Jennifer Lyon

Friday, April 7th, 2017
Happy Friday!


Happy Friday! So despite all my bragging about how I usually just shake off a cold, this one refused to leave. It’s entirely possible I may have been ignoring how sick I was to get Savaged Vows done and off to my editor. Anyway, by the time I went to the doctors, I was in a fog and got lost INSIDE the small doctor’s office.


You’re thinking that’s impossible right? Well, I was following the medical assistant back to the exam room, and for reasons I can’t explain, I turned into the wrong exam room and sat down. And waited, wondering where the medical assistant went…until I heard her calling me name trying to find me.

That was bad enough.

Then after I saw the doctor (sinus infection, which by then was glaringly obvious to everyone but me) I tried to leave. This involved walking straight down a hallway and out the door marked “Exit.”

I walked through the door marked “Office.”

FYI, the doctor’s front office staff were all very nice. They were kind enough to wait until I left to roll their eyes and snicker.

Sigh, okay, fine. I admit I was sick. Wizard, of course, was all sympathy and sweetness…up until Wednesday night. Wizard was watching TV while I was reading and he kept looking at me. He’d been doing that all day long. I mean every time he thought I wasn’t paying attention I could see him looking at me with an expression that resembled this:

I was starting to get annoyed and finally snapped at him, “Why do you keep looking at me?”

He smirked and said, “I can’t look away. You’re like a train wreck.”

I snorted and laughed, then I was pissed because he made me laugh and that made my head hurt more and also…WIZARD, WHO GAVE ME THIS COLD WITH NINE LIVES OF MISERY, WAS LAUGHING AT ME.

You’re laughing now too, aren’t you??? It’s okay I was a train wreck, and I looked it, LOL! We’ll both be fine soon.

I’ve been catching up on life, working on Savaged Dreams promo/marketing plans, and spending a lot of time reading. My formatter is getting a book of mine reformatted with a bonus scene–which is part of my overall marketing plan too. I’ll be doing more of the same thing this weekend, and I’m hoping to see Biker Witch once I’m sure I’m not contagious.

What are your weekend plans?


8 comments to “Happy Friday!”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    April 7th, 2017 at 6:47 am · Link

    Sorry you’ve been so sick. :hugs: Mean ol’ Wizard. Shame on him for making fun of you. =op Especially when you’ve been working so hard.

    I’m this close to publishing Natural Causes. I’ve got it all formatted. I just need to finish this proofread to catch any missed typos. If all goes well, I should have that done today. Then I’ll make it live. So, this weekend will probably be… I don’t know. I’ve been inside this book so deep lately I can’t really think past it. Marketing? Yeah, I probably should’ve done some of that. Derp. And I need to finish the reformat on Accidental Death so there’s continuity between the books. And…

    You know me. I’ll probably throw my hands up at some point and go fishing.

  2. Jenn
    April 7th, 2017 at 10:37 am · Link

    B.E., Wizard is mean :-)

    I know how you feel–sometimes you just need to walk away and go fishing. But Yay for almost have Natural Causes ready to go live! Congrats!

    Marketing is tough, but for big releases, I try to at least have a plan. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Silver James
    April 7th, 2017 at 11:18 am · Link

    That pupperz has all the feelz and kyootz!

    Okay, so I’ve been hanging out on the I Can Haz Cheezeburger site looking at dog and cat memes. :lol:

    I’ve been in a fog this week but with no excuse like major sinus infection. FYI, I got lost in the library the other day. Just sayin’…

    I’ve got to get a proposal done for the next Red Dirt book. I have two stories churning but neither of them are just rockin’ my boat. I also want to work on a Nightrider book and my readers are due a Penumbra Papers book. Me? I just want to go back to bed and sleep. LOLOL

    Not doing much reading–mostly listening. Having a bit of trouble with my vision so I’m doing a re-listen of the entire IN DEATH series.

    Have a great weekend, all! :)

  4. Jenn
    April 7th, 2017 at 11:44 am · Link

    Silver, is your vision related to needing new glasses or something else?

    LOL on getting lost in a library.

    Don’t you hate that when you can’t catch an idea that you’re passionate about? You’ll get there. You probably need a break, even though you don’t have time for one right now.

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  5. Viki S.
    April 7th, 2017 at 3:45 pm · Link

    Wizard is so mean ;). You poor thing. After he gave you the nasty bug to pick on you – it’s a guy thing :).

    I hope that the meds have kicked in and that you are feeling much better. Sorry to pick on you too but what a hoot your visit to the doctor was. I can honestly say that has not happened to me – not yet any way.

    I love that puppy. Putting that expression on to a mans face is just killer.

    Sure hope you’re well enough to see Biker Witch this weekend.

    It snowed 7 inches here and tomorrow it’s supposed to be in the med 50’s and climbing to 80 on Monday. It’s really a strange spring.

    No real plans for the weekend.

    Have a good one :)!

  6. Jenn
    April 7th, 2017 at 4:03 pm · Link

    Viki, I’m feeling better today, and expect I’ll keep improving.

    You can laugh–I really was a bit out of it at the doctor’s office. While Wizard was mean, he was picking up food and doing dishes and helping out so I can’t fault him too much.

    7 inches of snow in April! That’s weird enough but swinging to the 80s on Monday is really weird. It’s like a different season every day there :-)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Silver James
    April 7th, 2017 at 4:49 pm · Link

    I need new glasses but I’m looking at cataract surgery sooner than later. :P And yeah, I’m narrowing down which Tate cousin the next book will be about. Just working on tropes. LOL

  8. Jenn
    April 7th, 2017 at 8:40 pm · Link

    Silver, ah cataracts. Well I can see why you’re not excited, but once it’s done, it’ll be worth it!!

    Hope you find the perfect trope(s) and premise!

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