Friday, April 15th, 2022
Friday Five
TGIF. Let’s jump right into sharing 5 random things about our week:
- I made spaghetti sauce last night and used some fresh oregano from my mini herb garden along with my dried herbs. It turned out good.
- I finished another Lucy Score book. She’s sort of my crack right now. It’s the brassy heroine, snappy dialogue and fast paced plot. (FYI: Her writing is very sexy and explicit, which some readers may not love.) In the last couple years I’ve read a lot of deep and dark books, so this is a nice break.
- I’ve worked on some fondant flowers. I’m making a cake for my mother in law’s birthday in another week, and I can’t settle on a simple design that I can transport. But either way, it’s practice, and kind of relaxing to work on the flowers. However, my session was cut short by a phone call from my sister-in- law. The problem with that is we talk too much, LOL! Wizard was gone when she called, came home, went upstairs to work out, came downstairs saw me on the phone and laughed. It’s funny because these days I usually get off the phone pretty quick. My sister-in-law and I clearly need an intervention
- The three pairs of sandals I ordered came, and I’m keeping two of them. That’s a big win for me. Normally I’m too cheap to even order them, but I really need a summer options to my favorite comfortable flip flops. Plus Wizard was chatting, “If they fit keep them!” It’s possible he brainwashed me…just saying…
- We’re going to Middle Son and his lovely wife’s house for Easter. All the boys, wives and Turbo will be there. I’m looking forward to it. Plus Middle’s wife is an excellent cook. I’m always willing to try her dishes even if it’s out of my normal range. And she’s gracious when I can’t eat something because of my stomach. I’m taking deviled eggs and some dairy free cookies, so it’s pretty easy for me. Oh and I get to see Jett and Hazel, their two dogs. It should be a nice weekend.
So that’s my fine, but I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone who celebrates has a Happy Easter! Happy weekend to all!
April 15th, 2022 at 7:26 am · Link
Yay for cooking with home-grown ingredients! Yay for reading crack! (That didn’t sound right. LOL) Yay for fondant practice and a phone chat with your SIL. Yay for cute shoes that fit and for Wizard coaxing you to keep them. Have a fun Easter with your kids and grandkids (both human and fur). :hugs:
1) I didn’t find a ham I liked for Easter dinner, so we’re having steak and shrimp.
2) The wild violets that make up most of my side yard are blooming right now. It’s a sea of little purple flowers. Yay.
3) My local feed store was out of corn, so I bought something called Barn Mix. It has some sweet feed in it. Needless to say, the deer are very happy.
4) Tick-ma-geddon 2022 should begin this weekend. That’s when Hubs sprays the yard. It’s pretty tick-infested here in the woods, so if he didn’t do that, we’d be forced to either stay inside or cover ourselves with OFF. Yay, Hubs.
5) I finally finished The Three Musketeers (the book, not the candybar). So, I can check that off my reading bucket list.
April 15th, 2022 at 7:47 am · Link
Yummy home-grown spices, yay for good books, flowers for the win and lucky you for having a wonderful SiL, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad, and yay for family time this weekend! All good stuffs there. My five.
1. My wisteria bloomed. Like…overnight! I have pics on my blog today.
2. Pete is turning into a garage cat. He came in Wednesday because it was chilly and going to almost freezing that night. I tried to get him out yesterday. Nope. He wasn’t havin’ it. Not sure what we’re going to do.
3. Speaking of the ferals… The original cat lady across the street called to ask if I’d seen Witchy, the momma cat. I haven’t in quite awhile. She was preggers the last time either of us saw her. We’re hoping someone trapped her and she’s in foster until kitten(s) are born so they can be adopted out, she can be spade and released back. Lucifer is MIA, as is Hi-Jinx, though I have seen him a couple of times lately. BeeGee has also disappeared, though Smudge, one of Witchy’s kittens is back–sort of. S/he was trapped at one point and fixed (cropped ear) and released back. Smudge comes over to eat with Shylock sometimes. Shy is feeling a little lonely these days. He loves other cats, it’s people he doesn’t trust.
4. LG bought golf clubs for Stormy. Don’t ask me why. Okay, actually, they were at LG’s fave thrift store and Stormy found a partial set of kid-sized clubs. $5 for clubs and bag. They puttered around in the backyard (no pun intended) and Stormy was all excited and told his dad all about it when he got home. Well, yesterday, LG comes home with a full set of clubs in a really cool bag ($29 used) and is researching youth golf programs. I…have no words. Only and I just roll our eyes and go one. Who knows? Maybe the kid will latch onto it like Only did with softball.
