Jennifer Lyon

Monday, October 14th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

The weekend felt like a whirlwind, but it was a good one overall.

Friday morning, I walked Maggie, got home and found a new mosquito bite — on my face! Oh yay. I began icing it to try and prevent it from turning into the lobster red boils covering my legs from mosquito bites. For some reason, it’s worked better on my face than it has my legs, so I’ll take that win! After doing my best to tone down the redness and swelling with my limited makeup skills, I headed to my neck ultrasound 50 miles away. That’s four freeways, two of which are notorious for traffic. I left two hours before the appointment and got there an hour early. Oops. I found easy parking, went in and confessed I was there an hour early. After some good natured teasing from the receptionist, she signed me in and I sat down to wait. I had time to send a text off to my sister, then got called in. I was shocked! They technician saw I was there early and decided to do my scan before she went on her lunch break. I was out of there by 11:25 and my actual appointment was 11:45. I don’t know the results and probably won’t for a while. But nice to get that done so quick and easy.

Then I got home, ate, and finally got a call from the nuclear medicine nurse to schedule my full body scan. Great — except I found out that I have to go on the low iodine diet for two weeks before the scan. Sigh…I’ll do my best but I’m going to feel sorry for myself now and again :-) I can, however, have coffee and red wine so it’s not all bad. I can be a caffeinated drunk, as long as I don’t have any iodized salt (which is in everything), dairy, soy products (also in a startling amount of products), or you know, food. Okay now I am exaggerating. I can eat some foods like raw nuts, seeds, a few fruits and veggies, egg whites and a very limited amount of meat and unsalted grains. See why I’m gonna need coffee and wine?

And at the end of the two weeks…I’ll be doing three days of 100 mile round trips for a set of two shots, a radioactive tracer pill that I have to take in a nuclear medicine pod at UCI or maybe just in front of a nurse? I don’t know. But since I’m doing this the week of Halloween, maybe I’ll glow brighter than any pumpkin! Anyway, the following day I go back and have a scan that will make the TSA envious. The idea is that any cells that escaped my surgeon’s scalpel will be detected — and possibly they’ll find that green gum I swallowed when I was seven.

Yes, I’m being a little silly with the descriptions, but I do take all this seriously. Both Wizard and I do which is why I’m doing a lot of work to get all this done.

Saturday, we did stuff. I made the chocolate chip and peanut butter M&M cookies for Turbo’s baseball team. My son doled them out (after checking with parents) after the game, and I saw a few extra hands grabbing cookies :-) I made plenty. Better grandmas than me would have brought something healthy. And I could have, but Turbo and I planned these cookies on Facetime so that’s what I brought.

Sunday, we went to see Turbo’s game. Turbo hit three times, and made the winning run! The kids all had a fun. The other team made some great plays too. Youngest and his wife were there, and we all went out to a super early dinner afterwards. Before the game, Youngest and his wife hung out with Middle, his wife and Baby Girl. Oldest went by too. We resisted stopping by ourselves :-) The aunts and uncles should get their time in. I’m pretty sure I should get a medal for that self control, LOL.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    October 14th, 2024 at 8:09 am · Link

    Yay for walks with Maggie, but boooo for the mosquito bite. Don’t they know they’re not supposed to bite the face?? Geez. I hope your ultrasound comes out okay. Bummer about the requirements for your scan. And for two weeks? that sounds awful. Let us know if you glow. We wants pics. Hey, sometimes the best way to handle a serious situation is by being silly. :hugs: Yay for cookies for Turbo and for Turbo’s game and for time with family. You should get a medal.

    The weekend here was good. We had company on Saturday and both my pizza and my cake turned out yummy. It was a nice, low-stress visit and we were glad they came, but we are also glad to be back to normal. We’re such hermits these days.

  2. Silver James
    October 14th, 2024 at 11:18 am · Link

    Whoah! Busy weekend for you! Yay for walks, awesome medicos, family time, cookies, hits and runs, wine and coffee. Boo on mosquitos, long drives and weird diets! I hope you can find something to eat. It’s a hassle but worth it to get good news, or forwarning if some of those buggers are still hanging around.

    I finished edits and spellchecks on the book. That was pretty much Saturday and most of Sunday. The MS is off for other eyes to pick it apart. Stormy came late Saturday afternoon until a bit after 9. The Kids had a wedding and their babysitter called in sick. It was fine. Sunday, he had two soccer games that we didn’t go to. LG hasn’t been sleeping well and I REALLY wanted to finish the dang fixes on the MS. Only texted. They lost the first game (she blamed the refs and I can believe it because…yeah) and won the second game. Stormy played well but for one bloop play when he was trying to knock down a ball with a vertical leap so it would hit him in the chest. Instead, it turned into a header that went into their own goal, which scored for the other team. Headers are a big no-no at this age but the ref (a good one this time) didn’t call it. The coach wasn’t unhappy with Stormy, praising him for trying to get up high to block it. Good coach. The Kids (and Stormy) really like him.

    That was pretty much it. Boring but productive. Taking the day off, mostly, and will hit stuff tomorrow–front and back matter, advertising graphics, etc. Hopefully, I’ll have a cover by week’s end. 🤞🏼

    Have a great week, all!

  3. Jenn
    October 14th, 2024 at 3:26 pm · Link

    B.E., if I do glow, I’ll for sure post a pic!! And thanks on all!!

    I’m happy to hear the visit went well! That part is usually fun, it’s the cleaning and stress before hand that usually sucks :-) But yeah, I’m with you on liking our routine. But its also good to see friends now and again!

    I really hope you have a fabulous week doing all the things you love!

  4. Jenn
    October 14th, 2024 at 3:36 pm · Link

    Silver, I’m seriously keeping my eye on the prize with these scans — getting an “All Clear For Now” verdict will be amazing. And, as you said, if we find something, now’s the time to target and kill it. In the meantime, I’m having fun just living life :-)

    Huge congrats on finishing edits and spellchecks!!! It usually moves fast once we get the book through this big edit! And yay for a much deserved day off!

    Bet Stormy had more fun with you and LG than a babysitter anyway :-) he sure is growing up though!

    Oops on that leap that turned into a header — but points to him for trying! I know it ended up in the wrong goal, but he’s developing skills and has great inititive to think of it and try it in the split second time he had to make the decision. And sounds like he has a good coach who is “coaching” as in guiding the kids into becoming stronger, smarter players — and not being overly and unnecessarily critical. I love that!

    Your weekend wasn’t boring! Sometime we need a little quieter time to get our work done, and that’s what you did! Congrats again!

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