trying to be clever. Derp.

  4. Viki S.
    October 4th, 2024 at 2:33 pm · Link

    1. That is stupid hot! I really feel for you guys.
    2. Getting the thyroid hormone balance is tricky. It’s good that you were prepared for it and the nasty symptoms you’d experience.
    3. You can’t have too much sourdough bread 🥰. Did he think supply chain disruptions would cause a problem?
    4. Your front yard looks great. They were fast – great crew.
    5. Have a wonderful time with Biker Witch today. Enjoy Middle and Baby on Saturday and have an awesome time catching up with your friend on Sunday!

    1a. Our weather has been rather nice. Not too hot and not too chilly. I did have to put a blanket on hubs side of the bed. (He had on thermal all summer).
    2a. It looks like I have to get new tires. I think I’ll put it off until Nov since the four of them and the alignment is 2K.
    3a. My bestie lost her dad Tuesday morning but she did make it back to England to be with him as he passed. She comes back tomorrow but I have no idea how she will get back to her husband. He and the surviving neighbors have been trying to hand clear the roads but some of the roads are just gone. It’s so awful and to be honest the government is not allowing “us” to see the full extent of the destruction.
    4a. I have the appointment with the VA certified audiologist set up for the 21st. Right now hubs says he’ll go. Fingers crossed that holds.
    5a. Hubs speech therapist’s last visit is next Thursday. Anthem won’t allow anymore visits. The therapist doesn’t think he’s progressing anyway. I don’t either but I liked him having contact with someone other than me and he liked her.

    I hope you really enjoy all of your visits this weekend and that the weather breaks soon.

  5. Jenn
    October 4th, 2024 at 3:48 pm · Link

    B.E., LOL on Mother Nature’s hot flashes :-) I think the landscapers did get several jobs from our house, and that makes me happy for them. They are nice, and work really hard, plus have the ability to translate rough ideas into real designs.

    1) They need to get that stump removed! That would definitely bug me. I guess it’s good that they at least cut the trees down — it takes 20 years of court fights and a serious disaster for that to happen here.
    2) Yay for the Cinnamon Rolls!
    3) Sorry the babies are growing up :-) But deer are still cute when they’re not stripping down your garden.
    4) Sympathies on having to clean for company! The company part is fine, it’s all the work before hand that’s not fun.
    5) Sawyer!!! That cracked me up! A coffee stealing cat needs to be in a book!

    I really hope you enjoy this weekend before getting into cleaning mode for the next one!

  6. Jenn
    October 4th, 2024 at 3:58 pm · Link

    Silver, Ugh, I’m sorry you lost your comments! I do that when I’m typing too fast, and it makes me mad every time! It helps that I was prepared to have an adjustment period as my body learns to rely on synthetic hormones. Knowing what it is always helps! Thanks on everything else!

    1) Glad your accepting RL’s interference. It’s easily to just go with it. You’ll get the book done!
    2) That’s GREAT news on the apparently healing nerve! I know nerves take forever to heal so hopefully you’ll get more improvement. Sorry for the tad rise in pressure, but sounds like the drops will handle that. Overall, pretty good news.
    3) Very cool of Only to volunteer for chaparone. Awesome of you to loan her your car, and very generous and dad-like of LG to get new tires put on!! That’s what Wizard would have done too! (Also, I was able to infer that you meant boots rather than books, :-) )
    4) Baseball is a valid thing on Friday Five!
    5) Awww, they need a weekly Jake-fix now!!! Who can blame them! I wish I could pet Jake too. Seriously, he’s an awesome dog who deserves all the love from everyone he meets!

    That’s one carefully choreographed weekend! I hope you, LG, BB Boy, Stormy and Jake all enjoy the Mexican restaurant. Finding a replacement for your old hangout has been a challenge. I hope you enjoy the crazy weekend!

  7. Jenn
    October 4th, 2024 at 4:07 pm · Link

    Viki, the heat is tiresome for sure! No, I don’t think the supply chain is an issue, just Wizard knowing how long it takes to make it :-) This landscaper and his crew are fast, but they pay attention to detail and get the entire job done and cleaned up. We really like them. Its not fun paying for stuff, but it feels better when you get your money’s worth!

    1) Yay for nice weather!
    2) Tires and expensive! Sorry you have to do it, but hopefully before more and weather hits.
    3) I’m so sorry your friend lost her dad, and right in the middle of hurricane cleanup. It’s terrible from what I can see on the news and social media. She must be emotionally worn out, and exhausted even trying to get home. I pray she find comfort in having been able to get to her dad before he passed. Hugs to you too, I know you’re sad for her, and worried about her.
    4) I sure hope hubs will go and cooperate on the day of the appt.
    5) That’s frustrating that they won’t pay for more. I agree with you that the regular contact with the speech therapist is good for him. These constant frustrations and fights for his care must be so tiring for you.

    I hope your friend is able to get home to her husband and home. And I hope you have a good weekend!

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