Friday, April 1st, 2022
Friday Five
TGIF! Where do the weeks go? It feels like it’s Monday and I have the whole week in front of me, then I blink and it’s Friday. Anyhow, it’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- Maggie is slowing down just a tad. She still loves going on walks, but she’s wearing out a bit faster. If we’re doing a second walk in the day (if it’s a nice, not too hot day) I probably go close to a couple miles. By the time we get home, she’s begging to go inside. She recover find after she drinks water and rests a bit. I’m mentioning this more as a reminder to myself to make sure I don’t push her too much as the weather warms up. Dogs can and do have heat stroke. But an hour after our second walk, she was running around the back yard chasing two randy pigeons off the fence, so clearly she was fine! By the way, she was very proud that she ran those pigeons off. They were really, um, amorous.
- Oldest sent us a video of Turbo writing his name on a white board. Then he had his dad spell out “dad”, “mom” and my name, “Jen” so he could write them. I think he wrote Wizard’s name too after the video ended. It was so danged cute! He knew all the letters, except “n” for Jen. But daddy showed him, and he did it. I love how excited he is to learn and try things. Writing words when he just turned four is cool, but much more important thing is being willing to try and learn.
- Yesterday I bought a few herbs, and planted them. Keeping in mind that we’re likely moving in late summer, I only got four plants: Basil, Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano. I have these herbs right outside my door off the kitchen so it’s very convenient.
- Wizard’s birthday is next week and he wants “a real cheesecake.” He means homemade, lol. I will happily do that for him. I had to order a new springform pan. It was delivered yesterday, and Wizard was excited when he saw it I hope the cheesecake turns out well. I’ll make it Sunday or Monday.
- If it works out on Sunday, I’m going to try this walking group that I found. Wait until you hear their name: The Walking Winos. ROTFL!!!! The meetup this weekend is at a winery where they’ll do a walk through the vineyards (I think) then a wine tasting. Since I’ll be driving, I won’t be wine tasting, but this sounds like it could be fun. It’s worth a try to see if I’m a good fit. But at the same time, my plans are a little fluid this weekend due to birthday stuff, so we’ll see if I can make it.
That’s my week, now it’s your turn to share! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
April 1st, 2022 at 10:45 am · Link
In reverse order, they need to wine test first then walk so everyone can enjoy and still drive home but what an awesome idea! Yay for new pans and cheesecake! If the herbs are in pots, easy peasy to move. Turbo is soooo smart! And good luck with that. LOL It only gets better. Maggie is such a good girl and yes, slowing down a little but still fierce in her defense of home and family! Okay, my five:
1. Bad news first. I lost the revised version of one of the books I got the rights back to yesterday. I spent 4 hours on Wednesday and another 2 hours yesterday trying to find it in my computer. Nothing. I have no clue what happened. It bummed me out enough that I’m all blah about getting started on any of them. I know. Big girl panties getting pulled up soon.
2. Pistol Pete and Loki have sort of met. They’ve stared at each other across the threshold of the garage door a few times, both unsure. Pete came in during the storms early in the week. “In” meaning garage. I called a resuce but it is kitten season so they’re full up. I’ll try again later. I wouldn’t mind if Pete and Loki made friends. We’d adopt him, especially since I discovered he’s litter box trained and neutered.
3. Stormy’s been here a couple of times this week and comes again this afternoon. The kid does his homework in the car on the way home and then we “make” him read for 20 minutes for his daily quota. Usually, we “forget” how much time has passed and I urge him to at least finish the chapter.
4. I have made a little progress on CROSSFIRE but mainly due to either blog needs or writing prompts. Still, new words are new words.
5. Thank goodness for ESPN+. We’ve been watching a lot of Cowgirl softball. OU has been on Bally a couple of times and the Cardinals have been on MLB and Bally. I am sooo ready for opening day and full-time televising of games. Why yes, I am a softball/baseball nut. Why do you ask? LOL Also, LG’s eye is getting better so he’s been able to watch without a lot of pain so yay!
Tomorrow is siren test and Mexican food. Yay! It’s the only reason I actually look forward to a new month. Otherwise, I just freak at how fast time is bassing. LOLOL Have a great weekend, all!
