Jennifer Lyon

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
This and That Tuesday

I finally sent out a newsletter! A while back my old newsletter company folded and it took me forever to get a new one, and THEN learn the new program.  So yesterday I tackled that.

Then ( and I blame BLB And Wizard for this) I made more lava cakes to celebrate. Mostly because they bugged me until I did it.

Wizard was home yesterday, and he took BLB to physical therapy. I was so stoked! I went to the gym for the first time in a week, then came home planning to have time to myself.

Except I had to call the health insurance company. For the FOURTH time.  And after an hour of carefully, methodically and in great detail, explaining the issue, I got the same result of, “Yes, you are right, let me research this and call you back.”  I swear this is beyond frustrating and it’s not THAT complicated.

Now I’m debating–do I work on Linc’s book, CAGE MAGIC, or a really interesting idea for paranormal mystery idea that won’t leave me alone. Probably because Laura Wright keeps nudging me to work on it :-)

What’s up with you guys?


8 comments to “This and That Tuesday”

  1. Viki S.
    March 27th, 2012 at 2:50 am · Link

    Oh the insurance companies, how they can drive us all mad. Has she ever called you back?

    Those guys of yours must be in heaven with the lava cakes ;). I’m thinking of making oatmeal raisin cookies later today.

    If the mystery is bugging you maybe you should give it a go. As much as I love our Wing Slayers you may need to see where the mystery is taking you.

    It’s 3:47 am here right now and I have three men from 19 to 59 all snoring a different tune. It really sounds awful. I think I’m headed downstairs right now to get away from the “lovely” music.

    Have a great day.

  2. B.E Sanderson
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:28 am · Link

    Ack. How did I miss subscribing to your newsletter?? Bad bad witch. Okay, I’m subscribed now. I think. Newsletters seem to hate me.

    Yay for lava cakes and Wizard doing PT duty, but sorry you’re having a tough time with the insurance companies. If they give you too much more shit, find a nice lawyer to send them a politely worded ‘pay up or else’ letter. Sometimes that lights a fire under their buns.

    I think Laura’s probably right. Work on the mystery. If it’s anything like the way my stories niggle at me, you won’t get anything done on Linc’s story until you at least give the pesky story a go. And Linc will be there when you’re ready to tackle him. ;o)

  3. Julie
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:20 am · Link

    Jen, I’m so sorry about the insurance issues. I deal with them all the time. Luckily, our insurance company is really good and once the issue is identified, it gets dealt with. But then, my insurance company is a not for profit corporation, so that helps.

    If you’ve made 4 calls already on the same topic, my guess is that they won’t call you back. If you have to call again, don’t take no for an answer and ask to speak to a supervisor, they have them, use it. If that person can’t solve the issue ask who you need to speak to who has the authority to fix the problem. If they won’t give you a name, then get the job title. If they won’t give you that information or play dumb in any way, that’s when you know you are getting a line. My personal favorite tactic to use is “do I need to report this to the Dept. of Insurance”(or whatever the CA equivalent is). This spells trouble for the company and they don’t really want to go there. Or so it has been in the states Ive lived in. CA may be different. Good Luck.

    As for me, well I’m finally going to start the taxes today, well after a workout. I’ve been trying to get them done for weeks and life has conspired against me. Too bad alcohol and chocolate are not on the agenda.

    How about flipping a coin to determine which story to work on? If the one that wins feels wrong, you know you really want to work on the other one. If you feel good bout it, then that works. It’s a win win situation. This usually works for me.

  4. Jen Lyon
    March 27th, 2012 at 11:44 am · Link

    Viki, I feel for you on the “music”. I often relocate due to that. So sorry! Hope you got some sleep.

    I have some recipes for lighter oatmeal cookies I’m going to to try at some point. Hope you enjoy your cookies!

    The guy from yesterday did not call me back (yet). I have had one return call from another representative, but that fizzled out. I’ll handle it this week and put an end to this ridiculousness.

  5. Jen Lyon
    March 27th, 2012 at 11:47 am · Link

    B.E., thanks so much for the lemon bread recipe! I haven’t opened it yet (I am deluged with email from the newsletter) but I will later today. I have 3 people who love lemon in my family so I’m excited to have the recipe!

    I have some options on the insurance. I just wanted to handle it myself given that it’s simple math. Seriously SIMPLE MATH. Sigh.

    Shhh, don’t tell Laura she’s right! She’ll never let me for it!

  6. Jen Lyon
    March 27th, 2012 at 11:50 am · Link

    Julie, thanks so much for the advice! It firmed up my resolve on this :-)

    Ugh on taxes! So sorry about that. I’m spoiled in that (Wizard is an accountant and number one son is a CPA) and I appreciate it so much. Hope you get them done today! Then I think that deserves and alcohol and chocolate reward! (Or at least a chocolate one).

    Good for you getting your workout in too.

  7. Silver James
    March 27th, 2012 at 12:10 pm · Link

    Oooh! Lava cakes, lemon bread, and Wingslayers! And Wizard freeing you up. Sounds like a full house to me! (Don’t know why I’m in a poker reference mood…)

    Fie on the insurance company. Julie’s on the right track with her advice!

    As for which project to work on, I vote going with the one where you aren’t staring at a blank page. I’ve put my current on hold (no deadline so it doesn’t matter) to edit a different project destined for self-publishing and to start a third project that’s been nudging Ms. Iffy Muse and me both, and I have a May 1st deadline for at least the first part of it (a chance to get it in front of an editor I’d love to work with), so I’m doing a speed write in April.

    I don’t know how I missed signing up for your newsletter either. That’s been rectified! I’m signed up and confirmed. :D

  8. Jen Lyon
    March 27th, 2012 at 4:43 pm · Link

    Silver, I must catch up with you by email. So you’ve decided to self pub? That’s exciting! I know you can do it!

    Definitely work first, though, on the one you have a chance to get in front of an editor.

    For me, both projects have some work done on them, so it won’t be a blank screen. Today I’m doing OTHER stuff anyway. So much of our jobs is stuff other than actual writing. But that’s life.

    I’m just glad you’re writing again!

    The newsletter thing is probably because I never remember to promote. I suck at promoting!

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