Wizard sent this warning to me.
With all the news on TV lately about the sub zero weather and snow that the east coast and upstate NY areas are experiencing, we shouldn’t forget that Southern California has it’s share of devastating weather also.
I’ve attached a photo illustrating the excessive damage caused to a home from a west coast storm that passed through the San Diego area a couple of days ago. It really makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take life for granted!!!
Warning: The attached picture is quite graphic and may not be
suitable for younger viewers.
scroll down..
I laughed my butt off! In Southern California, if the weather folks thing there’s a chance of any moisture, they call it Storm Watch! And use their, Serious News Voice.
Most of the time, I love So Cal, but it really can be the land of Drama Queens.
For those of you experience Real Weather, you really do have my sympathies! And try not to judge us So Cal folks by the Drama Queen Newfolks
January 5th, 2010 at 9:22 am · Link
ROFL – thanks for the morning teehee, Jen. Yesterday I saw something about school closures in central Arkansas, and there was only a dusting on snow.
Scary weather is subjective. A foot of snow when I lived in northern Michigan was something to shrug over. A predicted six inches here on the eastern plains of Colorado has me heading for supplies. :shrug: Of course, when I lived in FL and a hurricane just barely brushed Tallahassee, I was freaking out, but all the locals were totally calm. I guess it depends on what you’re used to.
Hang in there. I’m sure your scary weather will subside soon. ;o)
January 5th, 2010 at 9:25 am · Link
Hey, ya’ll get wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, and Santa Ana winds. But yeah…Our weather casters get that Serious News Voice, too. And we have weather wars between the channels – storm chasers, technology, etc. We even have a drinking game based on one of our “legendary” weathermen, Gary England. Don’t ask. But ask anyone from Okie land about “Val? Val? Do we have Val on the GITNER?” and after they splort drinks through their nose, they might explain.
January 5th, 2010 at 11:20 am · Link
Oh man I hope you survived that weather. Last night they kept teasing the news with our upcoming “Artic Blast” that we are getting, I think our low is going to be 11* on Thursday with a high of 28* on Friday. YUCK! Of course we are in an area that closes the schools for the smallest amount of snow but we only seem to be getting that this year when school is already out. Today is my first day back to work after being off since December 19th, I’m not sure if I will make it or not.
January 5th, 2010 at 12:02 pm · Link
Some streets here still have ice on them because the temp won’t rise above 22! UGH! I hate cold weather with a passion. We drove up to Kansas to look at a truck and they still have over a foot of snow. Double yuck!
I want spring!
I want temps above 40!
And Jen…that post was just mean!!
January 5th, 2010 at 12:12 pm · Link
B.E., hurricanes would freak me out too. I’ve never lived in places with real weather like snow, hurricanes or tornadoes. But I grew up with earthquakes and don’t think much about them at all so like you said…subjective!
Today is 70-something degrees but I’m hanging in there
January 5th, 2010 at 12:15 pm · Link
Silver, well yeah the Santa Ana winds are miserable and they can cause horrendous fire conditions. So there is that!
Weather man drinking game! You Okies know how to live, LOL! i think I’m going to try to google Gary England drinking game and see what I get!
January 5th, 2010 at 12:18 pm · Link
Amanda, BRRR!!! How do you stand the cold! I’m whining when it’s down in the fifties. And seriously, you should not have to work in that weather!
My kids would have loved snow days off from school! We occasionally had schools closed for ash from fires but that’s not quite as fun. Can’t build a snowman out of ash.
Hope you survive your back-to-work week!
January 5th, 2010 at 12:20 pm · Link
Kira, sorry! That was mean for people dealing with Real Weather! We really do make fun of our weather-people here though because they get so excited over any possible precipitation and act like it’s a really big deal.
Stay warm! Hope Spring comes early!
January 5th, 2010 at 12:30 pm · Link
I certainly do not like this cold weather at all. It isn’t normal for the Dallas area especially the snow we’ve been getting. We actually had a white Christmas, snowed all Christmas Eve and then stuck around for Christmas. I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those.
So far I’m staying nice and warm in my office.
January 5th, 2010 at 12:33 pm · Link
Last summer I went to Lincoln, NE for my cousin’s wedding. While I was there I was walking the streets of my aunt’s beautiful neighborhood and kept wondering why I didn’t live there. I love the midwest. LOVE IT. This morning I was sitting in bed watching the news and this is what I heard. “The high today is -13 degrees in Omaha, Nebraska….” and that folks, is why I live in Arizona. NOW I REMEMBER!
January 5th, 2010 at 12:34 pm · Link
I have lived in PA all my life, and I absolutely hate being cold. Wouldn’t mind the snow if it was just warmer. And it seems the older I get the more I the cold bothers me. I look at my teenagers running around in T-shirts and Hoodies and can remember when I ran around in shorts this time of year, what happened to that person? As of now when hubby and I are ready to retire in 30 years we plan to head somewhere warm.
January 5th, 2010 at 3:38 pm · Link
Amanda, a white Christmas sounds pretty and unusual for Dallas, but all the cold gets old pretty fast.
January 5th, 2010 at 3:40 pm · Link
Erika, YES! Although Arizona has some colder parts, nothing like Nebraska!
January 5th, 2010 at 3:42 pm · Link
Val, kids are crazy! My kids do the same when it’s cold here (although not as cold as there!) My friend recently moved to PA and loves it. I would love to visit, but I’ll take the CA weather
January 5th, 2010 at 5:08 pm · Link
Jen? http://www.okstorms.com/chasing/other_weather/drinking_game.htm
January 5th, 2010 at 6:23 pm · Link
It’s freezing here. Craig Ferguson always makes jokes about how a little rain shower is seen as a big deal.
January 6th, 2010 at 12:10 am · Link
Hey ladies! Or should I say, bbbbrrr!!!
Jen hon, you crack me up with the serious weather photo there!!!
Seriously, I feel for all those north of me – I’m in Louisiana. We have been dipping in the teens these past few weeks. To freaking cold if you ask me… But if you say okay… then let’s give you a hurricane… Well, you know what… I might just take the cold. The sucky thing is hubby works outside all day long… NOW that sucks apples!
So, I am keeping my weather pray going ladies!! For all of us, even those in the 70’s (Jen!)!!
Hope every one stays bundled up!!!
January 6th, 2010 at 8:39 pm · Link
We have like ten inches of snow coming!
I think I am going to need to borrow Linc again to help keep me safe and warm when the snow comes.