Jennifer Lyon

Friday, October 26th, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF! It’s almost Halloween, and that means the holiday season is almost here. Where did the year go? Well that’s another blog :-) Right now, it’s time to share five things about our week:

  1. I made enchiladas and froze some of them for Wizard to eat while I’m recovering. He was happy.
  2. I also made brownies this week. I believe we’ve discussed my lack of self-control.
  3. Decaf coffee makes me sad. (I switched over slowly to decaf until after the surgery.)
  4. Maggie heard Coyotes howling the other night, and just had to run outside to check “her lizards” which is to say, she checked the trash cans where she finds the most lizards to chase. I guess she thought the coyotes were going to steal her lizards????
  5. We had a Movie Fail yesterday. We tried to see First Man before my surgery since Wizard really wanted to see it. When we got in the theater, the screen wasn’t on at all, so I let the management know. The screen came on and 25 minutes later it was still playing commercials. At that point, we got a refund and so did most of the other people in that theater. It’s a small annoyance in life.

So that’s my five things that I can think of right off the top of my head. Now it’s your turn!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    October 26th, 2018 at 5:51 am · Link

    Wait, what? There are commercials before the movie now? That’s just wrong. Yay for yummy food! Boo for decaf, but I totally understand. And yes, those lizards belong to Maggie, so she had to check on her property.

    1) Can you tell I haven’t been to a movie in a really long time? I think the last time was 2003… Whenever Master and Commander with Russell Crowe came out. Theaters freak me out.
    2) I was in the the car yesterday, almost about to back out to go fishing when Hubs decided he was going, too. We got out there and it started to rain, so we fished in the rain for a couple hours. It was fun, but chilly. I expect we’ll both be coming down with colds soon.
    3) I finally got out in the woods again. Yay Autumn!
    4) Yesterday would’ve been my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary.
    5) I decided to finally start sending birthday cards to my siblings again. We all just got out of the habit somehow over the years. Which was kinds sad. The first card went out to my oldest sister recently. That’s one. Let’s see if I can keep it up through the others.

  2. Silver James
    October 26th, 2018 at 12:02 pm · Link

    What B.E. said in response to your five. She gets here first and says what I would say 9 times out of 10. :lol: Okay, my 5.

    1. LG still has strep. He walked out of the bathroom last night and stuck out his tongue, while saying, “Mmm tonbg ith bledbing.” I reminded him that he had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Men.

    2. I almost finished chapter 1 on the rewrite yesterday. I’m moving into “clingy love” territory today but by George, they’ll have sexy times by the end of chapter one per my editor’s request. *sigh*

    3. Adidas does not like me going out to feed the feral cats in the morning. They are now sleeping on the porch (I provide beds) so I hope eventually I can socialize them. Deeders is not pleased. She sits at the screen door meowing her displeasure. So far the ferals just ignore her.

    4. Speaking of Deeders, Cooper was getting pets from LG the other night. Cat was sitting on the ottoman of my chair. LG’s on the couch. He looked over and she was stretching out one paw toward him, which then patted the edge of the ottoman. She pats me like that when she wants pets. She wanted LG to get up and come over to pet her. :roll: Cat!

    5. Got a news alert on my phone: *FLAIL* Police are in pursuit of a suspect on foot. Info on our new app!!! *FLAIL* Went to the news app. The story read ” are in pursuit of a suspect on foot.” Seriously? Would help to know WHERE this was occurring, ya know?

    And that’s my week in a nutshell. LOLOL Have a great weekend, everyone. Jen, enjoy yourself a bunch! You’ll be fine next week.

  3. Viki S.
    October 26th, 2018 at 2:35 pm · Link

    1. Cooking and freezing for Wizard is smart and sweet too ;).
    2. Yum, brownies. Are you freezing some of them too?
    3. Decaff :cry: I feel for you.
    4. Maggie is so funny about her lizards :). Can’t blame her for making sure her stash was safe from intruders.
    5. Oh man what a movie fail you had. The worst we ever had was with Cliffhanger. The film broke with 10 minutes left.

