Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016
Wednesday Worthy

It’s Wednesday! Yesterday, Wizard and I went grocery shopping, then he planned to take off for the day. Awesome that meant I had all day to work uninterrupted! But first I’ll write up a quick blurb for Ethan and Ana’s novella to put in my newsletter… Mwhahaha!! I may have been a little too optimistic. It took my all freaking morning to get a rough draft of the blurb.

After lunch, I tried to come up with a title. I thought and thought and thought some more.

Then I took a dinner break:

Jen's dinner break

Yep it’s a candid shot of me raw and untouched. But the wine looks good, right? :-)

And I still don’t have a freaking title as I’m typing this blog. Who wants to bet I think of one about 1:42 am? Hmm…? Anyone?

All righty then…let’s move onto Wednesday Worthy. I don’t know what the deal is with this guy and his towel–is he having a bad hair day? A head cold? Well I’ll let you all be the judge:

Healthy muscular young man after a workout on dark background.Fitness man holding a orange towel against dark background.Strong Athletic Man Fitness Model Torso showing abs. holding towel.

So what do you think? Is he worthy?

8 comments to “Wednesday Worthy”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    May 18th, 2016 at 6:59 am · Link

    Tell us the bones of the story and we’ll suggest titles for you. That might help you think of one yourself, or we might come up with something awesome. We are witches, after all. ;o)

    And I think you look awesome, dahling. Candid shots are the best.

    He looks ashamed of something. Like he lost the fight. =o\ I don’t know if he’s worthy. Maybe if he takes the loss and works hard to win next time, he could be worthy.

  2. Silver James
    May 18th, 2016 at 10:53 am · Link

    No comment on blurbs or titles. ;) You do look mah-va-lush, darlink. ;)

    And I kinda like this guy. I think he might be a little shy and I just need to strip away his…inhibitions. ;)

    Why, yes, I am all about the winkies today. :D And Happy Birthday, B.E.!

  3. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    May 18th, 2016 at 10:59 am · Link

    B.e, thank you! I know you guys would help! Yesterday just got weird as I ran myself in circles. Then I sent the whole mess to Silver…bwahahaha!! She’s probably blocked my emails by now :-)

    And thanks on the photo. I originally took it to send to Wizard, but when I was writing the blog, it ended up here, LOL!

    I snagged up your book! Hopefully I can read it soon!

  4. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    May 18th, 2016 at 11:02 am · Link

    Silver, thank you so much for all the help!

    HUGE CONGRATS on being a double finalist NIGHT SHIFT and THE DEVIL’S CUT in the NCRA!! I’m happy dancing for you!! So awesome!

    Go ahead and strip away his inhibitions, we’ll wait :wink: (I’m winkie too).

  5. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    May 18th, 2016 at 11:02 am · Link

    Wait, it’s B.E.’s birthday??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  6. Viki S.
    May 18th, 2016 at 2:45 pm · Link

    I agree with both Silver and B.E. We’d be more than happy to pitch some ideas your way.

    I love the photo. More often than not regular photos are the best.

    I like this guy. He’s just trying to get it all together after a tough workout. I know his pain ;). Worthy :)!

    Have a great afternoon hanging with all your characters ;).

  7. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    May 18th, 2016 at 6:21 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks! I’ll see next week if I still need title help :-) And thanks on the pic.

    Ah, well I’m going to agree with you on the workout! I felt like that today when I got off the elliptical and my legs forgot how to function.

  8. B.E. Sanderson
    May 20th, 2016 at 6:49 am · Link

    LOL, sorry I’m late coming back to the comments here. Thanks, Silver! And thanks, Jenn! (Both for buying my book and for the birthday wishes.)


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