Jennifer Lyon

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012
Hit and Miss Authors

First my Ram update. This is a snippet of direct quote from one of my critique partners on the first sex scene in the e-novella  FORBIDDEN MAGIC:

That was WAY too hot for me to be reading at 11:30 am…

Okay then. Perhaps I’m doing this right :-)

So I’m reading books for the RWA RITA contest. I’m not supposed to talk about these books so I’m not going to name the author or title.  I just started my second book by an author who tends to be hit or miss for me. Some of her books I enjoy,  some I  barely finish, or only finish because I’m stuck somewhere like in a doctor’s waiting room.

But this book has really caught my attention.

Which brings me around to just how weirdly subjective taste can be.  The premise of this book–marriage of convenience–I usually find doesn’t work for me in a single title romance. Category is fine because the shorter formats of categories need a cliche to throw the hero and heroine together fast enough and jump start the romance. I usually find that trope tedious in a longer book, yet this time, I’m hooked.

And that’s got my thinking that I need to go back and start looking for more of the authors I consider hit-and-miss. I think I’m missing some real gems simply because I have less reading time in the last few years and have gotten pickier. But I’m missing out.

How about you guys? Do you have hit and miss authors on your to-buy lists?


13 comments to “Hit and Miss Authors”

  1. Labrat11
    February 2nd, 2012 at 7:37 am · Link

    Thanks for the Ram teaser. You really know how to make us start drooling. When does that come out again? Oh, yeah, not soon enough. :wink:

    If an author has written a book or books I love, I will alway give them a try. I may only stick to one genre, if they are a cross genre writer, but I will give the book a try. If there have been a few too many misses, I usually think twice before buying, but hope for a good book springs eternal and I will usually buy it.

    Thanks for the work on Ram’s novella, I can’t wait to read what you have come up with.

  2. B.E Sanderson
    February 2nd, 2012 at 8:36 am · Link

    Yep, you’re mean. You throw out a quote like that when we can’t even get close to reading the story. =op Meanie.

    I don’t know that any of the authors I read are hit and miss. I know Jim Butcher ticked me off so bad with Changes, I haven’t read the next book in the Dresden Files series yet. Still, I did finish his Codex Alera series. And I will get to Ghost Story eventually.

    Sorry. That was totally not what you were talking about, but it’s early. Yay Ram’s story! :wanders off in search of coffee:

  3. Kat
    February 2nd, 2012 at 9:20 am · Link

    BE My husband felt the same way after he had read what Jim Butcher did, but I got him the next Book Ghost Stories for Xmas and he has forgiven the author. Pick it up before a snow storm and I don’t think you will be disappointed.

    As for me I don’t get stuck on an author. Yes I have the book series that I follow because of getting started on it (sometimes in the middle) but normally I am not looking for an author in particular. I go book shopping not really author shopping. I mean I really love Iona Andrew’s Kate Daniel Series but I am not remotely interested in their Edge Series. I think I get hooked more on characters and story line then I do authors.

    Now about Ram. AHHHHHHHHH… :!: Could you at least do your interview for your site with him. :wink: Yes it might be even more of a tease than just that Quote but I need another fix to keep me going till you can get the novella out (a story is never truely finished).

  4. Dawn
    February 2nd, 2012 at 9:48 am · Link

    That’s just evil, Jen. Teasing us like that! We want Ram’s story!!!

    I’ve read authors that are hit-ot-miss for me. I don’t usually keep them on my to-buy list for long though. I’ll buy books from that author for a time. But after enough books that I can’t get into, I just quit buying from that author. I have too many other authors on my list that I always like.

  5. Jen Lyon
    February 2nd, 2012 at 12:06 pm · Link

    Labrat11, you made me laugh with your “not soon enough” comment! I should have a tentative date in a couple weeks.

    I’m a lot like you on hit and miss authors. Especially when they veer away from what I love about a story. But I think I’ve been limiting myself too much lately.

  6. Jen Lyon
    February 2nd, 2012 at 12:08 pm · Link

    B.E., my kids agree with you that I’m mean :-)

    Your topic is so much more interesting! I have the same issue with a different author. I’m done with those books. I so get that!

    I want more coffee now too!

  7. Jen Lyon
    February 2nd, 2012 at 12:11 pm · Link

    Kat, that’s a good idea to interview Ram for my website. I’ve been meaning too–life threw me a huge curve with son’s broken leg, surgery etc.

    So interesting about your husband and Butcher!

    Okay, I think the way you shop for books gives you much more range. I get caught up in “authors I should read for market research” syndrome.

  8. Jen Lyon
    February 2nd, 2012 at 12:13 pm · Link

    Dawn, I know, totally mean!

    That is another problem for me, I lack patience when starting a book. If I’m not hooked in the first thirty to fifty pages, I tend to wander onto another book. Unless I’m reading it for a contest, of course. There’s too many books I want to read and not enough time!

  9. Viki S.
    February 2nd, 2012 at 1:03 pm · Link

    Honestly I haven’t had that problem yet. All the authors I read have kept me entertained. I may not love one book as much as the others but I don’t think I’ve stopped reading a book by one of my known authors. Now if I’ve never read the author before I have stopped reading several. So I guess no hit or miss with me with the same author.
    Thanks for the Ram tid bit ;).

  10. Silver James
    February 2nd, 2012 at 4:01 pm · Link

    You are a terrible tease, witch! I can’t wait for Ram’s story!

    As far as reading hit-or-miss goes, I tend to be a bit weird. I may stop buying an author if her/his books don’t meet my expectations, but if they are part of a series in which I’ve invested my time and money, I’ll simply switch over and get the books from the library. The one exception to that is LKH. I tired to hang in there with her because I liked the characters until they became such a parody I just couldn’t read another word. I have three of her books (two in hardback even) that I’ve never opened. I just stopped reading. Despite other fans saying her work has returned to earlier levels of interest, I see no reason to go back. Too many other writers out there who haven’t betrayed my trust as a reader. :-P *steps down from soap box* ;)

  11. Julie
    February 3rd, 2012 at 7:47 am · Link

    I can hardly wait for Ram’s story!

    As for authors, I try to keep an open mind, even those that I find hit or miss. The number of must buy authors have dwindled over the years, but I always keep them on my “books to consider” list. I may or may not buy the book depending upon the book synopsis.
    Even my must buy authors will write books or series that don’t capture my interest.

    I have only two circumstances where I get disgusted enough to vere away from an author. One is if they kill off my favorite characters (usually this happens in pure sci/fi/fantasy genres). The second is if they become too formula or I can figure out the entire plot line within the first 20 pages.

    I get most excited when I find a new author or series!

    Jennifer, I feel your January pain. I’ve had a child home from school I’ll for all but 3 days in January.

  12. Jenn
    February 3rd, 2012 at 12:02 pm · Link

    Julie, thanks so much on Ram!

    Killing off a main character is huge for many readers. I can really understand that!

    I LOVE finding new authors and books to love :-)

    Sounds like you and your child had a rough January. Here’s hope the rest of the year goes better for both of us!

  13. ashley
    February 3rd, 2012 at 7:43 pm · Link

    I have one author that’s hit or miss for me and its nora roberts. I love some of her books but just couldn’t finish others. Being the age I am ( a lady never tells exactly but its youngish) I actually get into more teen fiction like twilight and (thanks to twilight) the house of night series. Usually when I find something I like from an author I look for more. If I didn’t like something I tend to shy away.I’ve been really into scifi romance like stories involving vamps and witches and such. I just like a good story.

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