    1a. Harrison broke out in hives Tuesday and as insane parents do they took him to the ER. She had given him Motrin (for what, I don’t know) and he reacted to it.
    2a. Even though we haven’t had one single trick or treater in 21 yrs the hubs insisted I buy a bag of candy “just in case.” I bought peppermint patties. Yes, I like them.
    3a. Have finally gathered up all the supplies ($38 later) to make my lasagna. Thought I’d do it this Sat/Sun. It’s a two day affair but have talked myself into Nov 3/4 instead. Lazy much?
    4a. You know how some people buy shoes? Well it’s lip gloss for me. Even though I have 15+ items my girl friend had this sparkly lilac. Yup, I bought it on Amazon. Smacks hand.
    5a. I think we’re taking Julie out for her birthday dinner Sat. Her birthday is Nov. 3 but John wants to do it early. I’m good either way – I don’t have to cook :).

    I love the photo of James in the FB post. He’s so darn cute :).

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    October 26th, 2018 at 3:15 pm · Link

    B.E., it is wrong!! Usually the commercials play before the previews so it’s not really too annoying, but this was ridiculous. Okay now for you:

    1) We hadn’t gone to the movies much until Wizard retired. Now we enjoy going in the day, not many people there and it’s cheaper.
    2) Okay…I’m going to take your word for it that fishing in the rain is fun :-)
    3) Were you in the woods for good or evil? Just asking…
    4) Ah, you’re so sweet to remember when their anniversary would have been! I’m racking my brain trying to remember my parents anniversary. 60 years would have been a huge milestone!
    5) I know how easily that can happen with siblings. Yay you for taking that first step. It’s important to try, and I need to call my brother too!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Jenn
    October 26th, 2018 at 3:24 pm · Link

    Silver, LOL B.E. often says what i’m thinking too :-) Okay now your five:

    1) His tongue was bleeding???? Poor man! I hope the doctor gave him the good drugs (whatever those are :-) ) And poor YOU!!! A sick man is not for the faint of heart to deal with!
    2) Sexy times at the end of chapter 1??? Things do change in the NY editorial world! I’m sure you nailed it, so to speak.
    3) I can imagine Adidas’s displeasure! The ferals are very lucky to have you. But I’m pretty sure Adidas is not going to agree anytime soon.
    4) Now that sounds just like a Cat, otherwise known as the king of the universe. Did LG get up an pet him???
    5) News Alerts are not what they used to be! I’m glad your new app worked, and hopefully, next time you’ll be more useful info. My phone is sending me notifications on every-damned-thing and I’m working on getting rid of the fluff there.

    Thanks Silver for the reassurance. This weekend I’m celebrating my anniversary early (forgot to mention that, LOL) and getting things ready. Hope LG feels better and you all have a good weekend!

  6. Jenn
    October 26th, 2018 at 3:32 pm · Link

    Viki, your movie fail was much worse! Our was just annoying, but you were deeply invested in the movie when it broke! Thanks for the other comments too, and no I didn’t freeze the brownies. I should have but I’m eating more of them than my usual limit :-) Okay now for your five:

    1) I think most parents with a first kid would have done that. Did they give him benadryl in the ER? Harrison is fine now?
    2) Peppermint patties are a good choice for “just-in-case” candy stash! Wizard had been struggling with the decision to buy candy or we just turn off the lights. I’m staying out of the raging debate going on in his head :-)
    3) When I buy a pan of lasagne from my Italian restaurant it’s well over $50.00, so $38.00 sounds right. It has expensive ingredients. And I’d NEVER call you lazy. It’s a two day time investment and you have to be ready to tackle it. The end result will be worth it, though!
    4) Lip gloss is a reasonably priced addiction, so I’d say you deserve it! I like lip glosses when I’m in the mood to buy. Biker Witch and I buy that a lot when we’re out together–it’s in both our budgets.

    I hope you have a great weekend! Oh and thanks on James!

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