Jennifer Lyon

Friday, May 26th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Happy Friday! Time to share five random things about our week. Let’s do this!

  1. One of my sons and his wife are off to Tahiti. They REALLY deserve the vacation, but I’m surprised they forgot to take me. Kind of rude, right?
  2. And this is Jett, middle son’s puppy, at the RC (Radio Control) car track. Jett’s almost a year old and obviously totally into RC Car Racing. Or maybe he just wants to chase the cars on the track :-) 
  3. My shoulder sucks. I whined on FB so I’ll spare you all here.
  4. I’m getting some amazing feedback on Savaged Dreams (book 1) from early reviews,  and on Savaged Vows (book 2) from editors, but the final book Savaged Devotion book 3 is being a total nightmare to get started. True story, though: Wizard said, “There’s no way you can write a first draft in 6 to 8 weeks. And me? I said “Put on the coffee, dude, this is happening.” So I guess now I have to make it happen???? Damn. I’ll be writing but butt off despite this blasted shoulder/neck/arm thing.
  5. Tomorrow we’re heading out to Middle Son’s to celebrate his birthday.  I’m making lemon pound cake. I can’t wait–we always have fun with them.

Monday is Memorial Day in the U.S. so it’s a long weekend here. Whatever you’re doing this weekend, have a great one! But before you do, share your Friday Five.

6 comments to “Happy Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    May 26th, 2017 at 5:51 am · Link

    OMG, Jett is getting so big! =o)

    My five?
    1) I was becoming comatose at around 6 last night, so I drank a cup of coffee. I was pretty sure it would harsh my ability to sleep afterwards, but it was necessary.
    2) I actually slept better last night than I have in a long time. Sure, I stayed up a half hour later than usual and I got up this morning at 4:30, but damn, those hours in between were awesome.
    3) Coffee is magical.
    4) I can’t believe it’s the end of May already. I was supposed to have a book ready for my editor by Monday. That ain’t happenin’. That whooshing you hear? It’s my deadline flying by. =o\
    5) A pair of cottontails have moved back in here. We were despairing after losing our BunBun to vehicular homicide last year, but now we have two. And I keep telling them to stay away from the road. I hope they listen.

  2. Silver James
    May 26th, 2017 at 8:18 am · Link

    PUPPY!!!!!!!! And Tahiti? Totally rude they didn’t invite you to stowaway. :-P Yay on good reviews, boo on your shoulder. You’ll get this done even if you have to learn how to dictate the story. *nods* Okay…my five:

    1. I’m over 30K on NIGHT FIRE. I will get it done before Monday and then off to my editor who is on standby.

    2. The salvage yard is coming to pick up Ol’ Red today. Lawyer Guy is loving the new truck (Silver–not named for me but for the Lone Ranger’s horse as the truck color is listed as “silver ingot.” :lol:)

    3. Summer temps have finally hit. I plan to switch from winter comforter to summer bedspread this weekend. That also means turning the mattress around. Fun times. :roll:

    4. I made myself sniffle while writing a scene yesterday. Hopefully, when I edit it, I’ll still sniffle.

    5. I’m doing a complete “re-listen” of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series in preparation of the release of the latest book SILVER SILENCE (and yes, I’ve teased her about stealing my name for that character when we bump into each other at RWA – :lol: )

    That’s it for me. Have a great holiday weekend, state-siders, and a lovely weekend to the rest of you.

  3. Jenn
    May 26th, 2017 at 1:04 pm · Link

    B.E., Jett really is! I get to see him tomorrow :-)

    Coffee is awesome! As you know, I did the great no caffeine experiment and it had zero effect on my insomnia. So embrace and enjoy!

    I hate the sound of deadlines whooshing by. Hugs! You’ll get this done.

    I love bunnies, and hope your pair listen to you and stay away from the street!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    May 26th, 2017 at 1:10 pm · Link

    Silver, I know!! I can’t believe they forgot to invite me. I’m sure Special K wanted her mother in law there, bwhahahaha!! I adore that girl so much (as I do all three of “my” girls.)

    Yeah, I’m thinking of getting the Dragon program, but then i have learn it. However, I can type right now if I take breaks so it’s not all bad.

    Yay on NIGHT FIRE!! You’re amazing! Even better that writing a scene made you sniffle.

    Great news on LG’s truck. But really, naming it Silver? Confusing!

    Summer bedding…yeah I probably shouldn’t touch that line.

    Nalini Rocks and I need to catch up on that series. LOL on SILVER SILENCE…everyone steals your name :wink:

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Viki S.
    May 26th, 2017 at 3:34 pm · Link

    Tahiti – WOW! Hope they have a really nice long vacation.
    I love Jett. He’s really into the track ;).
    Excellent news on Savaged Dreams/Vows.
    Happy Birthday to Middle son. Have a great time celebrating and enjoy that Lemon pound cake – yum!
    Damn shoulder/arm – I know. How I wish I knew how to fix us.

    1. It’s Blossom Time here, which is a balloon festival weekend. Kind of neat when they land on your street.
    2. Eldest aka dad to be and DIL are trying to buy a new and MUCH bigger house. Looking good right now.
    3. Middle son is going to see my mom and step dad (his 93rd birthday Sunday) scoring brownie pts ;).
    4. The Shark vacuum is better than the Dyson but still kills my arm :(.
    5. Ribs and Argentinian jumbo shrimp Monday – YUM!

    and most of all remembering the Fallen and what they gave up for me.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Jenn
    May 26th, 2017 at 6:19 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks and I hope you get some relief for your shoulder soon. Well I hope both of us do!

    Balloons landing on your street sounds incredible! I’d love to see that.

    Fingers crossed that eldest and wife get the house.

    Middle son will make his grandmother’s birthday by going!

    Good to know on the Shark vacuum, but I worry about your arm.

    I’m thinking ribs for Monday too.

    Enjoy your weekend!

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