Jennifer Lyon

Friday, April 26th, 2013
Happy Friday!

Yesterday I gave up trying to write book 3 in the Plus One Chronicles while waiting for edits on book 2. It’s just not possible because the edits on book 2 can change the beginning of book 3 significantly.  I should have the edits today (I hope!!!)  so that wasn’t a big deal.  Except that I suddenly remembered why I started writing.

It keeps me from cleaning.

See I *used* to be a clean freak. There I admit it. But for me, writing trumps cleaning, and characters take up so much space in my brain that I don’t have any room left to fret about stupid cleaning.  Yesterday, however, I got the urge to clean. So much so that I brought in a big ladder, carefully placed it on the landing and crawled up on the ledge over the front door to clean it.

I was fine. This is actually super easy.  It sounds more dangerous that it is.

Wizard, however, FREAKED THE HECK OUT. Boy he was pissed. I mean…ticked off at me.  His comment was, “How do you think I’d feel coming home to find you laying at the bottom of the stair,s flopping like a fish?”

That image baffled me.  “A fish?”

“A dying fish” he amended.

“But I’m fine.” Which was obvious as I was standing right there. Perfectly fine.

But Wizard wouldn’t let it go. “Damn it, what if you fell? And I wasn’t here?”

I’m thinking, Here to do what? Catch me? But I kept my mouth shut and gave him a glass of wine.  And I made him homemade fried chicken tenders which I never, ever make anymore because they are a pain to make and bad for us. He finally stopped lecturing me. Probably because his mouth was full, but still, a victory for me.

I also did laundry, ran errands, cleaned bathrooms, washed some floors, had a guy out to measure kitchen counter tops for granite, filled some forms for my publisher, did my expenses…this not writing stuff is exhausting! So then I set up my files  to start Cowboy Marine (just a working title) for book 2 in my Once A Marine Series written under my Apodaca name.

I’m hopefully going to be working on revisions this weekend. What are you doing?

12 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    April 26th, 2013 at 2:35 am · Link

    I really think you need to take all the Wizard/Witch interactions and put them into a book. Even if it’s just for family fun. You could just go back through the blog and copy & paste. You too are so much fun. I must add it is so sweet how much he loves you:).

    You were a crazy working woman yesterday ;). You need to relax and write today.

    I’m trying to get hubs to okay me buying a Dyson tomorrow. I want to do some spring cleaning and that would make it some much easier. But he is an accountant and prying money from him is hard :). But my weekend plan is to get some real down and dirty cleaning done. Maybe even the first floor windows. We’ll see ;).

    I hope you have a great weekend. Relax no ladders to frighten Wizard ;).

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    April 26th, 2013 at 7:50 am · Link

    LOL, yeah. What is it about husbands that you climb up on a little step stool and they get all concerned, but they have no problem standing on the deck railing to peer at the roof and get irritated when you get concerned? Not that it’s ever happened to me… :cough: ahem.

    We ain’t china dolls for petesakes.

    This weekend, I am going to write. I made myself a promise that the first draft of this WIP will be done by the end of May. Totally do-able if I get off my butt and work. Of course, I also told myself I was going to go around the house spackling all the leftover nail holes so when I start hanging my own stuff, I don’t have to arrange my pieces to cover old holes. (Don’t want to hang art until the rest of the furniture arrives – which might be sometime next week or the week after… arrgghh) And I have to grocery shop at some point.

  3. Silver James
    April 26th, 2013 at 9:23 am · Link

    Awwww, Jen. I know, right? Lawyer Guy gets that way. But…ya know? i was a firefighter. Firefighter = ladders. D’uh!

    I’m just the opposite. I write so I don’t have to clean. I only clean when the writer’s block is so bad I have no choice. By the time I finish the first toilet, I’m usually brimming with ideas. :lol:

    “Cowboy Marine?” I’m so tired my brain went straight to “Semper fi ki yay.” I blame insomnia. And the stupid projects swirling in my brain. I have to get them to stop so I can focus on just one. :P

    Today and tomorrow is intensive writing. No, really. Just as soon as I check all my blog stops, facebook, and email… :roll: Sunday, I’m working a communications/medical station at the OKC Memorial Marathon. Have a great weekend, everyone!

  4. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 11:18 am · Link

    Viki, get the Dyson! Seriously, it took me years and several vacuums that I routinely destroyed to fork over the money. I finally did it and what I love is how light weight and easy to maneuver they are. I bought the lower end (I haven’t won lotto yet) but I love it. Carrying it up and down stairs is so much easier.

    Wizard is an accountant too :-) I understand.

    No ladders this weekend, I promise. Have fun cleaning!

  5. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 11:21 am · Link

    B.E., yes! Exactly! Wizards walks all around on the slanted roof of our house and I haven anxiety attacks. Sigh. Men!

    You still don’t have all your furniture? You must be getting tired of the waiting. But writing while you wait is a great use of time! You can do it!

  6. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 11:23 am · Link

    Silver, I’m glad I’m not the only one!

    I know that feeling of too much in your head to focus. Insomnia only makes it worse. I hope you get some sleep soon.

    So hear you on the writing and procrastination :-) But yo’ll do it!

  7. sue
    April 26th, 2013 at 1:31 pm · Link

    Wizard sounds like my husband but he is right you got to take care of your self
    just like I got to take care of my self so much I want to do but can’t
    Happy Friday have a great weekend to you and your family
    New my book yeah

  8. Kat
    April 26th, 2013 at 1:42 pm · Link

    Week end here I come. Have a good one everyone.

  9. Viki S.
    April 26th, 2013 at 3:37 pm · Link

    Jenn – I got the Dyson. I’ll be playing with it tomorrow and can’t wait. I got the big one with all of the attachments on board. It was on sale at Kohl’s and I had the 30% off so hubs is okay with that :).
    Have a wonderful weekend. I know I will sucking up woollybuggers ( a term the boys used when they were little) – hee hee.

  10. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 4:59 pm · Link

    Hi Sue, thanks for stopping in today! You need to keep taking care of yourself :-) Trust me, what I was doing sounds more dangerous that it was. Have a great weekend!

  11. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 4:59 pm · Link

    Kat, hope it’s a good weekend for you!

  12. Jenn
    April 26th, 2013 at 5:00 pm · Link

    Viki, love the word “wollybuggers!” Let me know how you like Dyson. I love Kohl’s 30% off! Happy Cleaning!

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