Jennifer Lyon

Monday, April 29th, 2019
Weekend Roundup

Yesterday, Youngest and his fiance came over to discuss the guest list for their wedding in November. I’m excited for them! We were talking about the rehearsal dinner too. It’s getting real :-)

I’m also excited for CPA Boy, but I can’t talk about that yet. But here’s a hint, it’s NOT another baby. Right now, Turbo is still king.

And in other news, I was out picking up some shorts I ordered, and saw a very bright green and pink dress (on sale, of course!) that looked kind of, sort of tropical, so I bought it for Hawaii. Here’s a quick pic of it, but note that Wizard said, “It looks much better on.” Whatever. I was too lazy to put it back on, then take a picture, then write the blog :-)

I’ve shopped more lately than I have in years. Most of it’s just necessity to retool a wardrobe to something slightly more appropriate, but this dress was just because the colors made me smile. I normally would never even put these colors together, LOL!

That was pretty much my weekend. How was yours?

6 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    April 29th, 2019 at 5:25 am · Link

    Yay for wedding plans! And yay for CPA boy, whatever it is. (I’m guessing something work related.) Your dress is super cute! You totally have to post a pic of you in it.

    Nothing much happening around here. I finally finished that edit pass of Ugly and the Beast. Now I have to input the edits. Read some. Watched TV. Walked. I’m trying to get back on track with exercising and eating better. Unfortunately, I’m still in baking mode, so I also made lemon bread this weekend and ate a bunch of that. Yum.

  2. Silver James
    April 29th, 2019 at 8:00 am · Link

    Weddings! Fun–and hectic–times! We lookin’ at job news for CPA Boy? I <3 that dress!! I bet you look awesome in it and it's PERFECT for Hawaii. And it totally looks like you. Just sayin'… ;)

    My weekend was quiet. LG had stuffs going on. I stayed in and piddled on the writing front. I did finish consolidating the opening chapters. This week's goal is to get Chp 3 update for the new direction and get Chp 4 done. On the publishing front, I'm finally getting a book updated that I received back from Kindle Worlds. I hope to have it uploaded this week. So, at least I'm making progress, which is something new and different. :lol:

    Have a great week, everyone!

  3. Viki S.
    April 29th, 2019 at 2:29 pm · Link

    You all must be getting very excited about the wedding! Come Nov. all three of your boys will be married. I still have one to go ;).

    I love the dress. The colors are perfect for a tropical vacation. You can dance in the sand and be comfortable.

    I didn’t make guacamole yet. I had hubs take me out for Mexican instead :). They made me gac table side. I am making my own either tomorrow or Wednesday. I could live on it.

    It’s been wet here. I’m not complaining. It will counteract a hot/dry summer.

    Have a great day!

  4. Jenn
    April 29th, 2019 at 6:31 pm · Link

    B.E., Thanks on the dress–the colors made me happy. And nope, not work related for CPA Boy.

    Congrats on finishing the editing pass!!! I know what it feels like to be in edit-mode, and hopefully you can give your brain a rest now.

    YUM lemon bread!!! I’d pick at that all day long. Which is making me think about the cookies in my freezer–no I must resist. And walking is great exercise as long as it’s not causing you pain.

    Hope your week is off to great start!

  5. Jenn
    April 29th, 2019 at 6:35 pm · Link

    Silver, thanks on the dress! Not job news for CPA Boy :-) I’ll share on Friday or Monday when things are more certain.

    I’m worried about LG, and you. I know you guys are as on top of this as you can be though.

    Wow you did get some work done! Yay! All progress counts!

    Hope Monday was good to you!

  6. Jenn
    April 29th, 2019 at 6:41 pm · Link

    Viki, yes I am excited about the wedding and for them :-) It’s almost surreal to have all three boys married soon.

    Thanks on the dress. The image of me dancing in the sand was funny–although I did that at Middle’s wedding last year.

    I bet you make amazing guacamole! It truly is one of life’s pleasures. And I’ve never had it made tableside like that, I’ll have to find a place that does it that way!

    I’m with you–summer’s coming so I’ll take the cooler days. Today we’re having mildly cool weather with light showers. I don’t mind at all.

    I really hope your week is off to a fabulous start!

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