Friday, June 1st, 2018
Friday Five
Hi everyone, and TGIF! It’s time to list five random things about our week. I’ll go first, since you know, it’s my blog
- Here’s the week’s doozy for me, and the one that has Wizard and I grateful beyond words to the police department. So two of our sons, Oldest and Youngest work together. At 7:30 yesterday morning, a woman was attacked and held in a hostage or barricade situation in the building our sons work in. To be clear, the attack was in a separate business from my sons’ workplace, but in the same building–close enough for the employees who were there to see what was happening. The police were called, and arrived quickly (I believe it was under four minutes response time) and they swiftly “ended” the standoff. Our two sons hadn’t arrived at work yet when this occurred, and by the time they did, it was a crime scene. Everyone from their office was okay, although pretty shaken up. And…Baby Slayer still has his dad (and uncle!). Special K still has her husband. And my youngest son will still marry the wonderful woman he’s loved for years and years in 2019. We are grateful beyond words.
- Maggie caught a lizard this week. Eww!! I was standing there, egging her on because I thought the lizard would run through the wrought iron fence and save himself. But nope, he doubled back and it was a CHASE. To my shock, Maggie caught him, and I’m screaming “DROP HIM! OH GOD, MAGGIE! DROP IT NOW!!” She did (probably more from my tone than obedience, plus she didn’t seem interested in killing him, just chasing) and looked at me like I’d lost my mind. I knew Bailey Dog could catch Lizards, but I thought Maggie would lose interest after a few seconds. Lesson learned! (And also, I’m just not into torturing any creature for fun like that. I really thought the Lizard would easily escape.)
- Baby Slayer Moment! (One day I’ll stop with the Grandma Madness…maybe)
- Sometimes I wonder why I stay in RWA (Romance Writers of America) but today, they made we so proud and very happy I paid my dues for this year! If you’ve been following #Cockygate, regarding an author trademarking a single common word, then you know this is a big deal. RWA has stepped up to find and pay for legal representation for one of the authors who was targeted in a lawsuit. This lawsuit has wide ranging implication for freedom of speech for all authors. If interested, you can read RWA’s statement here.
- Yesterday I did too much to keep Wizard from doing more than he should. But at the end of the day, I realized that my pain is not as bad is it would have been without any of the shots I’ve been getting. I’m making progress! It’s taking waayyy more time that I’d like (whatever happened to instant cures???), and I’m worried about all the readers I’ve let down, but that was a real lightbulb moment. I’m definitely going in the right direction, and it gives me hope that the shots next Thursday will help even more. With luck, I’ll be able to finish the Savaged Devotion, write the other books I desperately want to, and avoid more drastic measures (surgery) at least for a while.
So that’s my five. My weekend will probably be low-key again, and that’s fine with me. Now it’s your turn to share you five.
Have a great weekend!
June 4th, 2018 at 6:10 pm · Link
Just testing comments after moving my website to a new server.