April 1st, 2022 at 1:23 pm · Link
Happy Birthday, Wizard! Yay for super-smart Turbo! Aww, poor Maggie. Yay for herbs and cheesecake and finding a walking group. I hope they’re as much fun as the name sounds.
1) I’m kind of in a bleh mood today, but I didn’t want you to think I skipped stopping by.
2) I’m thinking dinner tonight will be some kind of casserole. Tomorrow, roast chicken – if it’s defrosted by then.
3) We’re trying to get back on some kind of exercise schedule. Hubs used to do every other day, so he’s working on that. I used to try to do something every day, so that’s my goal. Today… Well, we can try starting that again tomorrow.
4) I need to make brownies. It feels like a brownie kind of mood.
5) It’s a lovely day here in Missouri. The sun is shining. The birds are tweeting. Everything is turning green. I love Spring.
April 1st, 2022 at 3:07 pm · Link
1. We’re all slowing down a bit so it isn’t surprising that Maggie is too. It’s good that she recovers rather fast. Love how she took care of those birds – yuck – birds.
2. Oh that video must be so cute. It’s so special when they learn to write. Such proud moments.
3. Great choices in herbs. You’ll be able to make great use out of them for several months.
4. Love the “real” cheesecake. Guys are so funny. I’m sure it will turn out excellent!
5. Great name for the walking group. I sure hope it works out for you.
1a. Youngest put a bid in on a house built in the 1860’s on 11 acres. It was accepted and the inspection is going on right now. It’s an “as is” buy and things are not looking good. He already knew he’s have to put in a new spetic, oh boy.
2a. Spunk has not thrown up since being on the Prednisone. It’s been 6 days. Hope I didn’t just jinx it.
3a. Looks like Harrison and family will be moving into a rented house in TN while a house is being built for them. The move is scheduled for the 11th.
4a. I may have found someone to do my hair. My banker suggested the stylist. I’m going to see her on Tuesday next week. Sure hope it works out.
5a. I’ve been on a point and click spending spree. Discover is going to love me this month 😉. I bought face cream, leggins, a knife sharpener, and much more 😊.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
April 1st, 2022 at 3:37 pm · Link
Silver, LOLOL! I tell Oldest “good luck with that” on Turbo’s smarts all the time. I’m nicer to my daughter-in-law
1) Well crap, that is bad news and ultra frustrating when you can’t find the missing file. I feel your pain on that!
2) Hmm, it sounds cautiously hopefully that Pistol Pete and Loki might accept each other. I don’t know a lot about cats, but they sound as if they’re making slow and steady progress.
3) Stormy’s such a great kid!
4) All the new words count!
5) I didn’t even need confirmation that you’re a softball and baseball fan, LOL! But it’s great to have hobbies and passions in life. I’m really glad LG’s eye is healing.
Enjoy the Mexican food and family time!
April 1st, 2022 at 3:43 pm · Link
B.E., the name made me laugh. My sense of humor is weird and very selective
1) You’re so nice to stop by even on a bleh day. I tend to retreat on those days so I get it.
2) Crossing my fingers your chicken defrosts by tomorrow. Casseroles are good (in my opinion not Wizard’s, LOL) But tonight we’re picking up pizza.
3) It’s it amazing how hard it is to get into and maintain and exercise routine, but so danged easy to slip out of one and stop??? Wishing you both success! Any movement is good.
4) Brownies! Is there ever a bad time for brownies???
5) I’m with you, I love Spring too. (And Fall).
I hope your brownies and spring cure the blehs. Have a great weekend!
April 1st, 2022 at 3:53 pm · Link
Viki, I tried to buy herbs I’d use often. Basil is my favorite, then Rosemary for chicken and potatoes. But the others are two I cook with often enough. I went there to buy two, LOL. Still four isn’t bad, they all fit on my little table and if they are still doing well, easy enough to move.
1) It’s exciting that Youngest found a house and his offer was accepted! But I can see the worries. I really hope it works out for him.
2) That’s a good sign for Spunk. This vet sounds like a keeper, who really didn’t want Spunk suffering needlessly. Some digestive issues can’t be helped, but maybe this one can.
3) I hope they can find a rental and settle in. It’s hard to find one here.
4) Recommendations like that are very helpful. I’m crossing my fingers for you to love the new hair dresser.
5) I have those months too! Hope you love all your new purchases.
I hope the leak is all resolved now and you have a good weekend!