Jennifer Lyon

Friday, October 11th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! Whoa, Milton, was a doozy. Maybe a bit less than it’s full potential, but still…enough with the disasters! We need to have good news for awhile! Now let’s shift into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I’ve mostly stuck close to home this week and loved it. It’s not that I don’t want to see everyone and do things, but I think I needed the break :-) I got a bunch of things done, but the prize goes to Wizard! He cleaned out the overgrown mess in our front planter — it took him a few hours– and now it looks so good with the new yard. He’s a rockstar to me this week!
  2. Today I’m trying to make homemade sourdough bread sticks. I followed the suggested timeline, but I think that was mistake as the starter was past it’s peak effectiveness when I used it according to the timeline. So the breadsticks may not rise enough and come soft and fluffy. But this is a practice run for the 20th when I’m making dinner for Special K’s birthday of Manicotti with homemade breadsticks, so I can fix any problems by then :-) Wizard is pretty excited and hoping this batch is good enough for him to enjoy! Which he would definitely deserve after cleaning that planter our and I didn’t have to do it!
  3. I’ve been spending money this week, LOLOL! This is weird, maybe it’s a side effect of my thyroid meds? I’m joking, it’s more a side effect of I need stuff and put it off for so long, I have to buy it all now. So the first thing is a cordless stick vacuum. I ordered that on Monday and it’s not coming until sometime next week.  Then Amazon Prime Day got my attention :-) I ordered a zip-up sweatshirt, a few long sleeved shirts for what passes as winter here and a small wallet. That was all necessity stuff and I didn’t actually spend much as the prices were cheap. But it felt like a lot after buying the vacuum.
  4. And yesterday…that’s the one that surprises me! I needed a better suitcase than the one the size of a clumsy unwieldy tank in the set we bought for Hawaii. Wizard is keeping the smaller suitcase and overnight bag from that set. So I’ve been searching for a few weeks for something for me. I ended up buying a London Fog 24 inch suitcase and the under the seat rolling overnight case. The cost was crazy to me!!! I’m in shock, but I also had 30% off, Kohls cash, a gift card and some extra cash I’d saved so it came out to something reasonable.  But still! I normally buy the cheapest thing I can. Wizard is happy that oversized suitcase bugged us both will be donated and out of our closet. Now can I pack less when I travel??? We will see when we go to Cambria in November with Oldest, Special K and Turbo!
  5. Today we are going back to UCI for a routine follow-up ultrasound for me. Wizard is insisting on driving me, which I don’t need but appreciate all the same. Saturday I think we’re staying home and I’ll clean. Sunday we are going to see Turbo play baseball then we’ll all get something to eat. Next week, I hope to get to see my grandbaby and maybe help her mom if I can. She’s a month old now (the baby, not her mom, LOL!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

5 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    October 11th, 2024 at 7:42 am · Link

    Thankfully, Milton missed my MIL, but my thoughts go out to all those caught in it and by Helene. Yay for some quality stay-home time for you and yay for Wizard cleaning the planter! Fingers crossed for your breadsticks. Yay for buying the things you needed and wanted, even if meant spending money. Yay for the new suitcase! I hope everything goes well with your ultrasound and yay for Wizard being the stand-up guy and driving you. Enjoy your weekend and cuddle that grandbaby of yours. :hugs:

    1) I keep thinking it’s Saturday, so I’m lucky I figured out what day it was long enough to remember to comment here.
    2) We’re having company tomorrow, so there’s been a whirlwind of cleaning here. This will continue throughout today.
    3) Also, I volunteered to make homemade pizza for tomorrow’s lunch. I need to make the dough today so I won’t have to be stuck in the kitchen for anything other than actually getting it ready to slide into the oven.
    4) Two weeks ago, we made the decision to allow the cats free run of the house at night. Finn is an angel and leaves us alone. Sawyer on the other hand… Ugh. Last night was a breakthrough, so fingers crossed that soon we get to sleep through the night again.
    5) I’m debating on whether to make a cake today. Or brownies. Not that I really need either one, but maybe our guests would like them. (That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. LOL)

  2. Silver James
    October 11th, 2024 at 11:14 am · Link

    Milton and Helene are the new Bonnie and Clyde. Ugh on them! Wiz IS a rockstar! Yay for bargains! Woohoo for luggage and CAMBRIA?!?!?! Yay for family travel. 💖 And also for family visits over the weekend. Plus 🤞🏼 for good doc report. My five.

    1. The AC went out on Monday. Repair guy was here first thing Tuesday. Turned out to be a starter capacitor (whatever that is) so only $ instead of $$$ and the system is working so much better. We caught a period of low humidity and not bad temps but still warm so yay for ceiling fans in every room.

    2. I had every intention of being finished with the hard edits by today because I still need to do formatting, spellchecking and other things in the word doc that I’ve transferred into from Scrivener. Then stuff happened. I am down to the last 3 chapters and the epilogue so I am close.

    3. We took advantage of the Daze, too. We got Only early b-day presents from her ‘Zon wish list, ie. a laminator and extra laminating sheets. It was on the top of her list so there ya go. We saved enough on the Daze that we got her 100 extra sheets. We also got a shelving unit from Wallyworld competition dayz for 73% and free shipping so $40 instead of $110. Yay bargains!

