And here they are! The covers for the first four Wing Slayer Hunter books I’m re-publishing!
BLOOD MAGIC (Book 1) is up for pre-order now! Only 99 cents!
Kindle / iBooks / Nook / Google Play (coming soon to Kobo)
All the covers were designed by Jaycee DeLorenzo of Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs. I really enjoy working with her!
So that’s my exciting news for the week! My proofreading notes for the next three books will be arriving in the next week, and I’ll get those cleaned up, formatted, then up for pre-order in the next couple weeks. It’s so fun to see it all start to come together after all the work!
Oh and the editor going over the books texted me yesterday morning, “I’d have had them back to you earlier if I hadn’t caught myself reading for pleasure.” Love that!!
And now onto the weekend. Saturday we’re going to BLB (youngest son’s) girlfriend’s birthday pool party. Wizard and I are both looking forward to that. Then it’s more work I’m still struggling to find time to work on the new book, but that’s okay, all this is just part of the job.
What are your weekend plans?
August 28th, 2015 at 7:49 am · Link
I love the new covers! I can’t wait to read the ‘new and improved’ versions. Have fun at the pool party! And good luck tweezing out so time to write. :hugs:
Editing. I promised myself I’d have this pass done by September and that’s like Tuesday, so I better get my buns in gear. Today I have to go out into the world and hawk some paperbacks to people who’ve purchased my other books. Fingers crossed they want this one, too. Then I’ll drop one off at the library so it can go into the ‘black hole of library preparation’ system. My other books still aren’t on the shelves yet. The librarian thinks someone at the HQ is reading them rather than entering them into the system. Ahem.
August 28th, 2015 at 10:16 am · Link
Those covers are awesomesauce! (Which now an official word!) I’ve pre-ordered Night Magic and marked the rest “to read” on Goodreads!
Happy Birthday to BLB’s girl! Have fun in the pool. And yes, I love it when my early readers forget to “critique” because they’re too busy reading. LOLOL
Weekend? LG and I have to get a class together. We’re teaching an on-line course with Kiss of Death. I’m going to finish a long-overdue critique for my CP. I need to find something to read. And baseball. I’ll probably get some writing/editing tossed in there somewhere. Probably.
Have a great weekend, witches!
August 28th, 2015 at 11:38 am · Link
B.E., thanks, Im happy with the covers and the response had been fun. But it’s back to work now
Hope you have a great day “out in the world” hawking paperbacks! Hope you sell all your stock!
Happy Friday!
August 28th, 2015 at 11:40 am · Link
Silver, so glad you’re feeling better! Thanks for pre-ordering too
I’m curious what your and LG’s class is on. It’ll be great! But the word that goes into teaching an online class is pretty substantial. Hope you can get it all outlined.
Have a great weekend!
August 28th, 2015 at 3:22 pm · Link
I love these new covers! No wonder you’re excited :). Your editor is too cute :). I wonder how often they do start reading for pleasure. I don’t know how they get around it.
Happy Birthday to BLB’s girlfriend. You guys have a great time.
I’m thinking of taking myself to the mall Sat. I haven’t been shopping in about 4 months. I don’t need anything but would like to just look around.
Have a really great weekend!
August 28th, 2015 at 3:45 pm · Link
Viki, thanks on the covers! Anna helped a lot and the designer did a great job. It was a team effort
I don’t know how editors do it either. On the flip side, how do they edit books that just don’t appeal to them?
I hope you have fun shopping, even if you are just looking around!