Jennifer Lyon

Friday, January 16th, 2015
Happy Friday!

Did you all have a good week? Mine’s been good but gone by way too fast. I’m plotting out the rest of CAGED MAGIC and practicing my new resolution to relax and not get so uptight and worried. I’m basically learning a new process of handling stress–we’ll see how it goes :-)

Wednesday, Wizard willingly went to the animal shelter with me, then we both came home depressed. It was so sad to see so many dogs that need homes and care. But we have to make a real decision about commitment and our lifestyle, and we’re still figuring out how much we may or may not travel now that Wizard’s retired. I did learn one thing, it’s probably best to go with a smaller dog. Wizard is not as initially comfortable with bigger dogs as I am. That’s something I’d forgotten since he’s so comfortable about Bailey, Cookie and Corky.  And if we get a dog, he or she will be for both of us, becoming a part of our family.

And for my happy news, the second and final book of The Plus One Chronicles released in Germany yesterday and did very well–breaking into the Amazon bestseller ranks by the end of the day (by the time this blog posts, that could change).
nurbeidir-189x300 Book One Cover


Book One NUR BEI DIR (ONLY YOU) Amazon de

 Trade Paperback








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Trade Paperback








I’m so happy Kat and Sloane have gone international! I’d never have predicted that happening. The first day I released the first book, THE PROPOSITION,  youngest son (BLB) came over and asked me, “How’s the book doing?”

I remember exactly. “Well I just posted it on my Facebook page a couple hours ago and 60 copies have sold on Amazon. I’m thrilled.” We both thought it was really good, but none of us could have predicated the way it took off. And I wasn’t even thinking of international sales then. Actually I didn’t seriously think about it until foreign publishers began contacting me.

I’m hoping that I cab do something similar with  the SAVAGED ILLUSION Series, but there’s no way to really predict what will capture readers, all I can do it try. But it is a story I’m excited about so we shall see. First I have to finish CAGED MAGIC and whatever the publisher will need for EXPOSING THE HEIRESS. One step at a time.

As for the weekend, I think we’re going to see the movie American Sniper and I’ll be working. What are your plans? Whatever they are, I hope you have a great weekend!

10 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. Viki S.
    January 16th, 2015 at 3:45 am · Link

    Glad your week has gone well. It will be interesting to hear how the new stress relief process goes. I’m sure you’ll keep us informed. Then pass it on to the rest of us.

    Feel your pain going to the shelter. It’s always so sad to see their faces. But it is best to adopt, so it has to be done. A smaller dog is easier to travel with too.

    Congratulations! Love the cover. I’M sure the other books will be just as successful. You write great story lines.

    Eldest son’s birthday is today so we’re having his dinner tomorrow at Delomico’s. It’s rated the best steak place in the Celevland area.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    January 16th, 2015 at 7:12 am · Link

    The week here was pretty good. I’ve been back and forth with the cover artist and we’re down to two covers with the same background image – just trying to decide on the font for the title.

    Yay for having a good week at your place. But yeah, how did it get to be Friday again already?? De-stressing is an awesome resolution. I hope your plan works for you. Oh man, the animal shelter is a hard place to walk away from. But all kidding about you two needing a puppy aside, you really do have to make sure it’s what you need in your life. Traveling can be an issue, but if you find a pet to travel with, or find a good place to board your pet, you should be able to work it out.

    Those German covers are awesome. I’m so glad they had the good sense to pick your books up in Europe. Here’s hoping they’re still as wise about your next series. =o)

    Plans for this weekend should probably include getting ready to format the book for publication. (Yep, we’re that close now.) But first, I have to make sure my tagline and blurb are as awesome as possible so my cover artist can make my print book art. And it’s supposed to be nice here, so I’ll probably be outside – de-stressing. ;o)

  3. Ashlynn Pearce
    January 16th, 2015 at 8:18 am · Link

    De-stressing is a good thing. Anyway you can do that, try for it.

    And puppies are a lot of work. I know, I have 5- they are all small too. We hardly ever go anywhere, so that’s not to big an issue but like B.E. said, knowing a good boarder or taking him with you should be fine.

    Shelters…oh my. I can’t go to them. I end up in tears because I can’t save them all. Hubs quit taking me to petsmart on Saturdays because of that very thing. I’d thought about helping at a shelter, but I just don’t think I could do it.

    The Plus one books…awesome. I love them! They deserve all the attention they’re getting.

    Me, fighting Monster and trying to write this short, edit Wreck and promo Fuel. I somehow feel like I’m losing lol

  4. Silver James
    January 16th, 2015 at 11:24 am · Link

    I got hit with a bout of something–food poisoning or virus. Ugh. And I’m facing a third set of revisions on the 3rd Red Dirt book proposal. Keep reminding me that 3rd time is the charm.

    After getting an email, I emailed our local city pound about a dog, and when I didn’t hear from them, called to set up an appointment to see him. He was a Newf mix or fullblood. Yeah…nevermind. :cry: We can’t walk into a shelter without bringing one home and with the 3 fuzzy children I already have… I stay off the websites. You and Wiz will figure it out.

    I vote for no stress! Have a great weekend, witches, especially those who have Monday off! :D

  5. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    January 16th, 2015 at 12:10 pm · Link

    Viki, some of my stress relief is because Wizard’s stress has lowered, and that’s brought down some of the tension in our lives. Both of us are surprised by that. But we’ll see if it lasts :-)

    Since I worked at a shelter, one would think I would be tougher, but I’m just not. It’s heartbreaking.

    Happy Birthday to eldest son!

  6. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    January 16th, 2015 at 12:12 pm · Link

    B.E., the cover is so important (I’m ordered new covers for the Plus One books…waiting and waiting!) But you’ll come up with the perfect font and taglines.

    So when do you think you’ll be releasing it????

  7. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    January 16th, 2015 at 12:14 pm · Link

    Ashlynn, I’m serious about trying not to stress as much. Some stress is good and can help creativity, but there’s a line I’m hoping not to cross.

    Traveling is our big issue with a dog. I just don’t know. But I’m jealous of your 5 pups!

    Hope you get a lot done this weekend!

  8. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    January 16th, 2015 at 12:18 pm · Link

    Oh Silver, stomach flu or food poisoning is awful! It’ makes me cringe just thinking about it. I’m so sorry. Hope you’re better!

    I finished COWGIRLS DON’T CRY early Wednesday morning thanks to insomnia. I loved it, and really enjoyed the cattle drive angle. Very unusual solution, congratulations on coming up with that! It a great twist on a familiar trope, and that’s how it should be done for a category book!

    So did you get the dog???

  9. B.E. Sanderson
    January 16th, 2015 at 4:27 pm · Link

    I’m still shooting for no later than mid-March, Jenn, but I’m hoping for sooner. It’s out with a couple writer friends for final proofing and then I have to get a formatter to get it ready. And I emailed the artist back with my font choice. Now he’s ready for my blurb and tagline for the print cover (I assume). So much to do. Ugh.

  10. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    January 16th, 2015 at 10:38 pm · Link

    B.E, awesome! I can’t wait!

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