5. Finally, for the big news. Remember me saying that the completed revision of one of the books I got the rights back to had “disappeared”? I spent close to 24 hours over 3 days looking for it in my hard drive, my cloud backups, and every other place I could think of. Well, I walked into the office yesterday and the computer had spontaneously rebooted. I had Word open and when I clicked on the icon in my task bar, it opened to a recovery pane. There were like ten documentes there. I’d only had one open. I started looking closer. Lo and behold, two of the documents were labled with SEAL MOON (the lost MS). One was the original but the second? The second was the revised. I cried. I really did. Right after I saved that sucker to all sorts of places. LOL Anyway, I’m hoping it’s rediscovery will get me out of the writing black hole I’ve been drowning in. I think at this point, I might just hold them all untill done and then release all at the same time. I can’t decided which would be the best marketing move because…yeah…I suck at marketing. Anyway, my week is ending on a happy note.
Today, I’ll try to give blood again. Last time, my hemoglobin count wasnt high enough. I’ve been taking an iron supplement and eating more red meat. Tomorrow, the James Gang is gathering to celebrate Easter and Baseball Boy’s now belated birthday. It’ll be fun.
Happy Good Friday and Passover. Happy Easter. Have a great weekend, all! 🥰
April 15th, 2022 at 3:24 pm · Link
1. Yum! Sauce with fresh herbs is a WIN!
2. I’m happy you’ve found a fun author to read. AS I’ve gotten older, I can really do without the explicit sex scenes, so I just skip over them.
3. I’d love to see your flowers when you feel ready to share them. Ha Ha – Wizard caught you 😊. You must have had a real nice time talking to SIL.
4. Great shopping with the sandals.
5. Have a fantastic time with all the family at Middle and DIL’s. It will be great to have the family together and you get to visit the pups 🥰.
1a. Hubs has been going over to Harrison’s daily helping watch him while they finish up moving stuff. They leave Monday. DIL just invited me over yesterday, but now it doesn’t fit with what I have to do this weekend. I may just drive over tomorrow and see Harrison for a couple minutes before I have to get back to work. I will miss the dude.
2a. It’s windy! I had to go to the store for last minute Easter stuff and the wind keep taking hold of my car. I don’t like that.
3a. I bought a dress on line and it arrived yesterday. It fits!!! I’m shocked and happy.
4a. Asked hubs what he wants for his birthday. He’s getting a letter opener. Now he’s a cheap date 😂.
5a. Queso, middle, DIL, youngest and his sig fig will be here Sunday for Easter. We haven’t been together since Christmas. Sure wish Harrison and family would/could come but she won’t even if they weren’t moving the next day. She’s still afraid of Covid. Oh well.
I wish you all a very Happy Easter/ Passover/ Ramadan! Enjoy the weekend.
April 15th, 2022 at 4:48 pm · Link
B.E., thanks on all! Okay now for you:
1) Steak and shrimp works! Sorry you couldn’t find a ham, though.
2) Awesome on your carpet of purple flowers! We get than on our side hill too (although Wizard has three colors on there) and it’s pretty.
3) Yay for the deer! They may just be happy that there’s an easy way to get food. It can’t be easy for them to forage for themselves.
4) You definitely don’t want ticks on you! Good Hubs for doing whatever it takes to protect yourselves.
5) Hope The Three Musketeers was worth the read!
Enjoy your steak and shrimp and Happy Easter!
April 15th, 2022 at 4:59 pm · Link
Silver, the two out of three was a win for me
1) I saw the wisteria, and they’re beautiful!
2) Huh, Pete’s all but moving in. I wish I had an answer. Maybe a cat rescue will have a spot open up soon.
3) I’m hoping the same for Witchy. There’s no way to know unless she turns up again. You have a nice neighbors to care about these cats.
4) LG is an awesome grandpa and shopper Great prices for clubs, and why not let Stormy try out different things? It’s good experience for him. LOL at you and your daughter rolling your eyes. Pretty sure my daughter-in-law and I have done the same.
5) That’s an awesomely great story! So happy for you Silver, and I’d have cried too if I found the two versions of the book. I’m thrilled for you. You didn’t ask for my opinion, but off the bat, I’d say get all the books ready then release them a week or two apart.
Hope your hemoglobin is up for all the reasons, and have a great weekend celebrating Easter and BB’s birthday!
April 15th, 2022 at 5:11 pm · Link
Viki, they are just roses, so nothing exciting. I wanted to do other flowers, but I don’t want to wire them. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do, but had fun playing. I’m similar on the sex scenes, but these I didn’t mind.
1) Yay for hubs, but I’m sorry you haven’t had a chance to see him. Hope you can find time this weekend. I can imagine all that you have to do, though. I know you’ll miss him
2) Glad you were able to get home safe in the winds.
3) That’s always a win!!
4) He’ll love his letter opener I’m sure he really wants it if he asked. It’s hard to come up with gifts these days. We feel the struggle here for sure.
5) Hope Spunk is ready for Queso!! You guys will have a great time. I know you’ll really miss seeing Harrison and his family. On the other hand, sometimes just having the one son and their family is nice too.
I hope you have a great Easter weekend!!