Jennifer Lyon

Monday, April 3rd, 2017
Weekend Roundup

It’s been a good–if somewhat painful–weekend :-) Okay so I have Savaged Vows fully drafted at just over 100k words, although I’m frantically trying to fix one scene, and I need this book to go to the editor tomorrow (Tuesday). Ironically, the scene I’m struggling with is a wedding scene. And I’m supposed to be a romance writer…LOL!

And OMG I love this book. I’m not going to lie, it needs a lot of revisions and I’m terrified to send it to my editor, but I am passionate about Liza, Justice and their story. Writing the last quarter of the book was one of the hardest things I’ve done–some might consider it a risky storyline. I wrote it anyway :-)

Right now I’m taking a full minute to celebrate getting this far, even though I know there will be huge revisions on this book. Sometimes we need to stop and look at what we actually achieved. Despite a lot of setbacks, including a series of very serious family health crises in a month’s time, then Wizard and I both getting colds, in the last two weeks I developed some shoulder/arm pain,  all while juggling multiple other projects and deadlines–I did it! A 100,000 plus work manuscript for Savaged Vows!

My shoulder and arm thing will be okay. I’m doing stretches to avoid any kind of frozen shoulder scenario, but it really is from pure overuse. A few days rest, with ice, heat and stretches and it’ll be fine.

So that’s my weekend news.  How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    April 3rd, 2017 at 9:52 am · Link

    I emailed my revisions to Mr. Ed at 1 a.m. this morning. He was spot on with every scene that had to be reworked. I just hope my brain was engaged because yeah…RL reared it’s ugly head. More than a few times. :-?

    We did meet the kids for Saturday lunch at the family’s favorite Mexican restaurant. Stormageddon is 3′ 3 1/2″ tall and 41 pounds. He turned 3 on 3/22. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing. And he’s still “full of the devil.” :lol:

    I also discovered that I’m blowing a proposal deadline, but s’all cool. I’m taking today for errands, and beta reading my CP’s latest western. I can’t wait to read SAVAGED VOWS! I’m all about the risky business. :D Hang in there and feel better soon. My right shoulder acts up a lot when I’m dealing with mouse stuff instead of typing–like scrolling through a MS for edits or research. I’ve found ice works pretty good!

  2. Viki S.
    April 3rd, 2017 at 3:24 pm · Link

    That is almost funny that a romance author is having trouble with the wedding scene but heck, it happens.

    So sorry that you hurt your arm. Having a bum one that is going to take forever to heal, I can relate. I sure hope you can resolve your pain quickly. Nothing has really helped for me and it’s soft tissue so no real fix.

    Nothing exciting happened here this weekend and I hope the week will be the same ;).

    Have a great evening!

  3. Jenn
    April 3rd, 2017 at 9:54 pm · Link

    Silver, congrats on emailing your revisions!! You worked hard on those. And your editor must love how willing you are to listen and apply feedback.

    So sorry about RL though. I know the feeling. And the proposal deadline. It’s so hard to juggle it all.

    It’s so hard to believe Stormageddon is 3! Sounds like a fun lunch.

    My shoulder/arm is pretty much what you described. Plus I lean on that arm while reading through stuff. It’ll be okay. I’m just finishing up work for the night so maybe I’ll get around to icing it now. Thanks!

  4. Jenn
    April 3rd, 2017 at 9:58 pm · Link

    Viki, I know on the wedding scene! But it’s not really a typical wedding type thing, but I figured it out finally. Or I hope so anyway.

    Your arm is MUCH worse than mine. I feel so bad for you, I wish there was something they can do for you. Mine will improve this week with a little care. The stretches i’m doing are already helping.

    I hope you have a great week!

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