I went to my local RWA meeting this weekend and had a great time! Even better, I hung out with Laura Wright and got her to sign a copy of her latest release ETERNAL CAPTIVE to give away here!
There’s the signed book, a bookmark and a keyring container with mints that says “Bite Me.” So just leave a comment on this blog through Tuesday and I’ll randomly pick a winner from the comments and announce it on Thursday.
Getting out so see everyone was fun. Then my middle son and Bailey dog came over. Broken Leg Boy, Middle Son and Wizard and all watched the Supercross. Bailey and I curled up in bed and watched a movie–it was awesome! Peace and quiet, and Bailey never tries to change the channel.
Shhh, don’t tell Wizard, but Bailey might have been sleeping on his pillow
I didn’t get much time to write, but since BLB is doing better, I should be able to work this week.
How was your weekend?
February 13th, 2012 at 3:47 am · Link
How cool! I was on Literal Addictions chat with Laura yesterday. She’s tons of fun :). Net you had a great time. My copy of Eternal Captive arrived the other day and it’s next up for my reading.
I hear nothing – I’d never squeal on Bailey. Maybe Wizard will never know.
We had a wonderful (because I like snow) snow storm Saturday into Sunday. We had over a foot of the stuff fall and the winds were high but hubs and I still went out to celebrate Valentine’s Day at the club. He’s going to be out of town until Friday so we figured we should have a nice dinner before he left :). Yesterday we enjoyed the snow, middle son came home from Kent sick. Yes, I babied him all the while the youngest moaned about special treatment. Do they ever grow up? Then hubs and I watched Captain America. To me it’s really quite funny.
February 13th, 2012 at 7:10 am · Link
Yay for getting out to your RWA meeting. And yay Bailey! Of course he slept on the pillow – it’s his right as visiting awesome dog.
We got snow on Friday night and then again last night, so weee. I edited my first chapter apart and put most of it back together this weekend. And I read. I lead an exciting life. ;o)
February 13th, 2012 at 10:08 am · Link
Sounds like you had a good weekend, Jen.
I spent the weekend re-training Drill Sergeant Girl who was pushing her boundaries in a not so welcome direction. After exhausting all my good will and patience, I finally retreated to the sacrosanct reading chair and began rereading Lynn Kurland’s Nine Kingdom’s series. I have 4 shelves of new books waiting for me, but just got a bug to reread these.
I would never rat out Bailey. After all, I let Ice sleep on my husbands side of the bed all the time. He actually pushes the covers my direction! And, it’s a well known fact in my house that my older dog, Kodiac, rules the house because I decreed it. He would own the bed , but he’s no longer able to get up on it.
February 13th, 2012 at 11:30 am · Link
What is is with snow? We got snow last night! LOL l’m staring out the window at the stuff as I type. We REALLY need moisture in whatever form it falls and I’m actually a Colorado girl at heart so I don’t mind. I have 4WD but don’t like to get out with the idiots. The roads aren’t bad so not a big deal.
Weekend was spent cleaning and getting ready for this week. Today, I started an on-line class in Scrivener (a writing program) and am reading previous chapters/notes on the new/old project to get ready to whip the darn thing into shape and finish writing the book. I started reading Jasper Ffordes THE EYRE AFFAIR and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it yet. It’s sort of the HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE meets Dr. Who. But…not.
So glad Bailey Dog came to visit. You’re forgiven no work since he was there an needed attention! And awesome on spending time with Laura!
February 13th, 2012 at 11:55 am · Link
Viki, NO they never grow up! I know that now for sure, LOL! I hope your son is feeling better.
Glad you were able to celebrate Valentine’s Day before hubby’s trip. And that you enjoyed the snow storm.
By the way, Laura is just as fun as she seems! We’ve been friends since we first sold. She a good friend and an amazing writer!
February 13th, 2012 at 11:56 am · Link
B.E., I’m jealous of your reading time! Did you enjoy the snow like Viki, or not so much?
Is this a first chapter on a new project?
February 13th, 2012 at 11:58 am · Link
Julie wouldn’t it be great if we could train our kids as easily as our dogs? Sigh…I feel for you. I raised three teenagers. The good news is that we all lived through it
Your dogs sound super cool! Love the name Ice!
My weekend was good, but much too fast.
February 13th, 2012 at 12:02 pm · Link
Silver, it’s rare for your area to get snow, isn’t it? Wow! Do the dogs like it? I sure don’t blame you for not wanting to get on the road with idiots.
You’ve got a plan for tackling your project. I really need to catch up with what’s going on with you. I seem to be perpetually behind lately.
The book sounds a little bit schizoid
February 13th, 2012 at 3:00 pm · Link
Hey there. RWA meeting sounds like it went well. That’s excellent. I have never read Laura Wright but I’ll have to check her out on Good Reads. Add her to my list.
Thanks for the recommendation.
February 13th, 2012 at 5:06 pm · Link
Glad you got to have a nice peaceful weekend. And that you got to visit w/ Bailey
I went up to visit my BFF and her kids this weekend. We had tics to see the Red Wings on Friday. The game was great. The Wings won 2-1 and kept their home win streak alive. (And tied an NHL record for consecutive home wins on Sunday )And it was the 1000th career game for my niece’s fav player. The drive back to BFF’s house…not so nice. It was snowing on my drive there, on our drive to the game and still snowing after the game. The roads were crap and there were a lot of idiot drivers on the road. We drove by an accident, caused I’m sure by some idiot not driving for the road conditions. The rest of the weekend was nice and peaceful. The kids didn’t even fight too much
February 13th, 2012 at 7:17 pm · Link
Erika, if you like super hot, alpha, vampires, then definitely check Laura out
February 13th, 2012 at 7:17 pm · Link
My weekend was good, nothing exciting to speak of though. I was small group leader in the first grade room Saturday at church, then dinner with the family. Other than that, the oldest won his basketball game and I studied some more.
February 13th, 2012 at 7:19 pm · Link
Dawn, awesome on your Red Wings winning so many home games!
So glad you and your friend stayed safe on the road. That’s the scariest things, you can be hit by those careless or clueless idiots!
February 13th, 2012 at 9:13 pm · Link
Shiloh, congrats to your oldest son for winning his b-ball game! I’m glad you had a good weekend
February 13th, 2012 at 9:21 pm · Link
Not so much. About the only good thing I can say about snow is that shoveling is a good workout. This is the first chapter of that rewrite I did on my urban fantasy. I want the beginning to be perfect and it just wasn’t. Hanging onto too much unnecessary stuff, I guess. Snippity snip. LOL
February 13th, 2012 at 9:25 pm · Link
Sounds like you had fun and I won’t say a word. What Wizard don’t know won’t hurt him.
February 13th, 2012 at 9:43 pm · Link
B.E., since I’ve never lived in snow, I just wondered
That’s excellent strategy on your UF manuscript. You want that first part to hook, and hook hard! I’m struggling with that myself.
February 13th, 2012 at 9:43 pm · Link
PamK, exactly! Where Bailey is concerned, Wizard is on a need to know basis
February 13th, 2012 at 10:56 pm · Link
Sounds like you had fun.My nephew was her on the weekend.So he kept me busy.Got some reading in.
February 14th, 2012 at 12:24 am · Link
Elaine G, hope you had a lot of fun with your nephew!
February 14th, 2012 at 10:27 am · Link
Jen, any time you want to experience snow, let me know. LOL