Jennifer Lyon

Friday, July 23rd, 2021
Friday Five

My blog decided not to post again. But then again, it’s been one of those weeks…not bad but nothing working according to MY schedule :-) So Late Happy Friday and here’s the blog:

TGIF! Let’s dive into the sharing five random things.

  1. We’ve been looking at houses again, but that’s a circular path of frustration–especially in the current housing market. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have, and that’s always a good thing.
  2. I mildly hurt something in my shoulder/neck on Wednesday. I didn’t feel it whenever it happened. It just began hurting before I went to bed. I probably pulled something while cleaning the bathrooms or doing yoga. I really want to blame cleaning bathrooms. I’m still happy doing yoga.
  3. I want to make a zillion more cakes and cookies. I’m trying not too. But I have so many recipes and techniques to try! Oh I did make youngest son some cookies on Monday, but those don’t really count.
  4. Writing has been on the back burner. Too much other stuff taking up space in my head.
  5. Turbo is supposed to come over tomorrow. That will be great. Maggie is resting up!

Okay mine are short, but I’d sure love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a truly fun and restorative weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    July 23rd, 2021 at 1:28 pm · Link

    I figured your blog was being obstinate when you didn’t appear on my blog roll this morning. I’m always looking at houses but with no desire to move. because…packing. *shudder* Ouch. I bet you’d find takers if you baked. Writing? AHhahahahahaha Yay Turbo Timeβ„’. Okay, my five:

    1. I didn’t have a stellar writing week but I did get some words written, some new characters popped up, and other characters solidified. πŸ“š

    2. I did something to my left thumb. I couldn’t hold anything, buttoning my jeans was a literal pain, and no clue how or what I actually did. It hurt to spread out my hand, it hurt to move my thumb. I finally did the Ace bandage thing for a couple of days. That seems to have worked. 🀞

    3. LG is working on cleaning the junk-he-brought-home-when-he-closed-his-office stuff in the garage. I’m continuing a bit of decluttering in the kitchen as an “outreach” of doing the pantry. I have partially empty shelves now and a sense of accomplishment. Our local thrift store is loving us currently. πŸ›’

    4. Yesterday, a little Chihuahua showed up in our backyard. Jake was cool with him but Boone was all shaking-his-cane-and-barking “Got offa my yard, pupper!” so it squeezed out the gate and disappeared. Well, lo and behold, he was back this morning. I managed to make friends and we got him inside. We called local animal welfare and the gal originally from South Africa that we like came by. He wasn’t starving but he was older and his nails were way overgrown so she was worried about his care. He was a sweetie, not the usual Chi attitude. I hope he finds a good forever home if his people aren’t cool! 🐢

    5. Aaaand…once again, I come to #5 and have nothing really to add. The Kids have been on vacay all week (home tomorrow evening–and I will be SOOOO happy to have Drover back!) so no Stormy. I’ll just add that as a reward for my decluttering this morning, Jake and I are headed to Starbucks for a treat here in a bit. πŸ₯€

    So th-th-that’s all, folks! Have a great weekend! πŸ₯°

  2. Viki S.
    July 23rd, 2021 at 3:08 pm · Link

    1. Looking at houses is always fun. You’re right, it’s not he right market at present.
    2. Ouch. Sure hope your neck is getting better.
    3. Please continue to take photos and share your cakes with us.
    4. The break in writing may be a good thing, especially with all the other stuff going on.
    5. Turbo time! Have tons of fun.

    How is Wizard’s back? Has he seen his doctor?

    1a. Jury duty was interesting. The guy oozed lies from the stand. But he was trying to get off, so I understand. But what a way to ruin a young life. He just turned 31. Oh well.
    2a. Hurt my leg today. I was about to do a lunge and something happened to my thigh. I could barely get back up the stairs and there was no ellipse, which really stinks since I’ve not been working out due to jury duty.
    3a. We’re supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate DIL’s (middle’s wife) birthday.
    4a. My massage therapist has been off since the end of February. She had a baby and other surgery. I could really use her right now. Hope she comes back soon.
    5a. Haven’t read much lately. I was totally wiped out after court and maybe read a page a day. I hope to get my routine back this week.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Jenn
    July 23rd, 2021 at 5:32 pm · Link

    Silver, like you, I love looking at homes. But packing, moving and unpacking creates shudder-panic. Also, don’t tempt me on baking :-)

    1) That’s progress on the writing front!
    2) That sounds like joint pain in your thumb. Resting it was the right thing to do. Ice can help too. I hope it fully resolves.
    3) Love empty shelves!! You have really been doing some decluttering and organizing big time lately.
    4) Aww on the chihuahua. I’m so glad you were able to get the little guy inside and to a safe place. I’ve met both nice and nasty chi’s. Little dogs sometimes get away with too much attitude, but it sounds like this guy is a sweetheart.
    5) I bet you miss your car! I hope the kids have had a blast and Stormy will have tons of stories to tell you. You and Jake deserve the Starbucks treat! I was going to do that myself and ended up in a quick phone meeting then lost the will to go :-)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Jenn
    July 23rd, 2021 at 5:41 pm · Link

    Viki, Wizard did see the GP, gave him two shots, order xrays and in in the process of referring him to a specialist. Unfortunately the xray machine has been down (waiting for a part) so hopefully Wizard can get that done next week. We’re in a wait mode, but Wizard is handling it okay.

    My neck improved a LOT today, thanks. Now for you:

    1) It’s sad to see lives thrown away like that.
    2) Ouch on your thigh. You must have been very frustrated.
    3) I hope it all works out to go to dinner for DIL’s birthday. Sounds like fun.
    4) Bummer on your massage therapist being out when you can really used the relief. The last two weeks have been stressful, plus the new injury to your thigh :-(
    5) I haven’t read at all, so you’re ahead of me there. But I am listening to audio books, I guess that counts?

    I really hope you can have a relaxing weekend and your thigh feels better.

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