Jennifer Lyon

Monday, October 7th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

At the top of my roundup is Hurricane Milton — Go Away! We need to get the No Hurricanes Allowed sign up pronto! This just is too much on top of Helene’s destruction.

And given that others in the world have much bigger problems, I’ll table my whining about the heat here :-) And instead, talk about the weekend.

Friday, I went to lunch with Biker Witch and had fun! She’s looking great! I had a lunch salad with tri tip added and it was delicious. I also had a berry cobbler, that while good, was not as advertised and “Made on the premises.” I suspect it was assembled and baked on the premises which is a different thing. Not that I’m being picky or anything, LOL! On the other hand, I haven’t had cobbler in probably a decade and enjoyed it. Then I went home and made lemon cookies.

Saturday, we ended up having the morning free so we did a little gardening in the backyard, and I baked some sourdough bread. Then we left to go to Middle Sons. Middle Son had called me on Friday evening and asked if instead of us just coming by, we’d babysit he and his wife went out for an early dinner. We instantly said yes!  They had two pretty big things (aside from their beautiful daughter) to celebrate, and I’m so happy they got out. It’s very hard to leave a baby that young, but they were smart to do it. We, of course, loved spending time with her. And those cookies I made on Friday?  Those were lemon cookies for Middle son because he always says I make cookies for youngest and not him. That’s sort of true because Middle rarely eats cookies :-) I took him a half dozen and he might eat one of those. The rest I have here, half for Wizard to eat now and half in the freezer.

Sunday Wizard went racing and I met my friend for lunch. It’s always good to see her and I’m proud of us for getting together more. She’s going to retire in a few months and we’re starting to think of things we can do for fun then.

I’m really not sure about this week, except that if the weather is bearable for us, we need to clean up the front planter that was already there before we had the yard done last week. And we need to buy and plant some flowers in the barrels. Otherwise, I’m not sure yet how the week is going to shape up.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    October 7th, 2024 at 11:19 am · Link

    Hurricane season is starting to really be bad. Go home, Mother Nature! You need a nap! Yay for lunch with Biker Witch and good food. Yay for baking bread and cookies. Yay for The Middles feeling secure enough to go out to eat and have a “date night.” Double yay for grandparent duty! Yay for yardwork, racing, and lunch with friends.

    Saturday was siren test. We tried the “new” Mex restaurant with Baseball Boy and Stormy. It was okay. We’d eat there again but it won’t be an automatic choice. Ah well.

    My Cowboys lost. Again. Baseball was exciting, at least. Stormy had 2 soccer games Sunday. It was HOT! We only made the 1stgame and they won. Only said they lost the 2nd. Ah well. They were playing with much more skill and as a team the game we watched so they are getting better.

    Betwixt and between, I managed to edit some more chapters. I’m about 15 chapters from the end. That’s my agenda this week.

    Woke up this morning to discover FB had deleted my Monday post from my blog. I am soooo fed up with the BS. If there was any other way to connect with readers, I’d do that but I’m not clever or “photogenic” enough for TikTok or Instagram and X is inudated with politics right now. I suppose I could “spam” my newsletter list by sending my blog to them every day but yeah…nope. That just irritates me and I either unsubscribe or automatically delete those emails without opening.

    On that note, I’m going to get one more cup of coffee and knuckle down to see how many chapters I can gert through today. I’ve already found a couple of “OOPS!” where there was mention of events that hadn’t happened yet. Ah, the joys of being a puzzler. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Have a great week, all. Floridians, stay safe. North Carolinians, may life resume some sense of normal soon. Southwesterners and Southerners, stay cool! Everybody else, just have a good one!

  2. Jenn
    October 7th, 2024 at 1:37 pm · Link

    Silver, that hurricane is a Cat 5 already. I hope Mother Nature get’s distracted and it veers — or something. Whatever it takes not to hurt more folks.

    It’s so sad that your beloved meeting place/restaurant closed and you’re left looking for a replacement. I hate when we lose those good and beloved spots! But at least thte siren test went well.

    Yay Stormy!! I’m sorry they lost the second game, but their skills are improving with each game! Turbo had RBIs and made an out when playing first base. We are going to his game next weekend!

    You’re moving along in editing!

    Yeah, FB is now too big and controlled by AI to be useful. I sure miss the old days of having fun and promoting was effortless. I can’t recommend another site — they’re all getting that way. I do suggest you send a newsletter to encourage readers to follow your blog. Tantalize them with a giveaway to sign up there or something. It’s the best spot. Oh!! And you can tell some stories about your experiences as a crime scene photographer and other things you’ve done. You have really great stories to entice people to follow your blog.

    Also sorry FB sucks. Hugs on that.

    Hope coffee and your editing brain drove you through a few chapters of editing!

    I’m with you on that hurricane — stay safe everyone!

  3. Viki S.
    October 7th, 2024 at 2:36 pm · Link

    Milton is a 5 – OMG! It built up so fast. I hope they evacuate as instructed.

    You have a good reason to complain about the heat. It’s been unreal. Way too hot for pet paws on side walks.

    Bringing food is so nice. I can see where they had to twist your finger to stay and watch – ha ha – nope.

    I have a hate relationship with FB too. They’re always pulling or flagging my posts.

    I made brownies on Saturday. Hubs loves corners and is happy to eat them all.

    Have a great day!

  4. Jenn
    October 7th, 2024 at 2:58 pm · Link

    Viki, I know on Milton!!! I was shocked how fast it hit a Cat 5. I hope the folks in the projected path evac too, but I can also understand their fatigue with it all. Fingers crossed they leave.

    True about pets in the heat. Maggie and I walk early enough (we usually leave around 6:30am) that it’s okay.

    LOL, yeah they didn’t have to talk us into babysitting. And I hope they ask again!

    FB isn’t winning many friends these days. I just go to see what people I care about are doing. That’s it these days.

    Yay for your amazing brownies!!! So hubs is a corner guy? Wizard is more of a “I’ll Eat The Whole Pan Guy”, LOLOL!!

    Hope your week is starting off right!

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