Friday, August 12th, 2022
Friday Five
TGIF!! Let’s all share five random things about our week. Here’s mine.
- Wizard and I are rarely bored. But this week, we’ve been bored. Now that the panic of where to live is solved since we are able to rent back here for the month of September, we’re living in limbo. We have half the house packed, it’s hot as Hades outside, so what do we do? It’s annoying stuff, my basil plants looks good and I wanted to try making a pesto sauce but my food processor is packed. I can unpack it since the boxes are clearly marked but I don’t want to undo the work I’ve done.
- On Tuesday afternoon we were so bored, I talked Wizard into furniture shopping. We aren’t buying, just looking at things we might want in the new house eventually. Because we weren’t buying, we found stuff, couches, a dining table, and a desk Isn’t that always the way. The surprise find though was a hallway table with a wine rack in it. We definitely want that table, but not until we are in the new house. Right now, it’s just more clutter to move. And we’re not exactly believing the promises of move-in dates at this point.
- Wednesday I went to my regular doctor, whom I like a lot. So he was comparing my latest bloodwork numbers with the previous year and said, “You’re cholesterol has gone down, you’re doing great.” And me, being glib (translation: a smart ass) said something to the effect of, “That’s because the I can’t eat many foods anymore.” You know what I should have said, “Thanks that’s good news. But no, I had to be a little snarly and you know what that got me? A trip to the gastroenterologists with a strong suggestion that I have a double scope procedure. LOL! Okay, truthfully, the reasons I went in to the docs was to request the referral to a gastroenterologist, but my doctor was way, WAY ahead of me. Once I said that and he fired off a rapid fire verbal quiz, then bent over his computer ordering the referral before I could ask for it. I didn’t even get a vote in the decision Just to be clear, though, we are not looking for anything scary here, just to see if there’s inflammation and determine the right coarse of treatment, if any, in addition to dietary. Otherwise, I’m healthy.
- My dress came and I really like it! Here’s a pic of it on the hanger. It doesn’t show it off at it’s best, but you can get the idea. It fits, so I think I’ll keep it.
- Maggie is bored too. She tries to go outside and chase lizards, but I limit her time outside, then make her come in and cool down. So we pretty much play in and out all day, but when the temps are over a 100, heat stroke is a very real possibility in people and dogs. She is very good about drinking lots of water so that helps.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
August 12th, 2022 at 5:27 am · Link
Gah, I’m sorry boredom has taken over right now. Limbo sucks. Yay for furniture shopping, but bummer about finding good stuff that you can’t buy right now. Sorry to hear about the gastro problems, but it sounds like you have an awesome doctor. Ooo, pretty dress! And aww, poor Maggie. :hugs:
1) Work is busy busy busy. And busier this week than usual. Here’s hoping next week quiets down a bit. The shortage of skilled workers is real, man.
2) I have a tiny friend at work. It’s a baby lizard who visits me sometimes when I’m out smoking. At first I thought he was some kind of funky spider but then he stopped running, turned and looked at me. So cute. Maggie would have a blast chasing him. Thank goodness she’s not here.
3) My brain is all work all the time right now. Which makes me really boring to be around. Poor Hubs.
4) Speaking of Hubs, he’s doing a most excellent job on all my chores. Way better than I ever did. The house is SO clean. Plus, he made a super yummy dinner for me last night – pork roast with carrots and potatoes. Mmmm.
5) Today is Owl’s 29th birthday. Due to stuff and because of reasons, we’re estranged, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still thinking of her and wishing her the best.
August 12th, 2022 at 7:26 am · Link
Bored beats the alternative–running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Just sayin’… Limbo = just UGH! Can you put the furniture on layaway? That way the store stores it and then delivers when you’re ready… Good doc! Hang onto him. They are few and far between! Ooh! Pretty dress. Definitely a keeper! And yeah, black dogs are especially susceptable to the heat. But hey, the family that’s bored together plays together, right? Okay, my five.
1. Stormy has been here 4 of 5 days. Or will be. Monday and Tuesday were good. He’s working through a math workbook to get back in a school frame of mind. Wednesday, he went to school-school with Baseball Boy. Stormy had a doctors appointment in the afternoon that BB took off for. Yesterday, he and Big Daddy went to Top Golf and hit golf balls. Today is a school function for him and I’ll pick him up at 11 to stay here until after BB finishes his school day.
2. Yeah, probably not going to get the books out by Tuesday. The following Tuesday, maybe. Those last 10 pages? I STILL have 10 pages to go. Not because I haven’t bewen working, but because I have and I keep adding stuff. Like almost 10 pages! 🤦🏼♀️
3. Shoulder is going better. I’m trying not to “mouse it” so much and when I do have to use the mouse extensively, I put the pad on the keyboard drawer. It’s a “pain” to switch it out of the way when I need to type, but it beats the very real pain of the alternative.
