Jennifer Lyon

Monday, June 28th, 2010
A Question, and Weekend Roundup

So where does a witch go for help?

HERE!!! I’m here to ask you all a question.

What do you want to know about the Wing Slayer Hunters? I’m going to expand this site into a more traditional website in a next month or two, and do a Wing Slayer Hunter page.   So what do you want to know about on the site? More about Axel and his crew? About their witches? Five questions for each? Three traits? What they like in a woman? I’m trying to keep it fairly simple and fun to read.

I won’t be able to use everything,  and time is a huge factor, but any help you all can give me is greatly, hugely and very much appreciated!

Okay and on to our weekends, mine was all work, but I’m past page 300 in my revisions, so YAY! I have less than 200 pages to go, then I need to do a last read through to get it clean and send it to my editor July 5th  I have no idea if the book is any good, but it will be done.

Bailey is coming over today! How am I supposed to work with Bailey Dog here? So not fair! My son swears this is a picture of Bailey watching soccer with him over the weekend, but it looks to me like Bailey is bored and probably thinking, “Hey when can I go play with that super cool witch again?” And then my son said, “Fine, I’ll take to you see her, but she’s not cool, she’s my mom. ”

So how was your weekend? And don’t forget, give me your suggestions for a Wing Slayer Hunter web page!

6 comments to “A Question, and Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    June 28th, 2010 at 8:42 am · Link

    Okay. My browswer is being weird. I can read this in my RSS feed but here at the site, No text or header. Wha’?!?

    Fine! I still know what I want to say. I love what Rocki did with her Bullet Catcher boys on her site. “Name, rank, and serial number” plus a pic of the model and a little bio info. I love knowing the stats on a guy: height, weight, hair and eye color, plus a little something about his family/history that leads to his story and conflicts.

    I think it would be cool to have the same for the witches, too!

    And with that, I’m off. The Only has one more surgery today. Catch you witches on the other side and hopefully, browswer will be happier with text and graphics when I get back!

    Jen, keep working! You’re over halfway there. You know where to find me if you need to vent. ;) In the meantime, whipping up an appletini spell to keep you focused and Key in line while you work.

  2. Erika
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:27 am · Link

    J.R. Ward’s site is pretty cool for the BDB, as far as the brothers she shares her interviews with her characters. I also like Silver’s idea of stats. Height, weight etc., along with a brief description of their family history. And of course, all of this without giving too much away. ;)

    My weekend was good and relaxing. The family went and saw The A-Team. I liked it. Bradley Cooper is half naked through most of it so that helps. :D

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:46 am · Link

    Gena Showalter did something neat for her Lords of the Underworld – but not at her site. In her anthology – Into the Dark – she put an appendix at the back telling a little bit about each of the Lords. It contains pretty much what Silver talked about.

    I think you’re right. Bailey looks bored. Maybe soccer’s not his game. He’ll be excited for American football season, for sure. ;o)

    Well… this weekend I finished the rewrite! Daughter got her ACT scores – her composite was 30! And this morning she started her first job. I don’t know which I’m proudest about.

  4. Jen Lyon
    June 28th, 2010 at 2:33 pm · Link

    Silver, good luck with the surgery for Only! She’s come so far!

    Thank you for the input. I’m going to put all the suggestions in my file!

    I’d be getting more done today if Bailey wasn’t here.

  5. Jen Lyon
    June 28th, 2010 at 2:35 pm · Link

    Erika, that’s really the trick–giving just enough to be interesting, without any spoilers OR infringing on reader’s mental pictures of the characters.

    Now there’s a reason to go see A-Team!

  6. Jen Lyon
    June 28th, 2010 at 2:37 pm · Link

    B.E. double congratulations! For finishing your book, and your daughter’s great score! Oh wait, a third thing, your daughter’s new job! You should be very proud!

    Thanks for the input, I’ll add it to my file.

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