    4. I’m behind on the book because we’re helicopter parents. Only called Wednesday. She’d left a piece of photographic equipment at home that she needed to shoot photos of the football team after school. She’s the yearbook advisor. Anyway, we drove up to their house, got it, drove to her school, dropped it off to her, and then came home. It took a big chunk of time out of the day. I was just headed out when LG got home and insisted he drive. Anyway, s’all good.

    5. Speaking of, I snuck out this morning and Jake and I went to Wallyworld all. By. OURSELVES! We even stopped at the ‘Bucks for a pup cup and a frappucino on the way home. We made it without getting lost, confused, or arrested. :wink:

    No Pete story this week. Sorry. He and Loki are both being dull cats. Stormy has 2 soccer games up the turnpike on Sunday. Not sure we’ll go. Weather is supposed to cool off but that makes for a long day plus packages due that day and porch pirates are a thing. Grrr. We’ll see. Otherwise, I plan on putting the finishing touches on the book so I can get it to betas and proofers. I also hope to have a cover by next week. We’ll see. Have a good one, all!

  3. Jenn
    October 11th, 2024 at 4:19 pm · Link

    B.E., I’m glad Milton didn’t hit your MIL, but like you, I feel for the others! The utlrasound was quick and easy, and I ended up driving myself. there was no reason for Wizard to go, and he found other projects.

    1) LOL!! I confuse days all the time. But hey, points for remembering!
    2) I hope all the fun with company turns out to be worth the cleaning!
    3) Your pizza is well known!! And it’s always smart to do as much prep ahead of time as possible. Hope you don’t get too tired though.
    4) Sawyer!! No waking up the people!! Maggie does that too so I totally sympathize. Fingers crossed Sawyer’s figured out nighttime is either sleeping or quiet time.
    5) Of course your guests will love anything you bake!! And likely appreciate it if you’re up to doing it!

    I’m hoping you have a lovely weekend with your guests!

  4. Jenn
    October 11th, 2024 at 4:36 pm · Link

    Silver, I hope that Mother Nature has gotten her hurricane temper tantrums out of her system with added bursts of tornado-anger. This has been a doozy of a season already. And yep, Cambria. Oldest wants us to go as they were sick when we went last year and missed out. We try to go when the various kids ask us because…family :-) It’ll be a while for the doc report but I’m not expecting trouble, so not worried at the moment.

    1) Ugh on A/C going out, but yay on it “only” being the capacitor. We’d replaced that in our old house so I happen to have an idea of what it is. That’s a much less expensive fix that it could have been. Also — yay for ceiling fans! They help.
    2) You are very close!! And stuff will happen, all we can do is trying to roll with it. You’ve got this!!!
    3) Bargains are awesome!! If that’s what Only wants, then she’ll be happy! And you can be happy at the good deals.
    4) Umm…that’s nice parents, not really Helicopter parents, LOL! I’d have done that if I could make the time too. And they’d do it for us, so like you said, it’s all good. I remember one time youngest had to drive oldest his passport to board a ship — family!! Only is a lucky woman to have you and LG!
    5) Wow you and Jake are REBELS!! LOLOL!! But I know what you mean, LG has maybe been a helicopter husband in the best way since you got sick. But clearly you and Jake were rockstars for managing not to get arrested, lost or hurt!

    If you need to miss Stormy’s games you know you’ll get regular updates from the parental unit. I’m so sorry on the porch pirates. I have ugly feelings that involve large vicious dogs and venomous snakes when I think of them. But it sounds like you could use a quieter weekend to focus on your book too. However your weekend goes, I hope it’s a good one!

  5. Viki S.
    October 11th, 2024 at 5:43 pm · Link

    1. It’s good to stay home now and then. Doesn’t it feel great to NOT have to go somewhere? Wizard gets a gold star for cleaning that bed out for new planting.
    2. The bed sticks sound great. How did Wizard liked them? Nice dinner for Special K too.
    3. We all need to spend money every once in a while. What vacuum did you get? I just bought 2 Dyson stick vacs. I’m giving one to C & C since they have three dogs.
    4. Good for you buying quality luggage. It is very expensive. It didn’t use to be. When I bought some for A this past Christmas I was shocked how it had gone up in price. Nice having Kohl’s coupons and CASH.
    5. That was nice of Wizard to drive for the ultra sound. Have a great time at Turbo’s game and have a fantastic weekend!

    1a. Hubs had his last speech visit today. It didn’t help him but I think it was so good for him to interact with her. Someone other than me is a plus.
    2a. Well, I’m a bit ticked off. Only one of the two vacuums came. The other one hasn’t even been picked up by UPS. Funny I ordered them both at the same time and they had no problem billing me.
    3a. It’s been a bit chilly here and hubs can’t take it so the heat is on and I had to put the down blanket on the bed. This weekend I will have to put the fleece sheets on the bed too. I will have no covers on me but hubs will be comfortable.
    4a. Our absentee ballots arrived yesterday. I shouldn’t have given hubs his yet. He’s all stress out now. I think I finally have him understanding that I will help him and we will get it done this weekend.
    5a. I am so in the mood for pizza. Not pizza I make at home but going out to the pizza parlor and having them make it and serve it to me. That just may be dinner tomorrow. It may end up be me buying one and cooking it myself 😉.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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