4. It’s hot, though we have dropped below 100 for a couple of days. We got a very light rain and I need to water again tomorrow. I am so ready for this weather pattern to get lost!
5. For the first time in 12 years, I switched out the center console in the backseat of my Highlander to be a bench seat. It was easier than expected. Either section (console or seat) slides in beneath the frontseat center console. Since Stormy is old enough to ride in the front seat now, I switched over so Jake can have the whole back seat. Two forseeable problems–no pass-thru to the cargo area now and no cup holder for his puppacino from Starbucks. There is a pull-out cupholder on the back side of the frontseat console. However, there are heat/ac controls just above it. We’ll see. I can always switch back if he hates it. We’ll find out today when we go pick up Stormy.
That’s my five. And yes, I was soooo totally scrambling for anything to report. 🤣 Have a great weekend, all! Stay cool if you can.
August 12th, 2022 at 3:26 pm · Link
1. I can understand being bored when half your house is packed away. I would not unpack the processor either ;).
2. I love furniture window shopping (we never buy anything). That table sounds great. Any place to store wine within easy reach is a win.
3. You are so funny with your doctors. It’s nice that yours is on the ball and has you getting the GI done.
4. I like your dress. I bet it looks great on you. The color looks like it would be very flattering with your hair. Yes, I’m strange like that.
5. Poor Maggie. That heat is just awful. I’m glad she’s a good drinker. Dehydration is a real problem with so many animals.
1a. Hubs got the hearing aids and they were too big for his tiny ears so they exchanged them for others that fit nice. We tried them for an hour today and it looks like a win.
2a. The kids are all pushing hubs about memory stuff and his hearing. They are all getting a nastygram from mom (me). The push is too much. They don’t get that you have to take small steps. He’s really getting frustrated and up set so mom is laying down the law.
3a. I scheduled my birthday massage. It will be Tuesday. A couple days late but good enough for me. My shoulder will be very happy.
4a. It’s a good night for Spunk tonight and he knows it. He saw me take bacon out of the refrigerator. BLT night.
5a. Tomorrow I’m going to make brownies. I figure I’ll frost them which I never do and use them as my birthday cake on Sunday.
I keep praying that the heat breaks soon.
Have a great weekend!
August 12th, 2022 at 3:31 pm · Link
B.E., thanks on the dress! My doctor is good and we know we are lucky. At least furniture shopping helped us visualize a few things, so it was productive. Now for you:
1) I hear that about skilled workers everywhere. Hope you guys all get a break soon.
2) I’m glad Maggie’s not there either! Yay for your tiny friend
3) I’m like that so I get the work brain that won’t turn off.
4) Wow hubs is rocking the stay at home role! You’re both lucky that you chose to support one another this way.
5) I hope she has a wonderful birthday and that this year brings reconciliation for you and her.
Have a great weekend and hope you get the down time you need.
August 12th, 2022 at 3:38 pm · Link
Silver, you’re right it could be much worse than a little boredom. We’re just going to wait on furniture, we have stuff we will use until we’re ready for that step. And YES we really value our doc. We’ve had the bad, so we know to appreciate the good!
1) Yay for all the Stormy time, but wow, you all have busy life schedules to maintain. It’s awesome that you’re all able to work together.
2) Sounds like you’re not quite ready to be done with that book. And that will make it an even better story!
3) I’ve had to do that with my mouse pad for years, so I totally get it. It helps though so keep doing it despite the inconvenience.
4) Yes!! I’m ready for the weather to cool to bearable too.
5) The seat issue is alllll about Jake and his beloved pupaccino! That just makes me smile so hard
Your five was great! Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend!
August 12th, 2022 at 3:49 pm · Link
Viki, thanks, I like the dress. It’s a little blinging, but then, why not? I normally have trouble getting Wizard to just window shop for furniture, so this turned out to be a good thing. But we want to be in the house before we buy so we can be sure things fit and function as we want them too. This is only the second doctor I can just talk to like this. He doesn’t tolerate any crap from me either which is really good (like not wanting to do tests, I mean.) I like to pretend I can diet, exercise or mentally will good health
1) Well it’s a pain to have to exchange them, but yay for finding a good fit that works for him.
2) You’re a good wife! Baby steps is definitely the way to go. Both Hubs and you deserves some patience as the two of you navigate this.
3) Good on getting your birthday massage scheduled! I really hope it helps your shoulder! Happy Early Birthday (its in 2 days, I think)!
4) Spunk is so smart! Of course he knows he gets some of that bacon!
5) Brownies are an amazing cake as long as they are what you want! I’d definitely go for brownies too.
I hope the heat breaks for all of us, and the rains stop in places getting hammered.
It’s a special birthday weekend for you and I hope it’s amazing!